ye i do really went to build my own soil but i have recently discoverd a company called kindsoil and theer stuff looks exactly like subcools super soil i really want to mix my own but i also dont want to be taking up alot of time as would like to get my next run going just after Christmas really the scary thing is for me i only need about 5-10 gallons of soil for my little space thats it and i see videos on soils being made up for big outside grows etc i litrally only need a tiny ammount of soil compared do the mixes i have seen and iam just worried i cant scale it down to what i need if anyone has a small mix i could follow or study i would still be instrested in mixing my own ofcourse thanks guys maybe need only 1cft but then if you want to have another run right after, having 2cft will allow you to start without having to wait for a reamend and cook.
About 7.5gal is a cft. A good size garbage can with a lid and wheels can hold 30gal, about 4x what you can think you need.
You see...buying a bale of Canadian peat is cheap, and light. A few bags of compost. Some perlite. Then some rock dust, lime, mycos...some kelp and neem would be nice. Then mix it for 30min and cook it in the can by pouring some myco water over it all. Cover and uncover once a week for a minute or so until ready.
It really comes down to if you trust yourself and want to really do this or not. BAS can sell you the amendments, or your local store + Amazon.
Do you want the satisfaction that comes from DIY? The cost savings and ability to really learn how the nutes work? Build your own.
If you really only need 7 to 10gal and just want to dip your toes, there is nothing wrong with buying soil. There is also nothing wrong with a soil or coco grow that uses organic nutrients. Or salt based nutes.
Just is not important to me for the usual reasons. I have a simple, repeatable process that takes me under 3 hours to prepare 10cft (about 75gal) of soil. When I reamend its hard to spend $150 on the amendments. Thats for 10cft. Cheap!
There is no cheaper, easier way for me to grow. I dont want to flush, or buy a lot of nutrients.
I do want a very high quality result and nobody disputes organic is that. Certainly hydro can grow more and faster, but not easier or better imo.