horror stories!!!

I was really stoned and all the family is in bed. I get really hungry and go for the box of honey bunches of oats, I pour a big bowl of cereal.....i can taste it.... i open the fridge.........and....There is no milk!!!! Aahhhhh!
Bad stoner and dad!..no milk? My kids would have me disemboweled...lol
Hmm...new thread..'cereal connesieur'?
No milk for me..water and beer..humans are the only species on earth that drink anothers milk..in rare instances it has occured in the wild(squirrels and raccoons for example)...your body isn't designed for milk..just like cows aren't supposed to eat corn..they eat grass..stupid farmers!..lol
Although I do like the occasional icecream or cheese..I have lots of friends who chug milk all day..I just can't do it..not my cup of milk :-)
There's many wonderful products made from dairy, and it's a wonderful ingredient, but I can not stand to drink milk.
1994, I was in Oakland at some Dead shows. I was not able to score a ticket (back then people were selling there souls to see jerry). I ended making a dose me sign and playing in the lot. The sign worked, probably to good. I got dosed, and dosed and dosed some more! Then I realize that the parking lot is almost empty and the only people left are just a spun as me and the cops are starting to arrest the people that were left. Seems like I didn't notice 30,000 cars leaving around me. I took off to the closest store a few blocks away from the collesium and everyone on the sidewalk was completely wrecked and had nothing to say, or just could not. I stopped at the store for some smokes and some gangsta looking dudes come into the store and start giving the clerk all kinds of shit. Apparantly during rap concerts none of the local business stay open and the thugs found all the tripping people to be offensive. All the while they kept yelling to make sure the car was still runnning. I suddenly realized I was in Oakland (people rap about this place) and thought we were all about to get shot. My heart started beating so hard I thought it may burst. I quickly left to wander the town. I ended up pitching on a room with some very cracked out deadheads. And met a crack dealer on roller skates that night. Maybe not a horror story but it scared the fuck out of me for a moment!

Not quite related, this past June I was at Electric Forest Festival and security ended up fucking with some people by me. By the time it was over the state pigs had my MDMA, LSD, Mushrooms, and deems. They only charged me with the MDMA. It has been a long, shitty few months. Anyways, went to court on monday for sentancing. Prepared to do the 30-90 days that I was told I would be doing. The judge was just letting everyone go. I ended up with no probation, no jail, no drug testing and I even get most of my bond back. Only condition is that I stay out of trouble for 9 months or do 9 months. Sweet! I have a med card and from now on will only carry what I'm prepared to eat or can disguise as a business card!
One dude was caught with over a 1/2 ounce of molly and another of K, as well as what the prosecuter reffered to as several hundered grams of assorted substances and $24000 cash and they only gave him 30 days. The prosecuter told the judge to please give him more time and the judge seem to actually care about the dudes well being, wished him well and l et him go! Only 30 day, bet he was sure fucking happy!
^ Lol, I know that feeling that your heart may burst on acid all too well. Not a good feeling. That second story is the opposite of a horror story. Dudes gonna do all 30 days with a big smile.
I got chased by a carload of people when walking home alone at 2 AM from a friend's house while still tripping balls on shrooms. That was not a fun experience.

The environment totally makes or breaks your shroom experience...
That's one reason I never went to electric forest..its bust bait from what all the fam says...I wanna go but I wanna have fun,not be paranoid!..
Oakland and acid..wow.
I had a similar story walking to harlem trying to fing dope while shrooming..then I went to a tool concert in east rutherford..weird times..I bought dope from pat(remember pat from Saturday night live..man or woman?)..this crackhead I couldn't tell if it was a man or woman or wookie..lol..freaked me out but we went to harlem and I got hooked up,but hadda wait..I'm waiting so long I'm pissing in the corner of stoops(something I hate to do)..colps saw me and just kept walking..I knew I was gonna get busted..I caught up with my heart around. 126th street..lol

1978, A car full of us, maybe 7. We pull WAAAAY out into a field, I mean WAAAY out, where there were just trails for bikes, no trees, just dried grass. The point was we had no where else to go to try out my new shipment of afghani. I fill the pipe, pass it around, pass it again and then in the distance we see headlights. Remember - 1978, a time where hash would put you in jail for time and a half. None of us actually believes the lights are those on a car that has left the highway but sure enough, they are coming toward us, and sure enough we can see the siloete of a police car. the car pulls right up in front of us, high beams, search light. The car stopps there for a moment, backs up a few feet and rolls right off the trail and goes around us and rumbles off. I am sure they saw 14 wide eyes in the car and have no idea what prompted the cop to continue on - horror.

I get stopped, I am under the influence of god knows what. The cop flashes his big flashlight on my right front tire "the tread is worn there, see? " "I look and as I do a medicine vial full of pot falls out of my top pocket, the cop points the light at the vial as I bend down and swipe it up, slipping it back in my pocket. "you ARE going to get new tires, right?" he asks, I say yes and go on my way.

I am pulled over, the cop asks for my driver's license and registration, as I open my glove compartment I see that I have forgotten the vacuum sealed oz of mushrooms stashed there. The cop sees it. "what are those" he asks, "oh, those are dried mushrooms, I make tea out of them". "never heard of that" he says, I show him my paperwork and am on my way.

A friend and I are stopped, the cop asks "is there pot in that vehicle sir?" My friend, who is driving says "I don't know". I think, now why the hell did you say that? "If you don't know, does that mean there might be sir?" "yes, it is my brother's car and I don't know what he does with his pot". So we sit as they strip the car and find nothing. We get home and tell his brother and he goes to the glove compartment, digs around and yanks a half an ounce out of a fake wd40 can.

I got lots of those kinds of stories but I don't know if they are horror stories or.... pre-horror stories.
they may not be horror stories but they are funny stories nonetheless. i especially like the mushroom one lol.

My brother, who until he became a jerk was a very funny and devious person. He HATES cops. He learned the cop "patter", designed to disrupt and disorient. The cop says "what is your name", "where are you headed", "where did you come from", "what is your address". They do it to upset you or slow you down so they can figure out what the story really is. So when he is stopped he says "my name is Peter Canndo, I live at 11345 vernon lane, I am going home from a party at 1212 junction place" He says it immediately after he is confronted. Now, the cop is disoriented. As he asks his patter questions my brother says "I TOLD you that", so the cop asks the next one and he says "I TOLD YOU THAT". it usually puts the cop in a foul mood but my brother never cares and he is generaly let go. I learned all I know about cops from him. I was once stopped for a DUI. What was really going on was that I was reaching for an orange that had rolled under the passenger seat so I was swerving. I had come from a Cuban herf, now if you don't know what that is, it is a group of people who swap and smoke cuban cigars, and this one had a bonus - lots and lots and LOTS of cuban club rum - my favorite. I spent hours there smoking cubans, and swapping them. So I left with a top pocket packed with various cuban sticks. I knew I was far too drunk to drive so I went to a friends house to wait it out. Finally I started up again, and when I was pulled over the first question was "how much have you had to drink tonight sir". My brother taught me that cops believe (rightly) that people always lie about how much they had to drink and they usually double what you tell them. I said "I figure I must have had about 20 drinks tonight officer". Well that pissed him off but I blew one point lower than drunk and when THAT
pissed him off I offered him a cuban cigar. Some vagrant in the bushes at the 7-11 where I was stopped came out of the bushes afterward and said "man I was SURE he was going to take you away = I was so grateful that I was let go that I gave the guy a 20 for doing a shitty job cleaning my windshield.

But that isn't the story I wanted to tell. We had a friend we called "the fetus" because when he got high he would find a place and curl up like a baby. A bunch of us took a bunch of acid and found ourself in the middle of a riot, maybe 60 people on the beach throwing rocks at the police - to this day I don't know why. I have been in a few riots and have this knack for getting out early - which I did but the fetus and my brother and a few others, including that guy who told the police he didn't know if there was pot in the car wound up in the middle of the riot. The fetus was caught, beaten and taken to jail, my brother and my friend saw the whole thing.

The next day a bunch of us went to the jail in order to give moral support to this guy, but here is the thing - that guy who told the police he didn't know if there was pot in the car? his father was a superior court judge. My brother spotted one of the arresting officers reading a newspaper in the adjacent courthouse and sidled up to him. Along came another friend of his and he raised his voice a bit. "Hey Bob, did you hear the fetus got arrested last night? yeah, you know I feel sorry for the arresting officers, Judge Foster himself is coming down to bail the guy out, I figure those poor officers will probably get suspenended with pay at the very least, gee, it's too bad about those officer's wives and kids, I don't know what everyone is going to tell them". As this was going on, sure enough the judge was wending his way down the corridor shaking hands with police and lawyers "hows the wife Bill? Your mother in law doing ok Rob?" and all the time my brother is watching the arresting officer hiding behind his newspaper watching the newspaper shake more and more violently as that policeman began to realize the horrible mistake he had made.

My brother realy hates cops.
Ah, my favorite A bunch of us were cruizing on Halloween, it was still daylight and we stopped to smoke a bowl in my brother's car. we had been tossing eggs at houses - don't ask me why, we were assholes - some of us grew out of it. So, when we pulled over my brother got out of the car with two eggs - and he threw them on the windshield of his own car, then he got in side and we smoked - and smoked, long about dusk we saw a cop slowly coming down the street toward us. My brother lept out of the car, high as could be and started waiving down the cruizer while we were still inside the car, smoke billowing out of the door he had just opened. The cop pulled up to him as he pointed to the windshield of his car and he started screaming "those BASTARDS EGGED MY CAR - my CAR, look, whereupon the cops asked which way and what kind of car, he made something up and pointed down the street, they took off in persuit - of... us. He got back in the car, took another hit and got out to wash the egg off of the windshield.

He really hates cops.
It has been said the Irish love their little treats . Now I am more convinced than ever that this is true. I guess I am making this reference more so with alcohol than with drugs. Although from reports I have heard , the country is no stranger to mind altering substances either. I had two college buddies that travelled there a few years ago. Their feedback was so surprising to me. Instead of a conservative oh so holy society that forms many perceptions of Ireland, they saw firsthand the abundance of drugs of all stripes everywhere. Ireland comes across as a very stressed place from all accounts. I know the economy is nowhere like before. This may account for the escape needed from everyday living. My buddy told me that while they were staying in a hostel, he saw two overdoses . One on E and the other on PCP. Ambulances each time and cops touring the place. His overall concensus is that in Ireland, the stress of life along with the innate nature for some there to want more and more does not auger well for mental and physical health. I live in California and no stranger to mind altering substances. In all my time I have only come across one situation where an acquaintance overdosed on meth. Once was enough I have to add as the ordeal was not one I will forget. I much prefer allowing the drug any drug to work slowly and enjoy it , rather than being so whacked that knives and other weapons can be used to do some really serious damage. Not cool imo in any shape or form. Look what is happening in the USA with bath salts and one leaves with the conclusion ...wtf would anybody do that shit !
overdose on meth? thats hard to do ... Ive never heard of anyone Oding on meth and I live in the nexus of methdom