Homemade C02 questions


I just made a homemade CO2 generator using the yeast, sugar and water technique. I'm using a Folgers Coffee can and I have aquarium tubing running directly to the base of my plants..

my question is do I put the aquarium tubing under the water or above the water and bubbles??

I'm under the gun bcuz i have to get this all setup before my family shows up tommorow so any help will get +Reps


I just made a homemade CO2 generator using the yeast, sugar and water technique. I'm using a Folgers Coffee can and I have aquarium tubing running directly to the base of my plants..

my question is do I put the aquarium tubing under the water or above the water and bubbles??

I'm under the gun bcuz i have to get this all setup before my family shows up tommorow so any help will get +Reps
CO2 is for the leaves not the roots. Do some research.


Active Member
yes the co2 is for the leaves. if you put ur co2 under water you may get root rot.


Active Member
When did common sense become so uncommon?

First off, it wouldn't have taken all day to research this, there's a sticky post on exactly how to do it at the top of the general Marijuana Growing forum WHERE THIS IS POSTED!

Secondly, you want CO2, which is a gas right? So why in the f*$% would you put the tube in the liquid?

I'm sorry, but if this is actually a question of concern for you, then you're in for ALOT more problems in the future. And not just when it comes to growing weed.

When lazy-ass people don't use the "search" function, it adds to the pile of bullshit that others must sift through when they really want to learn something.


Active Member
if you put the tube (that is inside the coffee can) under the water as preassure increases it will force the liquid up the tube unto your plants.

also remeber co2 is heavier than air, and drifts down unless blown upward. so having a tube at the base of your plant isnt as productive as it could be.
that tube should be on top of your plant allowing the gas to drift down across the leaves and buds, if u have constant exhuast it will decrease how much generated co2 will remain usable


When did common sense become so uncommon?

First off, it wouldn't have taken all day to research this, there's a sticky post on exactly how to do it at the top of the general Marijuana Growing forum WHERE THIS IS POSTED!

Secondly, you want CO2, which is a gas right? So why in the f*$% would you put the tube in the liquid?

I'm sorry, but if this is actually a question of concern for you, then you're in for ALOT more problems in the future. And not just when it comes to growing weed.

When lazy-ass people don't use the "search" function, it adds to the pile of bullshit that others must sift through when they really want to learn something.
Well although you have a dickish way of explaining yourself I do agree that it was a common sense situation.. I will say I was scrambling to get everything put together before my family came for xmas.. (I work 2 jobs and my wife is pregnant so this is just a hobby to keep me from going insane!! haha)

What happened was I actually had the tube ran into the coffee can and just as someone mentioned it did over flow.. Beginner mistake.. ive never done this but now I do know.

Kitchen Khemist unfortunately everyone here is not as smart as you in this particular field but the point of these message boards is to get the info out there.. And you and I both know theres alot of info out there.. So I apologize for making you view my page and take the time to ridicule someone over a question..



Well-Known Member
I like to cut a hole in the cans lid and a couple holes in the sides near the top and toss a PC fan on there pulling air + CO2 out and put it above my plants, no silly moisture clogged tubing.


Active Member
unless its a fairly large grow you probly dont need the xtra co2, i only use co2 to counter heat stress{ during the summer}

im curious as to why ide get bad rep for this comment, any clues?