Homeless at the Waterpark


New Member
so your thinking the flow n grow works better then undercurrent ?
For me right now? yes. Time is money. You can be growing in an afternoon with an flow..plan some days building/installing.. plus they just function like a machine..put good stuff in the barrel and pots and great stuff comes out.. easy peasy

check out Ultra currents.. the drain tube is about 6 inches up,so you get a little DW action..takes some serious pumps..air and water


Well-Known Member
so your thinking the flow n grow works better then undercurrent ?

The under current is shit! I had two XL 16 sites. they each had to have 100 gals a piece of water 200 gal x 8 lbs is 1600 lbs sitting on your floor.

I constantly had PH flux in the system. Its not worth the money. The Flo n grow comes with res. and everything you need.

And the owner who created the system is a dick. just my .002 cents.


New Member
i got the fat purple in the titan and she is a monster thinking 6 to 8 mabe more .its the best producing dro setup i have worked with.i have a extra controle bucket now to get the rest and have another up n runnning.


Well-Known Member
What we are doing is 10 x 10 rooms w/4 k lights in each.
Back 2 lights are bucket systems and the front 2 lights
organic soil. The soil buckets can easily be moved to get in the
room to the back. I said easily moved, that's a lie, it's a pain
in the ass, but at the same time, it's sweet as a motherfucker could imagine.


New Member
What we are doing is 10 x 10 rooms w/4 k lights in each.
Back 2 lights are bucket systems and the front 2 lights
organic soil. The soil buckets can easily be moved to get in the
room to the back. I said easily moved, that's a lie, it's a pain
in the ass, but at the same time, it's sweet as a motherfucker could imagine.
small carts with casters could make the moving a little easy er


Well-Known Member
small carts with casters could make the moving a little easy er
That is what I want. I want to use 7 or 10 gallon smart pots. And I want to somehow make (or have made) would be a pan, with casters and have it raised slightly
with a wire rack. Then put 7 or 10 gallon smart pot on it and air can still get to the bottom of the plant and the roots. I haven't shopped around yet, cuz I am not
quite that far as of yet, but I am thinking of a grill inside of a weber little smokey joe grill raised maybe 1 - 1 1/2' over the original "cart".


New Member
They make just what you describe for house plants. Check Wallyworld,mayrArds,and homodepo :)

The casters are usually cheap plastic shit. I would look to replacing of spending a little more for good ones.

I've done it. Was more of a pain than it was worth for me


Well-Known Member
They make just what you describe for house plants. Check Wallyworld,mayrArds,and homodepo :)

The casters are usually cheap plastic shit. I would look to replacing of spending a little more for good ones.

I've done it. Was more of a pain than it was worth for me
I am pretty sure I will need them made. it's a double decker. The bottom to catch run-off depending on how the blumats work.
One cheap ass plastic china-junk-fuck caster breaks off and my plant dumps and gets hurt and I will throw baby-tantrum too. lol.
What I am visioning with probably cost too much as usual though. lol.


New Member
Being perpetual my plants move through the room. Lights and rez's change as they move. I leave isles between lights and around the walls to move around. With unknown multi-strains sometimes I hav to jump ahead or pull one back a stage.

RD's affy poison just got jumped ahead of it's older cousin the GTH1. so now the GTH got a nice flush with dripclean. And back on the sauce. Gotta say the 7/10 female is really makin a pheno choice tough for the AP. All solid keeper material. One for damn sure bigassed bitch.
Jeepers keepers::: I take clones and attempt to reveg anything I may want to keep. Final call is not made until the clone phase really.. I fall in love easy ;) or I'm easy? A lifetime? Bitch you better be something.


New Member
i would def use hard rubber home depot has them cheap you could weld up those carts for prob about 10 15 bucks each or make outa wood and use hardware cloth would be simple i think .so for like 150 you could have a dozen girls on skates