I have 3-4 different land races from them. I tried the Peshawar, that thing is a grow room eater! As far as why their beans aren't in stock I'm not sure it's been that way for a while with the seed bank I go through.
Ye they fell out with Malberry because malberry was using others pics ...and holy would'nt entertain that ! exactly what i would a done ...as holy said his pics have been stolen by other sites to sell there strains too so he knows what its like ! and at first Malberry would'nt even admit it when holy challenged him .... so obv holy stopped all communication with malberry .. THANK GOD too cause now they seem to be concentrating on their hybrids and the Strawberry Diesel has just been voted TOP wake and bake strain 2012/13 by medical community !!!! http://www.medicaljane.com/review/strawberry-diesel-strain-review/ get it if you can !!