Alright well enjoy these first 2 pix. They're of the Purple Napalm and Pineapple Express. The 2 plants in the back are the Purple Napalm, and the Pineapple Express would be the plant in the middle, closest to us in the picutre.
The next 6 pictures are of my new 'Flower Chamber' it cost me:
~$3 for 3 can's of flat white spray apint.
~$6 for 2 power strips.
~$12 for all 8 light bulbs.
~$13 50 CFM bathroom Fan
~$16 for 4 'Y splitters' and 4 'power outlet light socket adapter thingy'
~(Already Owned) Extention Cord
~(Already Owned) Old LARGE trash can
~(Already Owned) Power drill, drill set, and exacto knife.
So this thing cost me a total of $50 (I can't believe it came out to an even $50) give or take 5 bucks, to make. Not to shabby I guess. And if it produces like I expect it to, it will be WELL worth the investment.
And these lights are 26W each. So in the 55gal trash can, I'm pumping 208 watts into 1 plant. Hoping for a mass producing plant!

Second to last pix, is a pic from inside the new 'flower chamber'
And the last pic is of my single site bubble cloner. Made for about $10.