Homeless in America during COVID-19

vote Republicans out
Fucking Republicans today in the USA are worse than the fucking Nazis in 1936 Germany. The Nazis sorta had an excuse for their madness.
The Nazi Party evolved due to the mass poverty in Germany as a result of WW1 & the Great Depression & looked for scapegoats & utilized the Jews.
What's the bitch with the GOP?
AOC/Muslims/Mexicans/the LGBTQ community/abortion?
Today, the Republicans, over 74% of them, insist to this moment that this election was unfair/rigged/a scam.
What does that bode for Biden's attempt to right this fucking train wreck that he has inherited?
4 fucking years of partisan bullshit, where/while this country burns down?
Civil fucking war?
Republicans used to have some sence of honor & moral standings, but not anymore.
They sold their souls to the Devil & Donald J Trump.
I just hope this Nation can survive their actions.
Proverbially speaking of course. Please state that for your protection.

The Moscow Mule needs to be investigated and prosecuted. I believe sedition and treason carry capital punishments.

What a rigged scam that weasel runs. Just the ethics violations between him and his labor secretary wife have perpetrated.
Just saying that if that self-serving turtleneck motherfucker dropped dead tonight, the USA/World would be better off.
Explains the belief that they need protection. Lawyers are mostly legal criminals exploiting the abused and injured. Disaster capitalist.

Not very smart for lawyers I say. And people used these bafoons?
Not just anyone.
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So what is going to be done about this epidemic in homelessness that is about to explode? I live in a good size city. Homeless everywhere downtown. Found a small encampment about 2 miles from my house of the hiking trail. I talked with a couple people there. None there by choice. All lost decent jobs and can't match wages. A few kids in the mix. Brought food and blankets a wagon for hauling wood and unused household items of need. But just a bright spek in their plight. One person. How do we help? It's deadly cold here after tomorrow. And the authorities are destoying these outpost and the belongings of those in them. We have a crisis for too many.

Any bright ideas?
There are a lot of empty schools/restaurants right now. It is scary though. Biden is going to have a lot of heavy lifting he is going to have to immediately get on top of.
Fucking Republicans today in the USA are worse than the fucking Nazis in 1936 Germany. The Nazis sorta had an excuse for their madness.
The Nazi Party evolved due to the mass poverty in Germany as a result of WW1 & the Great Depression & looked for scapegoats & utilized the Jews.
What's the bitch with the GOP?
AOC/Muslims/Mexicans/the LGBTQ community/abortion?
Today, the Republicans, over 74% of them, insist to this moment that this election was unfair/rigged/a scam.
What does that bode for Biden's attempt to right this fucking train wreck that he has inherited?
4 fucking years of partisan bullshit, where/while this country burns down?
Civil fucking war?
Republicans used to have some sence of honor & moral standings, but not anymore.
They sold their souls to the Devil & Donald J Trump.
I just hope this Nation can survive their actions.
Something I can agree on with the Proud Boys

Why you lost the war and not because you ran. December 7th. I respect Japanese honor immensely. Yet you have been molded by an emperor. Already sheep and demonstrated by your post.

Japan lost the war because America is a giant of a country compared to Japan and they also had the bomb. If Japan had the same size and resources as America who knows what would have happened. And nobody in Japan is molded by the emperor, that just shows a complete lack of understanding along with the rest of your post to be honest.
So what is going to be done about this epidemic in homelessness that is about to explode? I live in a good size city. Homeless everywhere downtown. Found a small encampment about 2 miles from my house of the hiking trail. I talked with a couple people there. None there by choice. All lost decent jobs and can't match wages. A few kids in the mix. Brought food and blankets a wagon for hauling wood and unused household items of need. But just a bright spek in their plight. One person. How do we help? It's deadly cold here after tomorrow. And the authorities are destoying these outpost and the belongings of those in them. We have a crisis for too many.

Any bright ideas?

First there is not going to be an eviction explosion like what they are talking about. That is all bullshit. It's a bunch of fear mongering. It takes months to get to court right now. There is also a lot of help out there for people if they make an effort.

If you are in trouble and need help paying rent
1) Contact your town's general assistance. They will usually be able to pay one month's rent for you. Normally you would need an eviction notice but they are skipping that part.
2) They have opened up the rental assistance to people in government housing and they go up to $3,000 depending on your state.
3) Cant pay your rent in full? Pay what you can. I have dozens of people who haven't paid, I will evict the ones who choose to pay zero over the ones who are making an effort.
4) Talk to your landlord. Communication helps. We know you can't afford it, but hearing what your plans are helps.
5) Ask all of your extended family for help. Landlord's are not your family, why should they accept your situation if you aren't even willing to swallow your pride and ask for help from those who love you?
First there is not going to be an eviction explosion like what they are talking about. That is all bullshit. It's a bunch of fear mongering. It takes months to get to court right now. There is also a lot of help out there for people if they make an effort.

If you are in trouble and need help paying rent
1) Contact your town's general assistance. They will usually be able to pay one month's rent for you. Normally you would need an eviction notice but they are skipping that part.
2) They have opened up the rental assistance to people in government housing and they go up to $3,000 depending on your state.
3) Cant pay your rent in full? Pay what you can. I have dozens of people who haven't paid, I will evict the ones who choose to pay zero over the ones who are making an effort.
4) Talk to your landlord. Communication helps. We know you can't afford it, but hearing what your plans are helps.
5) Ask all of your extended family for help. Landlord's are not your family, why should they accept your situation if you aren't even willing to swallow your pride and ask for help from those who love you?
I think most jurisdictions have a court specifically for landlords/renters. If it takes months, exactly who are you waiting behind?
It takes forever now because we’re doing via zoom and they are not seeing as many cases. Also there is a huge backlog of cases for them to hear. But my point is that when the clock strikes 12 it’s not going to be the mass evictions they are talking about.

if I believe that somebody is going to be able to pay the rent in a few months I will not evict them. The cost to evict/turn unit and place another person is prohibitive and you’re looking at months of lost income anyway. The only people I’m evicting are those who can afford and choose not to pay and those who have other issues, criminals etc. but I am making sure all of my tenants who are behind apply for the rent relieve, if they aren’t willing to take the 10 minutes to fill out an application then screw them.
First there is not going to be an eviction explosion like what they are talking about. That is all bullshit. It's a bunch of fear mongering. It takes months to get to court right now. There is also a lot of help out there for people if they make an effort.

If you are in trouble and need help paying rent
1) Contact your town's general assistance. They will usually be able to pay one month's rent for you. Normally you would need an eviction notice but they are skipping that part.
2) They have opened up the rental assistance to people in government housing and they go up to $3,000 depending on your state.
3) Cant pay your rent in full? Pay what you can. I have dozens of people who haven't paid, I will evict the ones who choose to pay zero over the ones who are making an effort.
4) Talk to your landlord. Communication helps. We know you can't afford it, but hearing what your plans are helps.
5) Ask all of your extended family for help. Landlord's are not your family, why should they accept your situation if you aren't even willing to swallow your pride and ask for help from those who love you?
Pretty sure it is a year before they can kick you out on a mortgage. Interesting about the rental evictions.

It takes forever now because we’re doing via zoom and they are not seeing as many cases. Also there is a huge backlog of cases for them to hear. But my point is that when the clock strikes 12 it’s not going to be the mass evictions they are talking about.

if I believe that somebody is going to be able to pay the rent in a few months I will not evict them. The cost to evict/turn unit and place another person is prohibitive and you’re looking at months of lost income anyway. The only people I’m evicting are those who can afford and choose not to pay and those who have other issues, criminals etc. but I am making sure all of my tenants who are behind apply for the rent relieve, if they aren’t willing to take the 10 minutes to fill out an application then screw them.
Im more concerned about the mega wealthy that will be able to swoop in and buy distressed properties and mass evict to get all that cheap real estate.

With the need to rebuild our manufacturing sites I see a lot of demolition/rebuilding happening in the not so distant future. And that will mean a lot of money for the people who can afford to buy up land in our cities is why I say the mega wealthy.
Did you know frump's tax break for the wealthy, 1 trillion dollars, would have provided every American citizen with $30,000? But it went to donors, profitable international business', family, friends and selves. While we the people begin paying for them with higher taxes every year for the next 10 to pay for the "corporate welfare (hand outs)". Wait until tax time. Another slap in the face coming. The bill is due.

And to answer your question. People cannot have economic freedom. It would remove the restraints and controls the capitalist system has over you. Employment is just a politically correct term for slavery by indentured servitude. We are all in debt by design.

Once again, "WAKE UP PEOPLE!"

Employment if it is based in a mutual voluntary agreement isn't slavery.

What makes a thing slavery is the element of choice is removed, which is why I prefer an actual free market over a crony capitalist market.

Taxation is theft.
The real problem is when people buy affordable housing and turn them into condo associations. We really don't have enough affordable units around. However, if you have a track record with the state and the government I feel that opens up more possibilities. You can make more by making less and not being greedy. But yeah, now is the time to do it. I got a 1.8% rate a few months back. Unbelievable.
The real problem is when people buy affordable housing and turn them into condo associations. We really don't have enough affordable units around. However, if you have a track record with the state and the government I feel that opens up more possibilities. You can make more by making less and not being greedy. But yeah, now is the time to do it. I got a 1.8% rate a few months back. Unbelievable.
Im thinking more like entire blocks of Detroit/nearby suburbs that can be repurchased when people get evicted or move out to a newly vacant home in the suburbs and turned into new (modern built not just repurposed old stock) warehousing/manufacturing/etc sites.
Assault rifle to me means anything that doesn't look like it was made to hunt dear. If it looks like it could be in a war movie I call it assault rifle but I also understand that there are differences, I also don't really care.
Im thinking more like entire blocks of Detroit/nearby suburbs that can be repurchased when people get evicted or move out to a newly vacant home in the suburbs and turned into new (modern built not just repurposed old stock) warehousing/manufacturing/etc sites.
Like what they say happened or was going to happen in New Orleans. Could be.
America is on the verge of an unprecedented eviction crisis. On Dec. 31, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s nationwide eviction moratorium will expire. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, somewhere between 12 million and 17 million households — up to 40 million people — have little or no confidence that they can pay their rent and avoid eviction if they don’t get relief.
America’s Eviction Crisis Is A Public Health Disaster Waiting To Happen (yahoo.com)


And what is McConnell/Trump doing about it?
Not a fucking thing
America is on the verge of an unprecedented eviction crisis. On Dec. 31, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s nationwide eviction moratorium will expire. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, somewhere between 12 million and 17 million households — up to 40 million people — have little or no confidence that they can pay their rent and avoid eviction if they don’t get relief.
America’s Eviction Crisis Is A Public Health Disaster Waiting To Happen (yahoo.com)

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And what is McConnell/Trump doing about it?
Not a fucking thing
Let see, how many will be thrown out of their homes in Georgia? Well you no longer reside at that residence (they will be collecting names) so you can't vote at this polling station... BTW Voter fraud is a serious crime here in Georgia, except if yer white.