I don't know all the rules here yet so hopefully I'm not breaking any here by posting specific product names but I got a POTV Lobo after reading reviews and such. I got it new from POTV with a Gordito bubbler for less than $150, plus they included a $15 gift certificate which was good for a pack of dosing capsules and a small vacuum lock stash jar. The vape really is a game changer. I wasn't sure what to expect but with their guarantee I figured it was worth a shot. It may not be as pocketable as the Pax vapes or others but when I'm out and about I just have edibles for that anyway.
I honestly didn't know how much I was missing by using my MJ Arsenal bubbler or joints, so much of the flavor/aroma/terps was literally just going up in smoke plus I use a fraction of the herb that I did when smoking. Truly a different experience. I even use the concentrate pad with budder sometimes (my first dab experiences) and while I'm sure that there are other devices better suited for dabbing it does the job in a pinch.
A few recommendations though after a few months of use:
• If you have a dremel or access to one, grind a small dimple into the rim of the dosing caps so that you can get them open if they stick shut (it happens as often as not for me) and they're thin so I've destroyed dosing caps trying to open them
• If you can swing it get a cheap (<$10) ultrasonic jewelry clear from Temu or the like for cleaning the dosing capsules.
Anyhoo, I'm in eastern PA (sort of Lehigh Valley), typically hit Vytal Options and sometimes Verilife (I like the Terrapin CBD flower and they always have a few options). Curious where others in PA shop, Vytal seems to have the best rewards, especially when you can stop in for double points mondays.