Hillary can't be trusted

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lobbiests themselves are limited to the same cap of $2,700 you & I must adhere to, lobby groups,political action comittys & super PACs are allowed to give insane amounts,IMO the reason its allowed is because everybody who works for the government benefits from the pay for play in some manner ,it's a multi billion $ shell game to buy influence & nobody wants it to end.
Actually some do want it to end. An amendment to the constitution was put up for vote in the Senate in 2014. Fifty-four senators, all Democrats and independents who caucus with the Democrats, voted for the amendment. 42 senators all Republicans voted against it.

It is a "a multi billion $ shell game to buy influence" but you are misguided about "nobody wants it to end".
I get that some people are put off by her vote in support of the Iraq war
I get that some people are put off by her statements in support for the 1995 crime act including the one about young black "super predators"
I get that some people can't stand her voice (well I get it but don't understand how that can be a voting issue)

I don't get this "corrupt" Hillary bit. Everything I've heard is bullshit. Especially regarding the Clinton foundation. Care to elaborate on the corruption bit? Because whenever I fact check or spend time trying to understand what the hoo haw is all about, I come away amazed that people are swayed by the argument. Including Benghazi, including the e-mail scandal, including the DNC wikileaks stuff, including the stuff about the Clinton foundation. But hey, maybe I'm missing something. I'm willing to read good reporting. Just no fucking videos. That is a terrible medium for communication.

what about her illegal $25,000 donation to pam bondi, and her other donation to greg abbott in order to avoid prosecution of clinton university?
Actually some do want it to end. An amendment to the constitution was put up for vote in the Senate in 2014. Fifty-four senators, all Democrats and independents who caucus with the Democrats, voted for the amendment. 42 senators all Republicans voted against it.

It is a "a multi billion $ shell game to buy influence" but you are misguided about "nobody wants it to end".
Well hopefully it will end. It'll be a good start
what about her illegal $25,000 donation to pam bondi, and her other donation to greg abbott in order to avoid prosecution of clinton university?
Exactly. The double standard given to Benedict Donald is another thing that amazes me. If Clinton even got close to that kind of appearance of bribery, the right wingers would be howling for prison. Not a peep when BD does it.
I get that some people are put off by her vote in support of the Iraq war
I get that some people are put off by her statements in support for the 1995 crime act including the one about young black "super predators"
I get that some people can't stand her voice (well I get it but don't understand how that can be a voting issue)

I don't get this "corrupt" Hillary bit. Everything I've heard is bullshit. Especially regarding the Clinton foundation. Care to elaborate on the corruption bit? Because whenever I fact check or spend time trying to understand what the hoo haw is all about, I come away amazed that people are swayed by the argument. Including Benghazi, including the e-mail scandal, including the DNC wikileaks stuff, including the stuff about the Clinton foundation. But hey, maybe I'm missing something. I'm willing to read good reporting. Just no fucking videos. That is a terrible medium for communication.

oh for sure I care to comment,its the purpose of this thread,while Hillary claims to be anti wall street corruption the 1st thing she did as senator was to vote a nearly criminal bankruptcy bill into law,after promising she wouldnt,that by itself is huge & speaks to trust ,her being paid a quarter million every half hour she speaks by wall street CEO people proves she is in bed with them .

next has fuk all to do with her foundation,she accepts lavish jewels from tyrants while holding political office,she accepts designer clothing while holding office,she has accepted hundreds of billions of dollars from country's who assassinate homosexuals openly in the streets,she takes cash from governments that allow the beating of women,governments that refuse women the right to vote,or even drive a fucking car

also call me old fashioned but I can't get past allowing a single american serviceman,or politician to die when she had the power to utter a single word & save 4 US citizens lives,including a US ambassador who begged her for help in some 280 recorded requests for additional US security,all denied & gave us the classic statement of " what difference does it make why they died " ,again I'm old fashioned & I care why they died.

I could type "proven "reasons until I was blue in the face & it will change nothing,we both know this so why bother listing more until u validate the reasons I already listed as being reasonable actions using sound judgement .
oh for sure I care to comment,its the purpose of this thread,while Hillary claims to be anti wall street corruption the 1st thing she did as senator was to vote a nearly criminal bankruptcy bill into law,after promising she wouldnt,that by itself is huge & speaks to trust ,her being paid a quarter million every half hour she speaks by wall street CEO people proves she is in bed with them .

next has fuk all to do with her foundation,she accepts lavish jewels from tyrants while holding political office,she accepts designer clothing while holding office,she has accepted hundreds of billions of dollars from country's who assassinate homosexuals openly in the streets,she takes cash from governments that allow the beating of women,governments that refuse women the right to vote,or even drive a fucking car

also call me old fashioned but I can't get past allowing a single american serviceman,or politician to die when she had the power to utter a single word & save 4 US citizens lives,including a US ambassador who begged her for help in some 280 recorded requests for additional US security,all denied & gave us the classic statement of " what difference does it make why they died " ,again I'm old fashioned & I care why they died.

I could type "proven "reasons until I was blue in the face & it will change nothing,we both know this so why bother listing more until u validate the reasons I already listed as being reasonable actions using sound judgement .

literally everything you just typed in your retarded diatribe is false.
Well hopefully it will end. It'll be a good start
what he didn't tell you is while Hillary supposedly wants campaign finance reform this very year she's taken nearly a quarter billion dollars from one man,a man who is on video record as wanting to and I quote " take the USA down a few pegs" ,the same man funded Che Guevera socialist rise & destroyed the UK stock market because he could & threatens to do it again if the UK signs article 50 & takes the UK out of the EU.

somebody truly serious about finance reform would give back the quarter billion dollars the worlds biggest buyer of influence donated to her campaign .

sorry to lay this on you but he responded to me in a quote to you,I wasn't trying to drag u into shit .
what he didn't tell you is while Hillary supposedly wants campaign finance reform this very year she's taken nearly a quarter billion dollars from one man,a man who is on video record as wanting to and I quote " take the USA down a few pegs" ,the same man funded Che Guevera socialist rise & destroyed the UK stock market because he could & threatens to do it again if the UK signs article 50 & takes the UK out of the EU.

somebody truly serious about finance reform would give back the quarter billion dollars the worlds biggest buyer of influence donated to her campaign .

sorry to lay this on you but he responded to me in a quote to you,I wasn't trying to drag u into shit .


what he didn't tell you is while Hillary supposedly wants campaign finance reform this very year she's taken nearly a quarter billion dollars from one man,a man who is on video record as wanting to and I quote " take the USA down a few pegs" ,the same man funded Che Guevera socialist rise & destroyed the UK stock market because he could & threatens to do it again if the UK signs article 50 & takes the UK out of the EU.

somebody truly serious about finance reform would give back the quarter billion dollars the worlds biggest buyer of influence donated to her campaign .

sorry to lay this on you but he responded to me in a quote to you,I wasn't trying to drag u into shit .
It's all cool I'm don't really have a opinion about Hillary or trump. I hate most politicians equally;)
you offered up that mound of bullshit with no citation whatsoever.

that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

go back to stormfront, panhead.

citation as to collusion & pay offs from wall street CEO's given one page back,Hillary's vote on that bill is public record,if u don't believe hillarys fellow democrat pal elezibeth warrens own words used as cite fell free to do your own google,or post more memes & ad Homs like the last 4 quotes u fired off:clap:
oh for sure I care to comment,its the purpose of this thread,while Hillary claims to be anti wall street corruption the 1st thing she did as senator was to vote a nearly criminal bankruptcy bill into law,after promising she wouldnt,that by itself is huge & speaks to trust ,her being paid a quarter million every half hour she speaks by wall street CEO people proves she is in bed with them .

next has fuk all to do with her foundation,she accepts lavish jewels from tyrants while holding political office,she accepts designer clothing while holding office,she has accepted hundreds of billions of dollars from country's who assassinate homosexuals openly in the streets,she takes cash from governments that allow the beating of women,governments that refuse women the right to vote,or even drive a fucking car

also call me old fashioned but I can't get past allowing a single american serviceman,or politician to die when she had the power to utter a single word & save 4 US citizens lives,including a US ambassador who begged her for help in some 280 recorded requests for additional US security,all denied & gave us the classic statement of " what difference does it make why they died " ,again I'm old fashioned & I care why they died.

I could type "proven "reasons until I was blue in the face & it will change nothing,we both know this so why bother listing more until u validate the reasons I already listed as being reasonable actions using sound judgement .
Thought so.

By your standards for the truth, you are supporting a right wing puppet to Putin, a fraud who cheated people out of their retirement money using his name for business acuity but providing nothing that was promised, a child rapist, a corrupt man who now want access to the US treasury. The problem with my argument is that it is nothing like yours in that mine can be shown to contain enough facts that he has been charged under the RICO act and is awaiting trials in several of those actions.

What you spout isn't even close to the truth and you are too much of a coward to admit it. 25 years of right wing smears and bullshit. Not even the whiff of a court case pending for Clinton.
what he didn't tell you is while Hillary supposedly wants campaign finance reform this very year she's taken nearly a quarter billion dollars from one man,a man who is on video record as wanting to and I quote " take the USA down a few pegs" ,the same man funded Che Guevera socialist rise & destroyed the UK stock market because he could & threatens to do it again if the UK signs article 50 & takes the UK out of the EU.

somebody truly serious about finance reform would give back the quarter billion dollars the worlds biggest buyer of influence donated to her campaign .

sorry to lay this on you but he responded to me in a quote to you,I wasn't trying to drag u into shit .
Which quote?
that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence..

you can count can't you ? this is a partial list of campaign donations from 2016 alone .

his page shows contributions grouped by contributor to the candidate's campaign committee plus any super PACs or hybrid PACs working on his or her behalf.

Paloma Partners $11,111,100
Saban Capital Group $10,041,246
Renaissance Technologies $9,521,500
Pritzker Group $8,323,257
Soros Fund Management $7,043,700
Newsweb Corp $5,013,500
Laurel Foundation $3,422,713
DE Shaw Research $3,054,306
Unilever $3,016,746
Herb & Marion Sandler/Sandler Foundation $3,002,700
Sda Enterprises $3,000,000
Barbara Lee Family Foundation $2,105,004
DreamWorks SKG $2,015,700
Laborers Union $2,005,869
Bohemian Foundation $2,005,400
BLS Investments $2,002,700
Plumbers/Pipefitters Union $1,507,255
Progressive Women Silicon Valley $1,500,000
Depot Landmark LLC $1,102,700
This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2016 cycle. The money came from the organizations' PACs; their individual members, employees or owners; and those individuals' immediate families. At the federal level, the organizations themselves did not donate, as they are prohibited by law from doing so. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

Why (and How) We Use Donors' Employer/Occupation Information

NOTE: Federal-level numbers are for the 2016 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically on Monday, September 12, 2016.

Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center: [email protected]

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citation as to collusion & pay offs from wall street CEO's given one page back,Hillary's vote on that bill is public record,if u don't believe hillarys fellow democrat pal elezibeth warrens own words used as cite fell free to do your own google,or post more memes & ad Homs like the last 4 quotes u fired off:clap:

so you can't cite a single goddamn thing you talk about.

thought so.
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