Got through the first night of filp.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm new here.
This my first grow. But I have been growing vegetables for my restaurant for two years.
Plants are 45 days under lights. Flipped 2 days agoo I am so happy with my plants. I was very nervous, from completely changing my nutrients. Did not know what to expect.

All looks good.
It's a sealed 9x9x10.
My numbers were all great.

Temp 84
Humidity 50%
C02 600 ppm
Water temp 67
Ph 6.2
Nutrient level 1150

The Enhance c02 bottles are working some. I am using two bottles. Approximately 2 ft higher than the plants. The c02 monitor is two ft away and a foot higher.
I know that cannabis plants don't use CO2 at night time.
When I went over this morning, one minute before the lights come on. I had a reading of 900 PPM.
During the day with lights on, everything running. It stays right around 600 PPM.
I guess I'll be satisfied with that. Here are some pics of my setup. Only the 9x9x10 is for my weed. The other four are for my vegetables for my restaurant.

See anything, or add anything I might have missed 20240301_094843.jpg20240301_091437.jpg20240228_181424.jpg20240301_094843.jpg20240301_091437.jpg20240228_181424.jpg20240228_145017.jpg20240228_144918.jpg20240228_142541.jpg
Looks great, especially for a first grow. Really clean work. Those plants are gonna be huge. Are you running sterile? Are you Spiderman because of your lights? If I eat at your restaurant, will you smoke me up in the back???