Home Self-Defense


Well-Known Member
Im going to be doing an outdoor grow and I was wondering what everyone is using to block their crops from being shown. If someone were to climb over my fence to steal my bushes could I say they were threatening my life so I could legally shoot them in the leg?
Maybe I could put some bear traps around my crops and say they were for the raccoons and possums.

I don't know what to do, maybe I should just get a blue nose boxer or something. My fence is cast iron so everyone could pretty much see through it, and I live on a hill so my whole backyard is pretty much exposed. What should I do?

Post a bunch of home owner has a gun, plus beware of dog signs?


Well-Known Member
so I could legally shoot them in the leg?
NEVER shoot someone unless it's to kill them. First, they'll be alive to testify against you. Second, the fact that you shot and aimed for a non-vital area shows that you weren't really feeling threatened - going to be pretty hard to say that an unarmed person was threatening your life if you have a gun anyway.


Well-Known Member
depends on what state you live in. if i shoot im shooting to kill. but it all depends on the state you live in


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to shoot someone, in the leg at least. Chances are if they came to steal my bush they would have a knife or something to cut the stalk so I could say they came running at me and I shot in self defense.

Gonna be vegging indoor because its July already.


Active Member
Got call a realitor or like some offical to find out. But ya..if someones taking your shit..fuckn shoot theyr ass then hide the plants. tell the cops they were tryin to rob you. I had a problem with that. I bought my self a mosberg 500..I will shoot a muther fucker and drag his ass in my house and call the cops...i don't give a fuck. aint no one takin my shit


Active Member
Oh ya.. and if your going to shoot them...you better kill them. cuz theyll be back for revenge. besides they knew the risk if they tryd to rob you. and chances are .. they got a gun or a knife. so you already know


Well-Known Member
if you need to shoot someone, kill em. You don't want to have to look over your shoulder forever.


Active Member
Main qusetion is...are you growing legally or illegally. Cus if your doin it legally...put a fat perimeter around the plant with barb wire and all kinds of crazy shit to make it look like ur not fuckin around


Well-Known Member
Just get a dog dude. Not only will you have a loving companion, but also a fierce guard. I have a Bull Mastiff, and he would kill someone who tried to take a seedling.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
I second the mossberg 500 with some 00 buckshot they'll be running for the hills. Camp out on a hammock or a tent and just wait for the bastards to come..but if you want to use common sense, post your property very visibly and very often that way no one can say they didnt see a no trespassing sign, plant very bushy tall fast growing plants on both sides of your fence and install a motion detector flood light if your really sketched. Btw all this shoot to kill business is bullshit and can land you in more hot water than your plants chillin in your backyard, chances are 90 percent of people will turn and never come back when they hear you racking the shotgun, the other 10 percent? Yea go ahead fucking kill em


Well-Known Member
Yeah everything is legal, I am a marijuana patient.
I might put up a few poles and make a perimeter around the plants using barbed wire. I wanted to get a dog too, a loyal companion to get stoned with sounds a bit more relaxing then being paranoid about my crops.


Well-Known Member
Yeah everything is legal, I am a marijuana patient.
I might put up a few poles and make a perimeter around the plants using barbed wire. I wanted to get a dog too, a loyal companion to get stoned with sounds a bit more relaxing then being paranoid about my crops.
a dog and some defenses around the perimeter are your best bet.

no one should die over a plant, even if they are the one trying to rob it. it could be some stupid fucking kid for all you know who just made a bad mistake. i once hopped a fence just to look at my neighbor's plant, no intention of taking it.

the rubber bullets sound like a fun idea though :fire:


Guns are what give marijuana growers a bad name IMO - people get word that somebody was shot at a marijuana grow then that gives cops more funding/reason to bust future ones of varying size. I like to believe there are non-fatal solutions to lifes problems.... and I agree with the dude who said "look inwards (growing indoors)" if you expect there will be an issue and you cannot cope with the loss of a couple plants. You must ask yourself if the loss of a couple plants are worth the loss of a human life and legal issues for yourself. Deterring people would be best, either plant some thorny rose bush type plants or fence and/or if it is hidden well enough maybe nobody will even know.


Well-Known Member
You can't use deadly force to defend property!

Deadly force can only be used if life is in emminant danger. You cannot shoot someone for stealing from you. You will go to prison!

A few years ago there was a case where a land owner caught a tresspasser on his property (It was a fisherman cutting thru his property to a pond) The land owner leveled a shotgun at the tresspasser and the tresspasser pulled a handgun & killed the landowner. The guy pled guilty to tresspassing, the shooting was ruled 'self defence'!

If you escilate a simple tresspass or attempted burlgery to a deadly situation, YOU have taken it to another level! Then, they have the right to defend themselves. Being a tresspasser does not remove they're right to use deadly force if faced with it!
