Holy Smoke seeds

kona gold

Well-Known Member
I have been checking out Holy Smoke seeds for some time now.
Their genetics seem pertty amazing.....but their seeds are never in stock!!
Only their landraces are available.
Are they still around or did they close shop??
Any knoeledge apreciated.
I have 3-4 different land races from them. I tried the Peshawar, that thing is a grow room eater! As far as why their beans aren't in stock I'm not sure it's been that way for a while with the seed bank I go through.
I have 3-4 different land races from them. I tried the Peshawar, that thing is a grow room eater! As far as why their beans aren't in stock I'm not sure it's been that way for a while with the seed bank I go through.

Yea.....i checked a few seed banks.....and the same.....out of stock!
The Black Honey Haze, Goldfinger, Thunderbud.....sound pretty mean!
What landraces did you try besides the Preshwar.....and besides it being a beast, i assume by what u said, how was the quality?
Anyone grown any of their hybrids?????
Ye I done 3 of there strains !! excellent genetics really sound plants .. Kong was stupid strong really made baked,, Str D and Thunder were awesome smokes too ! i put a few packs of these aside for next summer ..
man good to hear about kong. Been interested in HSS for a while as they seem to be a reputable breeder. How was the yield in Kong given your parameters?
The landraces were not actually Holy smoke. They were contracted from Marberry seed. Holy smoke claims he only grew out malawi, mulanje, mozambique and said they were "ok" true landraces. All the pics of the landraces were either doctored or stolen from other growers hybryd plants. Bad blood between Holy Smoke and Marberry now. They are landraces... if its true, so tough to grow and if not hybrydized and not true. Only fact that is clear from dispute is all landrace pics were faked.
their stock runs out from time to time. wait for them to restock. their malawi gold really impressed me at how much more co-operative it was than fussy highland thai and how much better it's buds smoked at the start of flowering when i had to cut it down because it got seriously polkadot burnt by hot spots the night i forgot to turn my fan on for a few hours. if you're after their landrace gear, wait for them to do the malawi gold/mulanje gold/mozambique poison giveaway and you should have some really good smoke. i've seen a favorable review for one of their indices too. their seeds used to be $35, but $42 is still reasonable, especially when you get 6 freebies at attitude and can always get that 15% discount using the 420 coupon code
Ye they fell out with Malberry because malberry was using others pics ...and holy would'nt entertain that ! exactly what i would a done ...as holy said his pics have been stolen by other sites to sell there strains too so he knows what its like ! and at first Malberry would'nt even admit it when holy challenged him .... so obv holy stopped all communication with malberry .. THANK GOD too cause now they seem to be concentrating on their hybrids and the Strawberry Diesel has just been voted TOP wake and bake strain 2012/13 by medical community !!!! http://www.medicaljane.com/review/strawberry-diesel-strain-review/ get it if you can !!
Ye they fell out with Malberry because malberry was using others pics ...and holy would'nt entertain that ! exactly what i would a done ...as holy said his pics have been stolen by other sites to sell there strains too so he knows what its like ! and at first Malberry would'nt even admit it when holy challenged him .... so obv holy stopped all communication with malberry .. THANK GOD too cause now they seem to be concentrating on their hybrids and the Strawberry Diesel has just been voted TOP wake and bake strain 2012/13 by medical community !!!! http://www.medicaljane.com/review/strawberry-diesel-strain-review/ get it if you can !!

In regards to Malberry not "him". I heard he died. It's "her"; daughter is in charge now.

I would still like to know if anyone has grown out PESHAWAR, Nepali RUKUUM, or Mozambiquen Poison from them and whether they were any good at all even for landraces. There was talk a year ago that Malberry's daughter was just tossing bag weed seeds from her hometown in Africa into the packs she was giving to Matt to try pay her bills. I hope to god that was bullshit.
the one mozambique poison i got to root was a male i had to cut down, but it's leaf was very tasty and similar to durban which tastes more like licorice candy where the mozambique was more wild tasting and closer to the anise spice that licorice comes from. another member here really like the buzz. it might be a durban cross, or at least related to that poison which gave me dry heaves which i bet is why it has that name. not a fan of the taste of licorice either
So my Strawberry Daugpound has turned hermaphrodite in my gro tent... Just 1 plant out of 4 which suggests that it is a genetic flaw not gro conditions... After contacting Nick Tops, owner of Holy Smoke Seeds I have been called stupid and defriended...
Very unprofessional....
Will not buy Holy Smoke Seeds again...
6x Strawberry Cane no-shows. Very disappointed.

I have been germing seeds for years, young and old.
I have freebies from 10 years ago that germ no problem. I've had some pop in a day, some in 2-3 weeks. I'm very patient and careful. Germing is not something I find difficult is what I'm saying. I pop hundreds of fruit/veg seeds too.

This is only the second time in 10 years that I've had non-germing seeds. Last time it was a pack of GHS Super Lemon Haze.

These seeds are either dead or dogshit. Fortunately I have plenty of others on the go.

Lesson learned, but still annoying.