Homegrown terrorists


New Member
Anti-abortion fanatics spread fear by bombings, murders and assaults, but the media take little notice.
This piece was originally published by Newsday.
On Sept. 11, 2006, the fifth anniversary of the terror attacks that devastated our nation, a man crashed his car into a building in Davenport, Iowa, hoping to blow it up and kill himself in the fire.
No national newspaper, magazine or network newscast reported this attempted suicide bombing, though an AP wire story was available. Cable news (save for MSNBC's Keith Olbermann) was silent about this latest act of terrorism in America.
Had the criminal, David McMenemy, been Arab or Muslim, this would have been headline news for weeks. But since his target was the Edgerton Women's Health Center, rather than, say, a bank or a police station, media have not called this terrorism -- even after three decades of extreme violence by anti-abortion fanatics, mostly fundamentalist Christians who believe they're fighting a holy war.
Since 1977, casualties from this war include seven murders, 17 attempted murders, three kidnappings, 152 assaults, 305 completed or attempted bombings and arsons, 375 invasions, 482 stalking incidents, 380 death threats, 618 bomb threats, 100 acid attacks, and 1,254 acts of vandalism, according to the National Abortion Federation.
Abortion providers and activists received 77 letters threatening anthrax attacks before 9/11, yet the media never considered anthrax threats as terrorism until after 9/11, when such letters were delivered to journalists and members of Congress.
After 9/11, Planned Parenthood and other abortion rights groups received 554 envelopes containing white powder and messages like: "You have been exposed to anthrax. ... We are going to kill all of you." They were signed by the Army of God, a group that hosts Scripture-filled web pages for "Anti-Abortion Heroes of the Faith," including minister Paul Hill, Michael Griffin and James Kopp, all convicted of murdering abortion providers, and a convicted clinic bomber, the Rev. Michael Bray. Another of their "martyrs," Clayton Waagner, mailed anthrax letters while a fugitive on the FBI's 10 most wanted list for anti-abortion related crimes.
"I am a terrorist," Waagner declared on the Army of God's web site. Boasting that God "freed me to make war on his enemy," he claimed he knew where 42 Planned Parenthood workers lived. "It doesn't matter to me if you're a nurse, receptionist, bookkeeper, or janitor, if you work for the murderous abortionist, I'm going to kill you."
That's textbook terrorism, defined by the USA Patriot Act as dangerous criminal acts that "appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population" or "to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion."
Which brings us back to car bomber, McMenemy. According to the Detroit Free Press (the only newspaper in the Nexis news database that reported his crime), he targeted the women's health center because he thought it provided abortions. It doesn't. (oops!) It provides mostly low-income patients with pap smears, ob-gyn care, testing for sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, and nutrition and immunization programs for women and children.
The attack caused $170,000 in property damage and left poor families without health care for a week. But long after Edgerton's water-logged carpets are removed, scorched medical equipment replaced and new doors reopened to the public, a culture of fear will linger among doctors, nurses, advocates and patients across the country, who will worry they could be next. Some frightened workers will quit their jobs; some women will be too scared to get the health care they need.
Every fresh incident of anti-abortion terrorism is a reminder that women's health supporters are not safe in a country where abortion is legal but mobilized zealots believe Jesus has empowered them to kill to prevent women from choosing it.
Is McMenemy a lone nut case, or a member of that network of violent extremists? We don't know, because journalists haven't investigated.
Nor have they reported that just last year, nearly one in five abortion clinics experienced gunfire, arson, bombings, chemical attacks, assaults, stalking, death threats and blockades, according to the 2005 National Clinic Violence Survey. Additionally, 59 percent suffered intimidation tactics such as photo/video surveillance.
Federal efforts to hunt down these terrorists improved with the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act in 1994 and the National Task Force on Violence Against Health Care Providers, established by the Department of Justice in 1998. The feds have taken over McMenemy's case, charging him with arson against a business affecting interstate commerce. Yet as of Oct. 5, no news outlet on Nexis reported this, despite a second AP story.
As we continue national debates on how to keep America safe from terrorism, journalists do us -- and especially women -- no good pretending that the threats come only from radical Muslims outside our borders. Ye-haw, we're just a bunch of Christians!


Well-Known Member
Just remember all the horrible things that have been done in the name of God. It is amazing that God fearing people will do when they thing that God is on their side or they are doing his will. When in reality they are off doing their own thing and justify it by saying God told them to do this.

God told me to smoke a giant dub have to go now.


New Member
"Since 1977, casualties from this war include seven murders, 17 attempted murders, three kidnappings, 152 assaults, 305 completed or attempted bombings and arsons, 375 invasions, 482 stalking incidents, 380 death threats, 618 bomb threats, 100 acid attacks, and 1,254 acts of vandalism, according to the National Abortion Federation."

When considering that there have been over 42 million abortions in the U.S. since Roe vs Wade, the stats cited above look pretty paltry in comparason. Kind of a one sided "war," wouldn't you say, Med & Mogie?

FRONTLINE: the last abortion clinic: abortion wars: abortion in america | PBS



New Member
When considering that there have been over 42 million abortions in the U.S. since Roe vs Wade, the stats cited above look pretty paltry in comparason. Kind of a one sided "war," wouldn't you say, Med & Mogie?
Those were womens choices based on their life situations and basically none of anyone elses business. The other facts were terrorists attacking other people, I see a difference. I don't want to debate Abortion, as I am not quite sure what I believe. This is a very hot button issue with some people. I see it as the womens right, but really don't condone Killing. It's a complex issue and all I was doing here was to bring to light the terrorist activities against abortion clinics, and the fact that it mostly goes un-reported in national press!


New Member
"It's a complex issue and all I was doing here was to bring to light the terrorist activities against abortion clinics, and the fact that it mostly goes un-reported in national press."

Yes, it is a complex issue. No doubt about it. And ... all I was doing was pointing out the one sidedness of the so called "war." And it too goes unreported in the national press. One thing I find very interesting, Med, is that the mainstream media NEVER shows the results of an abortion. Have you ever seen an aborted fetus on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, etal?

Neither have I.



New Member
Yes, it is a complex issue. No doubt about it. And ... all I was doing was pointing out the one sidedness of the so called "war." And it too goes unreported in the national press. One thing I find very interesting, Med, is that the mainstream media NEVER shows the results of an abortion. Have you ever seen an aborted fetus on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, etal?

There's no doubt that it is a very barbaric ritual, ripping a fetus out of a womans womb, but lets look at the alternatives. First lets decide when consciousness begins. Since no-one can remember that far back, unless supposidly put under hypnosis, we must "assume" that a fetus is not a person yet. And if we believe Christian beliefs, that soul goes straight to heaven, and since God sees all and knows all this was already pre-supposed. So it is not a sin. Second, what kind of life does an unwanted child have to look forward to, either adapted out and not knowing his real mother, or ending up in some horrendous life with a crackhead mother or an abusive step father etc. This is one view. There are many and as I've said, I'm torn on this issue! I will debate this no more! BTW I have seen the results of vacuuming a fetus out of a womb, very disturbing!


New Member
"And if we believe Christian beliefs, that soul goes straight to heaven, and since God sees all and knows all this was already pre-supposed. So it is not a sin."

Boy, would I like an explaination of this! But, since you've decided that you won't continue with the conversation, I guess an explaination won't be forthcoming. For one thing ... I would like to know if God would condone all murder because it was "predisposed?" How about theft, adultry, coveting, not respecting the sabbath, etc.? Are they all "predisposed" too?



New Member
"And if we believe Christian beliefs, that soul goes straight to heaven, and since God sees all and knows all this was already pre-supposed. So it is not a sin."

Boy, would I like an explaination of this! But, since you've decided that you won't continue with the conversation, I guess an explaination won't be forthcoming. For one thing ... I would like to know if God would condone all murder because it was "predisposed?" How about theft, adultry, coveting, not respecting the sabbath, etc.? Are they all "predisposed" too?

Ask Him that knows all, For it is only him that knows! But think about it, if he knows all then he knew it before it happened and allowed it! This is way over my head! thats why I don't want to discuss it! Man can not rationalize this!


New Member
Vi has this exactly right^^^^
what does that mean? Is it OK to bomb and kill abortion Dr.s throw acid on them, burn down their businesses and homes, thats pretty warped! Or do you just kiss Vi's ass and agree with everything he posts?


Well-Known Member
No, you supreme twit!
It is the specious comparison between the misguided Christians and the Muslim lunatics that Vi has attempted to illustrate that is accurate!
med, you need to take a deep breath, Bro.


New Member
No, you supreme twit!
It is the specious comparison between the misguided Christians and the Muslim lunatics that Vi has attempted to illustrate that is accurate!
med, you need to take a deep breath, Bro.
If you are saying what I think you are then one of us has misread Vis assertions, If it is I, then please accept my humble apology, I didn't see any comparison between misguided christians and Muslim extremists> PS. I reread the posts by Vi and didn't see one word about muslim extremists, but I'll still apologise for hurting your feelings! Some times I get a little carried away because my beliefs are so strong.


Well-Known Member
It is the comparison attempted in the leading article of thread. Sorry for calling you a twit! That was not necessary!
I apologize for over reacting....even though I usually agree with Vi...lol,lol


New Member
It is the comparison attempted in the leading article of thread. Sorry for calling you a twit! That was not necessary!
I apologize for over reacting....even though I usually agree with Vi...lol,lol
Are you guys butt buddies or what? Lol!


New Member
Med ...

I was wondering if you read the article before posting it. Your response to Wavels leads me to believe that you did not.

To compare the victims of 9-11, or the numbers of those killed in Iraq to the 42 million aborted babies in the U.S. since Roe vs Wade shows the blindness of the author. And THAT is what I was taking issue with.



New Member
To compare the victims of 9-11, or the numbers of those killed in Iraq to the 42 million aborted babies in the U.S. since Roe vs Wade shows the blindness of the author. And THAT is what I was taking issue with.
Then I guess you missed the real point of the article, which is, it's allright to criticise this behavior and hold strong beliefs against it, but not allright to bomb, shoot, throw acid, or burn down these peoples businesses or residences, and to do so is a real act of terrorism, just like the terrorists that attacked on 911!


New Member
Here's some ideas for you to think about, Med ...

Former UN Representative, African-American, ALAN KEYES had previously heard pro-abortion statements throughout the day of the gathering of the present Republican candidates for President in New Hampshire on February 19, 1995. A passion came over him. He stepped up to the microphone at that banquet and gave the following speech:

"I am actually from the great state of Maryland, where my ancestors have lived for the last 200 years, sometimes as free men and women and sometimes as slaves.

"And I realized as I was listening to the speakers who came before me that I come at an important juncture in this program. Because I think that the great alternatives have been laid before you tonight. And we Republicans are going to have to decide again, as we have had to decide in the past, whether we shall only speak of justice and speak of principle or whether we shall stand and fight for them! Whether we shall quote from the words of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE with real conviction or whether we shall take that document and throw it on the ash heap of history as we adopt the message of those who say that we can stand silent in the face of injustice!

"When it comes to deciding whether we shall stand by the great principle that declares that all human beings are created equal and endowed by their Creator with the right to life, there is no choice for silence! THERE IS NO CHOICE FOR SILENCE!

"And I can tell you right now, that those who are recommending that we pull the "Pro-Life" plank out of the Republican Party platform are recommending as some people decided in the Whig Party in the years before the Civil War that they would be silent on the great issue of principle that faced this nation, we shall be silent. The Republican Party grew up as a Party aimed at dealing with that moral irresponsibility. At standing on the principle that Lincoln articulated, that 'You can not have the right to do what is wrong.'

"And I'll tell you, we have heard a lot of people tonight. They talk about the money and they talk about the budget. But you and I both know, if we are willing to look ourselves in the eye what the truth is. Why is it that we spend so much money on welfare and illegitimacy? Why is it that we spend so much money on crime and violence in our streets? Why is it even that we spend so much money dealing with the problem of irresponsible behavior that contributes to the decline of the health of this nation? I think you all know in your hearts what the real answer is. We don't have MONEY problems. We have MORAL problems. And it's time we stood up and faced that truth!

"And I don't know how, I don't know how we're going to face that truth. If as what's suggested here today we can look our daughters in the eye and tell them that it is somehow consistent with freedom for them to trample on the human rights of their unborn offspring.

"We're going to have find the courage one of these days to tell people that freedom is not an easy discipline. Freedom is not a choice for those who are lazy in their heart and in their respect for their own moral capacities. Freedom requires that at the end of the day, you accept the constraint that is required, the respect for the laws of nature and nature's God that say unequivocally that your daughters do not have the right to do what is wrong, that our sons do not have the right to do what is wrong. They do not have the right to steal bread from the mouths of the innocent, they do not have the right to steal life from the womb of the unborn.

"And I'll tell you, some people may say, that if we stand up and we speak out and we fight for that principle we'll be dividing the Republican Party. But I don't think so. This Party was born on a clear commitment to principle. This Party was born of those who had the courage to stand before the American people and in the face of the threat of a greater division than we'll ever face, insist that we had to respect the principle that make us great, the principles that make us strong, the principles that make us free.

"Look at what's happening in the streets of our cities, look at what's happening to our families today. Do you think that the decline of marriage and the moral disillusion of the family is a money problem? Or do you think it's a problem that comes from putting the self first from deciding that there are no obligations that have to be respected and that at the end of the day, freedom is just another kind of empty licentiousness? We know better and our Founders knew better and it's time that we get back to the truth. They did not tell us that freedom would be an easy road. They offered us a true vision of the future of America. It was NOT a vision of licentious freedom and stupid self-indulgence. It was a vision of freedom based upon the fear of God and the respect for law.

"And why is it, that out of the mouths of all our statesmen and we hear all these great emotional words but they won't speak the simple truths that our Founders from Washington through Jefferson to Lincoln and every President spoke until we got to our own cowardly times? We are not going to remain a free people if we insist on being a corrupt and licentious people. We are not going to remain a free people if we arrogate to ourselves the right to destroy the rights of others. And that's exactly what we are doing when we embrace the so-called "pro-choice", the truly pro-abortion agenda.

"My friends, I think it's empty to praise the courage of the men and women who have died in the service of this country's freedom and its principles and yet decide that we shall lack the courage to stand up for those principles, many or few, or even alone if we must. Because that is in fact the courage that built America.

"This nation was not as some would have us believe a dream of material progress and prosperity and great cities and mountains of money. I'm glad that we have achieved that prosperity, even though it came at much expense to some of my forebearers. Those who toiled in the depths of slavery, they had an understanding of the real dream of American freedom. It's the dream of moral dignity that comes from respecting our true moral capacity. It's the dream of self-government that comes from respecting the fact that in the end, freedom is not just a choice, it is not just an opportunity. It can be a burden and a sacrifice and an obligation. And above all, it is the obligation to respect the truth of our moral identity. That moral identity can unite us across every line of race and color and creed so long as we have the courage to stand for it.

"Now I think you know by now, looking at the Clinton Administration, that if we as Republicans abandon that line of principle, it will surely be abandoned in America. But I can also tell you this in warning, that if you abandon that line of principle, there are Americans who will fight few or many, alone if we must, to make sure that it prevails. And in every point in our history, when we had the choice between right and wrong, in the end, this country chose what was right. And we can be grateful for it. And I think we shall do so again, because we know that the real heroes in America are those in their families and in their daily lives respect the truth that we must meet the obligations and sacrifices of freedom before we claim its privileges and benefits.

"And if that means as well that 'come what may.' Even if it means that we must sacrifice in our personal lives we have to stand where our Founders stood on the belief that you cannot have the right to do what is wrong, but that if we build self-government on a true adherence to the principles of justice, then we shall hold up a beacon of right and hope for all of human kind to understand the true destiny of mankind. Thank-you"