HM Clones

I dont know what their latest IG is. Like many in the bizz, they've been deleted a few times and had to start over.

Check the reviews here and the other grow forums. The last few I've read have been lukewarm to positive but I'm sure as time goes on we'll see more.
Lukewarm to positive sounds not negative. Wil give my feedback once I go through.
Ordered a cut of Mai Tai #4 and Mac #5 with a 50% off, shipped them right away, clones got home within 2 days healthy and they added a cut of Tres Leches “Cookies N Cream X Koolato (Face on Fire X Girl Scout Cookies X Gelato #33)” for free. Will do business again.
Found this after ordering with Hortmans and only getting one of the two clones I ordered.

I got my "Cap Junky" clone within a few days of ordering, but it came from MA, not OR. It's healthy and doing fine, but it's been almost two weeks now and the Peanut Butter Breath I ordered has not shipped, even though they told me it was rooted and ready to go when I ordered. Also, they shipped the Cap Junky sig required and didn't tell me they shipped it until hours after I received it. Thankfully I checked informed delivery as I was waiting on a pack of seeds from Attitude that hadn't come yet and saw a weird tracking number, so I was aware the Hortmans package was coming and required a signature.

I've emailed and asked about it every few days, only to be ignored until Tuesday when they told me "I just got word this is shipping today". You just got word? I thought I was working with a nursery, not a drop shipper that's detached from the actual business.

Well, it's now Thursday and the PBB still hasn't shipped. After reading this thread and thinking back on my experience so far, I'm skeptical I even got a Cap Junky cut and don't really believe the PBB, if it ever comes, will be PBB.

I feel as though I've gotten poor communication at best, outright lies at worst.

I've emailed them this morning requesting a refund for the PBB, with all the reasons I've stated here. I really would not have minded a 2 week lead time if that's what's going on, but it seems they were not honest. I also find it to be dishonest to display yourself as a nursery when you're really just a drop shipper. At least the Clone Conservatory admits they're basically drop shippers, so when you flower out what you got through them and it's not what you ordered, you're not all that surprised (yup, been there with them).

Anyway, I'll update what they do with my refund request, but I don't imagine they'll honor it considering the service I've received so far.

At this point I can not recommend these guys at all.

On that note, I ordered from King Kong Clones Sunday, they shipped Monday. Had there not been a storm that delayed UPS, I would've received my order Monday, but I got it Tuesday instead, with an HLVD report.

Edit 1: They replied, now telling me they don't have the PBB to send to me because they sold out. How is it that you had it when I ordered it, you supposedly had it two days ago and were about to ship it, now it's sold out? They offered to give me the refund or allow me to pick a different cut. They didn't even tell me what cuts they had rooted and available to ship today to make the situation right, which further leads me to believe they're just a drop shipper.
I replied that I wanted a refund, as having been lied to and jerked around for almost two weeks doesn't make me want to trust them to send me something else. I believe even less now that the Cap Junky is legit and won't know for quite some time, but I feel like I threw a bunch of money away on that as of right now. They did not reply again until a bit later when I sent another email basically demanding the refund, to which they stated they will send me the refund today. Why they can't just use the phone they're using to email me back to cash app me my refund right now, I don't know, but I honestly do not believe they are actually going to refund me, but I'd be very happy to be wrong.

I'll update again when I either have a refund or tomorrow to confirm that they lied again and did not refund me.

Edit 2: Well, they just refunded me. I'm genuinely surprised and happy to be wrong in thinking they wouldn't.
I will never use them again, no matter how good of a deal they run. I'll also be questioning the cut I did get and if it's legit for a long time to come and that's not the way a customer should ever feel, especially when they spend what I did on a single cut.
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