Well-Known Member
What did you do after you found them? Ask them for it back?You should through moron in there with pussy. If someone needs to shoot someone for jacking plants not only are they a pussy, but they most likely aren't very bright either.
I grew up in an area where people would pull guns for trivial bullshit. I've met a lot of people who do that shit. Most of them are total pussies who are only pulling guns because they walk around terrified all day and aren't smart enough to deal with life without resorting to bullshit.
I've had plants jacked before. Yeah, it fucking sucks. But I used my resources to find the guys who did it. As mad as I was, murder and guns never even crossed my mind. I have no need to resort to such things. At the end of the day plants aren't worth the kind of problems that come with such behavior.
And your calling me a moron.