Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie


Well-Known Member
Alright what up all! This journal is going to be documenting my 3rd harvest. I am a medical patient so everything you see here is legal. Here are some details:

The Flower Room:
~Dimentions: 30"x48"x11&1/2" roughly = 2.5'x4'x.958333' just under 10 cubic feet.
~Lights (flowering): x12, 23w, 2700K CFL's
~Ventalation: x2, 50 CFM, bathroom fans for intake - x1, 450 CFM fan for exhaust
~All walls are covered with mylar, via 'space blanket'
~Soilless mix with 25% perlite
~MG All Purpose plant food for veg, and MG Bloom Booster for flower. Molasses during the last 4 weeks in flower
~DIY Co2 (yeast & sugar method)
~Temps 'usually' consistant at 82F
~Lights on at 8am and off at 8pm
~Strains = Permafrost, and Lacy

And here, the first 7 pix are of the flower room and the girls in flower. On the far right we have the Permafrost (furthest into flower) and the 2 on the left are Lacy's.

And the last 8 pix are of the girls in veg, and the veg box.



Well-Known Member
dam im not the first subbed all well im here and here to stay like always hooked. man that permafrost is lookin good and ya she is fuckin frosty. i like all your irregular pots u use nice to see different stuff bein used. also it looks like u are gettin your lst down really good now to make them all fit right. very nice and another plus rep if i can


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks MC! And yea I'm using these sort of 'net pots' that are actually made to be used for aquatic plants in ponds and stuff like that. But I really wanted to give this new technique I was reading alot about a try, it's called 'Air Root Pruning' which basically makes the plant's root tips to die off when they grow out of the holes in the pot, causing the plant to constantly produce new and healthy branching roots and stopping them from spiraling, twisting, kinking or become strangled. Here's a link to the thread that first got me interested. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/303229-diy-air-pruning-pot-experiment.html

And my soil is just some off brand, no name soil with no nutes in it and a full bag of perlite mixed in. Still using my same MG nutes tho! And they have yet to let me down.


Well-Known Member
ah yes i have been lurking on that link u gave me. i like the smart pots made of material. theri a bit spendy but they controll spin out and they also air prune the roots. ther is a few differnt types of airpots. but i want to get the smart pots for my next indoor grow. thei like 5-20 dollors depending on size


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so I took some new pix over the weekend. I noticed the other pix I posted weren't so great. So I got some better ones. Individual shots of each plant. I will most likely post only pictures of the girls in flower. And every so often I'll give an update on the girls in the veg room.

Alright so here are the pix: The first 3 plants are the girls I have in flower. Each plants pix are seperated but an under shot of the stem and under-canopy.

The first 5 are of the Permafrost.

The next 4 are of Lacy III.

The next 5 are of Lacy IIII

And the rest are my 3 plants in the veg box. All Lacy strain.



Well-Known Member
dam hooked man every time i see your plants they just keep gettin better and better. and the permafrost really looks like it is permafrost-ed from the cold very Crystaly. and great pics they let everyone see exactly how u lsted them and it shows what LST is supposed to do. if u can or if u or already have post these in my lst thread cuz they are great examples. and also i would be glad to announce onthe LST thread that u are gonna be the thread co -owner with how good you doin, but thats up to u so let me know. also sorry bout gettin u the pic of my permafrost but i havent had a good cam now for awhile and still cant get one i still got a lot left of it but just waitin on the cam. shit yours might be done by the time get pics. plus rep if i can hooked


Well-Known Member
and also i would be glad to announce onthe LST thread that u are gonna be the thread co -owner with how good you doin, but thats up to u so let me know.
Thanks for the kind words MC! And it's all good bout your permafrost pix, lol, I'll get to see em eventually so I'm not to worried about it.
I haven't posted these pix in the LST thread yet, I'm on my way over there now though to do so!

And man I would LOVE to be 'co-owner' of the LST thread! I just fucking LOVE LST in general and it is the only way that I will grow, ESPECIALLY with my set-up. LST is a MUST and ALWAYS for me!


Well-Known Member
well then you are now a co owner, i said danthebull could be one to but he doesnt drop by the thread frequently but he can still be one when hes around to


Well-Known Member
hey hooked the other day i was grinding up some of my permafrost and i found a seed, and a big one, and it made it through the grinder with no visibke damage. so i kept it. i will try to grow it out when i do indoor again and hope for a female.


Well-Known Member
Oh MC that's LEGIT dog! lol, usually hate to be findin seeds in my sac's, but once I started growing, I really truly get excited to find a seed in some dank! Not alot of seeds, but finding one every now and then is legit! That'd DOPE man! So are you going to be starting back up come fall when the temps drop down a little?..


Well-Known Member
IM hookd now!
Great lookin plants man. Very frosty.
LST is gonna be my next way to grow on an outdoor beauty.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^Hey thanks man!!!^^^^^

LST is the shit and if you click on the second link in my sig (maybe you've already been there) it'll bring you to a thread called "Show me what you got LST" and there are all sorts of great LST examples and pictures in there!.. Anyways enjoy the ride friend, I know that I will be! Welcome aboard! haha


Well-Known Member
Oh MC that's LEGIT dog! lol, usually hate to be findin seeds in my sac's, but once I started growing, I really truly get excited to find a seed in some dank! Not alot of seeds, but finding one every now and then is legit! That'd DOPE man! So are you going to be starting back up come fall when the temps drop down a little?..
ya i used to hate it to, but if i found seeds i look at it as it saved me some money. instead of ordering seeds. and yes u know i will be growin again if im not on probation, and even then i still might beable to. and i only found one monster seeds out of 2ozs so i wasnt mad or nothin, nothin like a free dank seed

IM hookd now!
Great lookin plants man. Very frosty.
LST is gonna be my next way to grow on an outdoor beauty.
ive been hooked since his first grow on here. be sure to stick around for his grow


Well-Known Member
No Doubt Mcpurple.:bigjoint:
Hey check out my grow. its just starting to bulk up.
Just curious how much difference does the light bill go up when i shall switch to a 400 hps?


Well-Known Member
Well guys I am just stopping on in here to say I got 2 Purple Napalm clones over the weekend as well as a Pineapple Express clone! :) I'm excited about these strains, REALLY excited! I'll be tieing them down tonight and will see about getting some pix for you guys soon!

It's -Hookd- baby


Well-Known Member
havent had pieanpple express, but my grower does give me pineapple. it is very good taste and smells just like pineapple. are u just gonna grow a bunch of different strains till you find some u realy like. u should try to grow a sativa some time just flower her really small and lst the shit out of it. they take longer but the highs are good