HM Clones

It’s good to make money or trade off your time-effort, but trying to squeeze $2000 off of a branch you were probably going to toss anyway is bad business and probably bad karma.
Shoot- if you’re ever in Mendocino area you can have a cutting, just to show that cannabis growing is more than just business to some people. The greed is what’s pulling in the corporate aspect and I hope more people move back to the “share the wealth, and also make enough to keep yourself going” mentality to keep the lifestyle from becoming completely “pay-to-play” and greed-driven, though I’m not all against it as a business venture. Imagine charging $2000 for a cut from a coffee plant… Even cocaine isn’t worth that much as a plant where it is typically grown- it’s the processing and shipping it illegally that gives it that value- not it’s humble shrub-beginnings.
Good luck in the future. No joke about taking a cut from me. I’m just one of those friendly weirdos living good in the redwoods.
You're far too kind. I love Mendocino, had a cabin on Fish Rock Road once upon a time. It had redwoods, apple trees, ocean view, and a little grow room already there. Why did I ever leave?

I was once given what was supposedly a real coca plant. I never cloned it or I'd be on my yacht instead of here. :mrgreen: I don't think it was real but who knows.
You're far too kind. I love Mendocino, had a cabin on Fish Rock Road once upon a time. It had redwoods, apple trees, ocean view, and a little grow room already there. Why did I ever leave?

I was once given what was supposedly a real coca plant. I never cloned it or I'd be on my yacht instead of here. :mrgreen: I don't think it was real but who knows.
So you likely know the community-mindness. I I did work for a guy up there who bought some property and was having me clear old Manzanita- abundance of some of the hottest-burning wood, all dead- great for bbq, too. The place had obviously been a grow site and I figured the new owner as a retired dentist (by his demeanor) but he was a total stoner back-to-the-land type, who probably has a nice grow there now. I love that stretch of road between Gualala and Mendocino. Used to drive over an hour to that job but loved it. Nice area. I’m North up the coast.
I also just really love plants and hate to waste, so when I have to prune up my best plants I can’t help but want to clone all of the cuttings!
Going to have 30 more plants than I really need so hope to fill my community with them, haha. Might just go “Johnny Appleseed” some.
So you likely know the community-mindness. I I did work for a guy up there who bought some property and was having me clear old Manzanita- abundance of some of the hottest-burning wood, all dead- great for bbq, too. The place had obviously been a grow site and I figured the new owner as a retired dentist (by his demeanor) but he was a total stoner back-to-the-land type, who probably has a nice grow there now. I love that stretch of road between Gualala and Mendocino. Used to drive over an hour to that job but loved it. Nice area. I’m North up the coast.
I also just really love plants and hate to waste, so when I have to prune up my best plants I can’t help but want to clone all of the cuttings!
Going to have 30 more plants than I really need so hope to fill my community with them, haha. Might just go “Johnny Appleseed” some.
Nice, spread the wealth. I know the north coast well, too. The best growers I ever met lived on the far reaches of the Lost Coast just below the Humboldt border. Usal Beach is spectacular.
I was once given what was supposedly a real coca plant. I never cloned it or I'd be on my yacht instead of here. :mrgreen: I don't think it was real but who knows.

It’s totally possible to grow coca- you just need a greenhouse with misters because it likes to get a lot of its’ moisture from the air- so I’ve heard…
I’ve got a couple coffee plants a local nursery oddly had for sale- Arabica type. Have in 5gal cloth pots (for the past 5months; still quite small) and plan on planting them in ground
once this climate change warms us up a couple more degrees ;)
Happy growing
Nice, spread the wealth. I know the north coast well, too. The best growers I ever met lived on the far reaches of the Lost Coast just below the Humboldt border. Usal Beach is spectacular.
Heck yeah. Go to a Harvest party in the area and people are throwing massive colas on a bonfire just for the hell of it and to keep the crowd high. That’s what my cousin said last time he made it to a Hog Farm event, anyway, haha.
I’d actually love to “J.A.” some HSC Freakshows out on hiking trails sometime. I wonder if given enough population if it could take off on it’s own. Guerrillas and deep-wood growers would hate me when their stuff gets pollinated and the seeds sprout weird leaves, haha.
Heck yeah. Go to a Harvest party in the area and people are throwing massive colas on a bonfire just for the hell of it and to keep the crowd high. That’s what my cousin said last time he made it to a Hog Farm event, anyway, haha.
I’d actually love to “J.A.” some HSC Freakshows out on hiking trails sometime. I wonder if given enough population if it could take off on it’s own. Guerrillas and deep-wood growers would hate me when their stuff gets pollinated and the seeds sprout weird leaves, haha.
Yeah the wild pollination would probably upset growers in that area. There's someone growing everywhere, off the road a bit of course.
I’d actually love to “J.A.” some HSC Freakshows out on hiking trails sometime. I wonder if given enough population if it could take off on it’s own. Guerrillas and deep-wood growers would hate me when their stuff gets pollinated and the seeds sprout weird leaves, haha.
They would probably find you :blsmoke:
They would probably find you :blsmoke:
Yeah- small community even combining the Triangle counties.
So I STRESS- if you find a bunch of little Freakshows popping up in the woods I’ll leave it to my spokesperson, Shaggy, to say, “Wasn’t me.”
Yeah- small community even combining the Triangle counties.
So I STRESS- if you find a bunch of little Freakshows popping up in the woods I’ll leave it to my spokesperson, Shaggy, to say, “Wasn’t me.”
Are they regular beans from the breeder or did you get S1's? I saw someone giving away some premature S1's of the freakshow lol.
I can't put it together why someone would throw expensive beans in the wild :blsmoke:
Are they regular beans from the breeder or did you get S1's? I saw someone giving away some premature S1's of the freakshow lol.
I can't put it together why someone would throw expensive beans in the wild :blsmoke:
I’m not actually “Johnny Appleseed”ing them, haha. But I did get some regular seeds of HSC Freakshow. They were like 20/100$, I think- back in January. Grew out some early and harvested in May-June. Have two going now one definitely Fem, and hoping the other is male for breeding purposes, but otherwise gave remaining ones to a friend who got me started growing last year.
I’m into the environmental side of genetics so I like seeing how plants grow under natural stressors and hope to create a unique plant for the area I live in, though not necessarily with Freakshow.
Who wouldn’t find it kind of cool to realize there is a naturally thriving species of dank growing in the woods near them? -Rhetorical question because I know the answer and I shudder for the loss of soul of those people
I saw someone giving away some premature S1's of the freakshow lol.
Actually, the beans I got, and from what I’ve heard, they are abnormally green compared to the standard tiger-stripe nut-brown of most seeds. Straight (in package-wise) from Humboldt Seed Company.
Edit- Maybe I misunderstood and you mean a plant-from-seed, hence S1 :blsmoke:
I’m not actually “Johnny Appleseed”ing them, haha. But I did get some regular seeds of HSC Freakshow. They were like 20/100$, I think- back in January. Grew out some early and harvested in May-June. Have two going now one definitely Fem, and hoping the other is male for breeding purposes, but otherwise gave remaining ones to a friend who got me started growing last year.
I’m into the environmental side of genetics so I like seeing how plants grow under natural stressors and hope to create a unique plant for the area I live in, though not necessarily with Freakshow.
Who wouldn’t find it kind of cool to realize there is a naturally thriving species of dank growing in the woods near them? -Rhetorical question because I know the answer and I shudder for the loss of soul of those people
Their first true harvest was last November. They dropped for $210 - 10 beans I believe. Maybe they increased it to 20...

There are plenty naturally thriving species of dank. Trust.

Actually, the beans I got, and from what I’ve heard, they are abnormally green compared to the standard tiger-stripe nut-brown of most seeds. Straight (in package-wise) from Humboldt Seed Company.
Edit- Maybe I misunderstood and you mean a plant-from-seed, hence S1 :blsmoke:

The S1/F1 whatever they want to try and call it saw at another board looked very bad. Pretty sure they gave hundreds of them out.

Anyways this is a clone thread just curious if you got suckered on the free seeds.
Here is the clone now. It's uptaking nitrogen but won't grow, has no vigor, it even feels weird, like soft. The stem will not increase in thickness, just a total shock victim clone. I think I'm gonna throw it away.

It's the ultimate irony that this loser calls himself Healthy Made Clones, Healthy Made Seeds, etc... what a joke. He doesn't even pretend to care or try to do a good job. I told him he's trash.

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Looks fine man, I wouldn’t throw it away because it’s a little slow. I’ve had slow ones, took cuts and those cuts grew with good vigor. Plus how many times have you heard someone say “I almost threw it away, Boy I’m glad I didn’t that shit is fire” you never know.
Actually, the beans I got, and from what I’ve heard, they are abnormally green compared to the standard tiger-stripe nut-brown of most seeds. Straight (in package-wise) from Humboldt Seed Company.
Their first true harvest was last November. They dropped for $210 - 10 beans I believe. Maybe they increased it to 20...

There are plenty naturally thriving species of dank. Trust.

The S1/F1 whatever they want to try and call it saw at another board looked very bad. Pretty sure they gave hundreds of them out.

Anyways this is a clone thread just curious if you got suckered on the free seeds.
Been awhile since I’ve been on the forum- pardon my etiquette.
I thought S1/F1 denotes either Seed or Female-clone -(could be an M1, too) -and which generation.
As far as naturally thriving dank- I’m in a good region (redwood-soil, plenty of water for now, great ecology) but am closer to the coast than most, so I hope to develop a good cross (through seed-work) for my area that I can then clone for friends and neighbors.
Happy growing
Looks fine man, I wouldn’t throw it away because it’s a little slow. I’ve had slow ones, took cuts and those cuts grew with good vigor. Plus how many times have you heard someone say “I almost threw it away, Boy I’m glad I didn’t that shit is fire” you never know.
I know it looks green now, but it just feels like a weak plant that isn't going to fully recover. I am going to give it another week or two before throwing it out.

Anyway, HM Clones just replied to my email and offered to send a replacement. I told them that if it's a good healthy cut I'd be glad to accept a replacement. They said that sometimes clones just don't survive the trip and that they always send replacements when that happens. I sent them a link where to buy ice packs in bulk.

Guess I need to accept that this isn't the old days when you met people in person, it's the internet so I shouldn't be so quick to call people worms and losers. I again apologize for that.
I know it looks green now, but it just feels like a weak plant that isn't going to fully recover. I am going to give it another week or two before throwing it out.

Anyway, HM Clones just replied to my email and offered to send a replacement. I told them that if it's a good healthy cut I'd be glad to accept a replacement. They said that sometimes clones just don't survive the trip and that they always send replacements when that happens. I sent them a link where to buy ice packs in bulk.

Guess I need to accept that this isn't the old days when you met people in person, it's the internet so I shouldn't be so quick to call people worms and losers. I again apologize for that.

Good on them. Hopefully it arrives quickly for you. Personally, if they are sending a replacement I would toss the old one and check the soil.
Prep for the next one and have her shoot off like a rocket. Just me.

Thanks for the honest review.

Sometimes people are worms, especially online behind the screen so I don't blame you.
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