homebox L, with 400W agrosun mh.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hey man, I just read all the way through and you're doing great but I see a couple opportunities for improvement. See how the bigger plant has the leaf tips curling sharply downward? That is not healthy and is a symptom of excessive salt buildup in the rootzone. When your roots absorb nutrients they excrete salt and it will build up in the medium if not removed. What you should do is take the plant to the bathtub or somewhere where a lot of water can drain off. Take 4 or 5 gallons PER PLANT and ph it to 6.5. Pour all the water through, just flood the pots. This will wash all the built up salt and stale water out. If you want you can feed them immediately after this. Both of your plants would benefit from this and I'm sure the leaves on the bigger one will flatten out in a couple days.

I was also wondering how you determine when to water them. The smaller plant will have a smaller root mass and uptake less water and nutrients. If you are watering them at the same time always then the larger plant will be fine but the smaller one will become overwatered. From the couple pics you have there that is my best assessment of the odd looking leaves. So yea I would flush them both good and then lift up each pot once a day. It will feel very heavy when wet and almost empty when it is dry and time to water again.

Keep it green,


Well-Known Member
wow... thanks for actually taking time to go through my journal. i will take your advice and flush them both. usually i water them around the same time... but half the water for the smaller of the 2. i just added a 70W hps and a 42 watt? CFL... just cuz. again... thanks for the feedback!!!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
OK great. Your plants will thank you for it. Just remember when you water you want plenty of runoff water every time. The first bit of water that drains out is actually the water that remained in the pot from the last feed and it is being pushed out by the water you are pouring in on top of it. Good rule of thumb is to have the amount of runoff water be at least 15% of what you pour in. I consider that waste water and you don't want it in your pot. If you had a ppm or EC meter I bet your runoff water reading would be crazy high right now from the salt. So yea the more clean water you can push through those pots the better right now. You won't drown them or anything as long as you let the medium dry out enough before the next watering.


Well-Known Member
thanks mared. be sure to keep following my thread as i would love any advice your willing to give. checked your grow out... Awesome job man!


Well-Known Member
just finished reading your journal
its looking good, keep up the good work and i hope to see some nice looking buds in the end
and mared juwan, i used to water the way you mentioned, flood, let water pour out drain holes and let sit till mostly dry but i recently transplanted to some MG soil and i was told u cant water MG like that, its 0.14-0.14-0.14 and i havent had over nute probs so should i water the way i was before??


Well-Known Member
little one looks hermie... what do you guys think? the big one looks good, 26inches tall, lots of preflowers.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
mared juwan, i used to water the way you mentioned, flood, let water pour out drain holes and let sit till mostly dry but i recently transplanted to some MG soil and i was told u cant water MG like that, its 0.14-0.14-0.14 and i havent had over nute probs so should i water the way i was before??
What is the logic behind this? Why wouldn't you want runoff with MG? That sounds like a recipe for disaster. Doesn't matter whether the nutrients you provide are MG or something actually meant for cannabis, the roots WILL produce salt. You have to get that out of there if you want good health I promise you.

Squiggs, plants looks good. Taller one looks a little happier already but that little one is herm for sure. Sucks man but you gotta decide what you want to do soon. Either keep it and your other plant will pollinate or kill it and hope the other one stays 100% female. If you kill it and the other one herms too then that would really suck because you killed it for nothing.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Probably for the best because that taller plant is going to be a monster! It should have no problem taking up all the space in there.


Well-Known Member
What is the logic behind this? Why wouldn't you want runoff with MG? That sounds like a recipe for disaster. Doesn't matter whether the nutrients you provide are MG or something actually meant for cannabis, the roots WILL produce salt. You have to get that out of there if you want good health I promise you.
i was told that if you flood MG soil like that it doesnt drain properly and fuks up your plants, but i just did that now and after this watering my plants seemed happier, hope it holds up, thanks for the response (how do i give rep??)

sorry to hear that your little herms a gonner squigggs but i guess its for the better, good luck with the big girl...hopefully :weed:


Well-Known Member
this plant is averaging about an inch in upward growth every day... everytime i see it, it looks a little different. theres TONS of white hairs coming out all over.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
So are you starting to see what I was saying about the curled leaves? Don't they look so much happier now that they are flattening out? But yea your upward growth should start to slow down soon and stop completely by the end of week 4. You're going to have some nice bud shots - that closeup pic is awesome. You must have a good camera.


Well-Known Member
its a nikon coolpix S51... just a point and shoot, but a nice one. and yes.... the plant is impressing me everyday!


Active Member
Hey man, check out the journel, looks great man. Where did you get your lights from cause im seriously wanting to upgrade real bad.

Plants look great, on my last grow i pulled the top of my plants to the side and tied them with sting so the who plant was bent over and had good results. really opened bud sites without having to super crop.