Here is the XB-400, remote driver series being mapped & uses the original 50w boards used in the first production run.

Second production run will be like mine here, sporting the new, simplistic yet still 91% efficient (so said) OnBoard Drivers coupled with the 35w board array.
Here is one of my XB-140'S that all arrived yesterday. 18" x 18" / 140w. Pretty Quick especially going from day one of the idea that is based on your growers feedback to what is desired in an led grow light but still the original HGL spectrum. No damn Dimmers tho. Lenses will be adapted to these optionally & are being made now.

HGL modified from using the community recomended HighEnd components to the highest performing components per dollar based on their tests. Maximum performance/$ is her said inteanded goal hence one reason they dont use Cree, Oslon or MeanWell.
I will try to keep you all posted on any info. I receive regarding the HLG-Trinity & HydroGrow-XB-Boards.
Edittted: Misinformation guesstimate erased.
The Trinity IR'd in @ 135. Where the diodes are, 126• the in center, 130• on the edge. Fan at even plain was off for 1/2 hr. Was hard to get the 135 pic cuz so bright. Prob need to come from above.
120• w/ regular room fan on. Its just a pcb though. So thars pretty good with no sink.

Was no real way to measure the 84X so i got the laser on the heat sink which is passively cooled.