horror stories!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey what can I say..I like holidays(except christmas)...so,for me halloween is a holiday..and being theme specific and this being the H.S. section,I pose this topic..worst,most horrific trip ever..???
Whatever drug,time,situation..what was the worst most scariest trip/experience with any drug??
I've got hundreds,one that ranks up there is when I took too much wash up and was staying with my grandparents..my little sister was staying the night..I got so high and so scared for some reason I curled up next to my sister who was sleeping(no incest jokes) just to be near a human that would save me if I were to die..I ended up walking down to the crack house down the street and hung with crackhead kelly,till I came coherent enough to walk back home and greet the day..my sister saved my sanity that night..horrific acid trip,but I learned a lesson..mop up gets you fucked up!


Well-Known Member
My worst, by far, was the first and only time I tried DOC. I used to be really into RCs, this one changed that for me in a lot of ways.

Basically it goes like this...I bought some DOC powder, mixed a measured amount into a measured amount of vodka to give me a dilute for for accurate dosing, the dosage on DOC is like 2-3 mg I think. So anyway, that's done and I dose up...in hindsight, I should've started on the lower end of the dosing scale, but I didn't and that was my first mistake. Anyway, as the night wears on, I start getting deeper I to this experience, which was way too intense for me, simply put I was not prepared...second mistake. When you're having a bad trip, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, time seems to pass by very slowly...well, that's what happened, the night seemed to last for ages and when the morning finally came around I was still tripping pretty hard. I continued tripping well into the afternoon, by that time I was so worn down both mentally and physically, I just started crying...it lasted so long and I really felt like I was going through hell the entire time.

That's mine. It was just a really bad trip, and I didn't have any tricks up my sleeve to help ease the situation...and by tricks I mean benzos. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The time the trip lasted I woulda cried for joy!..but those intense introspective trips fuck with you..and for a long time..it usually ends in the fear.


Well-Known Member
I've already posted all of mine, the one where I took a massive amount of amides, didn't feel anything and then took a huge dose of acid, then felt the amides. My buddy did the same thing an hour and a half or so after me so he got to watch as I went nuts, knowing full well that his time was coming in about an hour or so afterward - all night- of course that was more his horror story than mine.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I read that one canndo...I remember the nice one with you riding up the coast..how can I find it?


Well-Known Member
I find it weird not much on this thread..we've all had intense horrific trips..none are bad but just crazy intense,or bad situations arose..perhaps they stayed bad or improved and eventually proved to be funny..


Well-Known Member
I was tripping on shrooms at my friends house. He and his girlfriend start fighting, arguing something awful and screaming at each other. Well, I lived next door so just said ok piece good night and went home. Well, the fear set in , for whatever reason it came over me like a wave. I think the screaming match between my two drunk friends set off something in my mind. I was living alone at the time, coming off of a bad break up. I was drinking and smoking and just partying in general, so I know why I got the fear, but man that shit is intense to deal with. ... as the shrooms wore off and the night went on I sat on my bed starring into the abyss which was my hallway....that fucking dimly lit hallway that opened to my kitchen and dark front room....i hallucinated transparent beings float in and out of existence seemingly made up in my own head and manifesting in front of me... full on audio hallucinations as well; including footsteps and sounds of movement in general..... a night of fear and loathing... more intense than any horror movie ive seen. I stayed on my bed starring into the hallway until the sun came up.... when the sun came up , I went outside and had the best cigarette I have ever had! The fear was gone, and I felt so relaxed finally.... all on a dark October night.. lol


Well-Known Member
I've only had two bad trips..one on L(even a thumbprint didn't leave me twisted like that mop up) and one on shrooms..the shroom one Is the same one in the 'shroom vomit thread' where I vomited slime..me and my ex got into a huge fight..I had just been eating and eating shrooms,starting with a Q..after we started fighting I took off my glasses and seethed for a moment and said 'you know what,fuck you bitch' and stormed othe the house,off the back porch and into darkness like I've never seen..I couldn't see anything..but colors unless I turned back around to the house that was lit up..so I had to bite the bullet(I was gonna go for a walk on the train tracks but couldn't see)go back inside to an even more pissed off bitch..I had to do what I had to do..she went to the kitchen..and I went to the room and locked the door! She eventually got tired of yelling and banging..I didn't hear much,I put on some music and hit the bong..and didn't shre..but for a good 3 hours that was the most hostile awful trip..we made up later but I still can't stand that memory..or girl..lol


Well-Known Member
The worst part was her in the kitchen when I stormed back in and she was like 'you can't shee shit without your glasses you blind mother fucker!'...ohhhh I was pissed..the shrooms made it worse.


Active Member
Took an RC called Whack' which was banned after a weekend in ireland at a party down in the south east. Didnt come down off it or sleep the whole weekend and arrived back up in dublin Sunday night. Girlfriend called the cops twice Sunday night and Monday morning because i kept hearing and seeing a group of four fellas on the street below trying to get in the main door to my apartment block and discussing how they were going to break into my apartment and wreck the place. Severe hallucations altogether!
Cops came round about midnight and calmed me down and went away etc. (4am)Started hallucationing the second time and thought the four fellas had made it in so stuck my head out the door and could see them sitting on the stairs all wearing hoodies and watching me and all had some sort of bats/weapons. Went back in to my apartment and grabbed two big carving knifes and went out to see if they were real or not before we called the cops again. I wasnt been agreesive just checking to make sure they were real.
Next thing the same two cops appeared in front of me with their bats out and shouted at me to drop the knifes which i did immediately. (Girlfriend had called the cops a second time) Could still see them sitting on the stairs watching me so cops called an ambulance and brought me down to it. First time ever in an ambulance and hopefully the last.
Got brought to the Maher hospital, every male person that spoke, i could hear the same voice over and over again. Was in the hospital until about 2pm the next day. Had to have chat with a pyscharist about hallucations before they would give me any meds. Told me to give up the Cannabis as was bad for me etc and gave me sleeping tablets to last three nights.
Was still completly wired leaving hospital, went home and had a joint of Superskunk that evening about 8pm and it brought me straight back up on hallucations. Thought i could see a man standing outside the door smiling at me when i looked through the peephole.Looked out my kitchen window and could see the reflection of two guys sitting against my front door waiting for me to open it. Next thing i could hear someone in the bathroom and i locked the door. Rang the girlfriend and told her someone was in my place and she arrived over with her father of all ****in people. I was in a complete paranoid mess at this stage and flushed weed and everything down the toilet, still not sure why.
(Monday evening) Edventually took the two sleeping tablets and drifted off. Woke up Tuesday still in awful mess, had figured out by that stage that the weed was a psycho substance and was working with the other stuff. Had an extremely rough day Tuesday and tuesday night, really anxious and paranoid, kept looking out the windows to see if there was someone there. Took more tablets that night and work up Wednesday still wired.
Had an idea then so drank 3 litres of very hot green tea with 6 bags and then had a really hot bath. Sweated like a bastard in the bath altogether and got out feeling 50 times better. Went to sleep Wednesday night and woke up Thursday feeling almost normal. Friday then was fine, just a little bit paranoid.
Found out that two lads at the party had been brought into St Senans outside Enniscorthy, a mental home and are still there so suppose im lucky enough.


Active Member
During my first (and one of the only) k2 trips I have had in my life. One of my friends got some of the higher end "spice", and me, her, and another friend of mine took to smoking it like we would with even mid-grade weed. Basically, we ripped packs repeatedly out of a bong. After like 6 or 7 good packs we stood up to do our respective shit around the house and I noticed an immediate really high lightheadedness. This usually isn't a bad thing. Curios as to whether it would make my eyes red like weed, I checked the mirror and noticed an instant reality shift. Everything was "simulated" like a really well made game or 3d movie. Pretty weird that there were no distortions aside from that. On top of that, looking at myself I got the vibe that whatever I was seeing in the mirror was like some great evil. Some projection of everything bad inside me, and the worst part was I couldn't break eye contact. It wasn't fun. I've had more intense experiences since then by far, but none more uncomfortable.


Well-Known Member
I had a friend who said something similar happened to him on salvia..felt like he was 'a 3d mirroer and I was shattered but stayed in big hunks,almost like a puzzle'..wow I'm so high right now...


Well-Known Member
The most horrendous horror story trip for me was at such a level where I don't even like to discuss it. And I am a very open guy that talks about basically anything. The main reason I don't like to talk about it is because of how violent and terrible it was. Imagine being in the front line of the biggest battle in the history of humans..... but maybe even more graphic than that. That's how it was. It's not something the average person would like to hear the details of.


Well-Known Member
about a month ago i took 3 1mg tabs of some fire 25-i from the road. about 30 mins after droppin em' i was sittin in the back seat of my buddys car while they hot boxed a blunt. i couldn't smoke at the time so that was a bit annoying lol. on top of that i was hot as hell and began sweating profusely. 10 minutes into the blunt i'm lookin' around and shit starts gettin' weird lol. i really wasn't enjoying myself because of the heat and wanted to get out of the car.

next thing you know i see some suv with what looks like a battering ram on the front of it slowly creep up on us..instead of continuing past us it slams in reverse and starts backing into my driveway blocking our car in. some asshole friend of a friend that i don't even like screams "DEA!!!!" - then i swing open the car door and speed walk faster than i ever have before towards my front door. my head was turned around like an owl the entire time. i have no idea how i made it to the house without running into a bush or wall or some shit.

come to find out it was just my sister's friend's cousin picking her up..i spent the next 6 hours walking all over my house, upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside, every fucking where. i was paranoid as fuck and hostile. that friend of a friend was still in my house and at one point i decided i was gonna' kill him. i could barely figure out how to communicate with people for some reason, but finally managed to tell my buddy to get this kid the fuck out of my house.

i woke up the next morning with what felt like whip lash from snappin my head around at every little sound i heard. my bed had a bunch of towels on it and strange miscellaneous items that i don't even remember putting there. my friends told me the whole time i kept repeating "i don't think i'm ok, this isn't right" - and every couple minutes i would look dead into their eyes like i wanted to kill them.

..one of the few bad trips i've had. i think the suv thing and kid being in my house is what really fucked everything up. if it weren't for that i think i would have had a great time.


Well-Known Member
The most horrendous horror story trip for me was at such a level where I don't even like to discuss it. And I am a very open guy that talks about basically anything. The main reason I don't like to talk about it is because of how violent and terrible it was. Imagine being in the front line of the biggest battle in the history of humans..... but maybe even more graphic than that. That's how it was. It's not something the average person would like to hear the details of.
please do tell! i'm sure it's a more interesting story than mine lol.


Well-Known Member
i'm just surprised that kid didn't catch the vibe that he should probably leave. in retrospect i seriously could have hurt him had my friend not got him out my house..

i guess this could be one of the few dangers to tripping. someone fucks with your trip and they are in danger, lOl.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the kid got the vibe.he was just to embarrased to admit what he'd done an leave..trying to save face maybe?