homemade dwc in 14 gallon rubbermades

So I've seen it done a few times on this site so i figured id build my own dwc with rubbermade roughnecks. It was easier than I thought it would be.

Supplies (per unit):

(1) Rubbermade 14 gallon roughneck
(1) Elite 801 air pump
(1) Sunleaves 6" air stone
(5) 5" net pots
and a little over a foot of rubber tubing.

I began by tracing the net pots on the lid of the rubbermade tote. Once traced I heated up two knives (id switch off as one cooled there would be a hot one waiting) on the stove and used them to cut along the lines i traced (making sure to leaves a little room so that the pots didnt just fall through, that would have sucked). Then I heated up a phillips head screwdriver and punched a hole near the bottom of the tote so i could feed the tubing through and attach the air pump to the air stone. I filled it up and there were no leaks but I sealed with caulk anyway.

I tried cutting the first hole for the net pots with my jigsaw but it was actually a pain in the ass, the hot knives cut through the plastic like butter.



New Member
go for it man it fucking works lol..jus make sure u get some good nutes...rockwool, hydroton, ph up and ph down. and get urself some hydrogen peroxide jus in case. and a good light or cfls....honestly i started wit the cfl thing and moved to a nice 400w MH/HPS ballist and enclosure and a couple different bulbs and ill never go back to cfls. get that and do it up ulll end up with a good harvest granted ur careful. let us know how it goes
ive been growing under two 250 watt hps lights with soil for a little while now, just figured id move clones over to the hydro system and see how it goes. i got dynagrow nutes at the recomendation of the chick at the hydro store. Im renting so dwc tubs seem a bit less messy and way easier to hide in the van if the landlord ever needs to stop by.


New Member
ya exactly with the landlord thing iv got the same problem....if they say they need to come by ill just throw them in my car or close up my closet real good and throw a bunch of shit in front of it to hide it. either way they said the only thing they usually come in for is to change my air filter so when they say they are gonna do that ill just say i have bad allergies and i went ahead and changed it already with a expensive one lol
im doin the same thing now with 14 gal rockwool hydroton and veg nutes be sure to check ur ph like weekly and does any one have any info on when to change water and when to add nutes?


hey moses i have just started DWC and i change my nutes once a week. but then again i am using 5 gal buckets. i am using botinacare nutrients and with aqua shield to keep my roots nice and white.