Hillary can't be trusted

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It's all a vast conspiracy, pie. She killed 57 people too.

Also, something about the Jews.

I heard that she cut off Newt Gingrich's (micro) penis and sent it to Islamic Cultists in Benghazi so they'd know not to reveal the secrets of Bill's private rape rooms!!

I dunno if it's TRUE, I didn't say it, but people ARE talking...people have been saying.....
In my opinion,I seriously believe that the American people have been done an injustice by having to chose between either of these two imbeciles.What a sham,I say nobody vote and let them vote for themselves and then they can share it so we can blame the both of them
In my opinion,I seriously believe that the American people have been done an injustice by having to chose between either of these two imbeciles.What a sham,I say nobody vote and let them vote for themselves and then they can share it so we can blame the both of them
Yeah I'm just not gonna vote for either
and let's face it, I'd say that 40 percent of the American public has no business voting anyway,me probably being one of them
most are uninformed and easily persuaded by propaganda, and I believe that if you can't take care of your own business why should you be able to have a vote that could interfere with someone who does
back in topic city here we have well known right winger elezibeth warren calling out killarys hypocrisy for being owned by wall street as soon as she took her 1st public office

again Hillary can't be trusted

well, that's the white supremacist's take on it.

do any non-white supremacists wanna chime in?
I think no politician can be trusted

I'm of the same mind but unfortunately we can't kick them all out of office,for me the trust factor goes up or down depending on who funds the campaign,when hundreds of millions are being given there's no way its for such great admiration of the candidate,or love of the US political system.
Yeah agreed it's mostly lobbyist that give the money.

yup,the lobby industry needs to be made illegal & donations limited to a set amount per voter,no super PAC,lobby groups,non US resident or corporation should be allowed to donate aka buy a politician,the $2,700 cap placed on citizens donations should be the end of it,with a serious run at the presidency requiring $1billion dollars now its beyond time for complete finance reform,we'd have a good chance of quality 3rd party candidates that way as well.
yup,the lobby industry needs to be made illegal & donations limited to a set amount per voter,no super PAC,lobby groups,non US resident or corporation should be allowed to donate aka buy a politician,the $2,700 cap placed on citizens donations should be the end of it,with a serious run at the presidency requiring $1billion dollars now its beyond time for complete finance reform,we'd have a good chance of quality 3rd party candidates that way as well.
If there's a cap, why are lobbyist allowed to donate millions? Doesn't make sense. Sounds illegal. What's the law on corporations donating?
yup,the lobby industry needs to be made illegal & donations limited to a set amount per voter,no super PAC,lobby groups,non US resident or corporation should be allowed to donate aka buy a politician,the $2,700 cap placed on citizens donations should be the end of it,with a serious run at the presidency requiring $1billion dollars now its beyond time for complete finance reform,we'd have a good chance of quality 3rd party candidates that way as well.

if you actually believe that, then vote for hillary. she stands opposed to citizen's united.

If there's a cap, why are lobbyist allowed to donate millions? Doesn't make sense. Sounds illegal. What's the law on corporations donating?

lobbiests themselves are limited to the same cap of $2,700 you & I must adhere to, lobby groups,political action comittys & super PACs are allowed to give insane amounts,IMO the reason its allowed is because everybody who works for the government benefits from the pay for play in some manner ,it's a multi billion $ shell game to buy influence & nobody wants it to end.
if you actually believe that, then vote for hillary. she stands opposed to citizen's united.


10 years ago she had my vote,even 5 years ago she had my vote,unfortunately she's been involved in way too much corruption for me to vote for her

I was willing to overlook her theft of national tresure from the white house as "speculation" and even Vince fosters death,I can't overlook what's been exposed since then,my 1st republican vote since 1980 will be cast come November & I am not alone

the question should be " why r you still willing to vote for Hillary after she's been bought by George Soros super PAC ?
when she was "being mentored by the KKK"?


you are a complete joke, panhead. fucking white supremacist shitbag.

lol right back to the ad Homs when u hit a brick wall :wall: :clap:

you'd do a lot better at winning people over if you could restrain yourself for any length of time,the self righteous indignation bit isn't working for u:bigjoint:
10 years ago she had my vote,even 5 years ago she had my vote,unfortunately she's been involved in way too much corruption for me to vote for her

I was willing to overlook her theft of national tresure from the white house as "speculation" and even Vince fosters death,I can't overlook what's been exposed since then,my 1st republican vote since 1980 will be cast come November & I am not alone

the question should be " why r you still willing to vote for Hillary after she's been bought by George Soros super PAC ?
I get that some people are put off by her vote in support of the Iraq war
I get that some people are put off by her statements in support for the 1995 crime act including the one about young black "super predators"
I get that some people can't stand her voice (well I get it but don't understand how that can be a voting issue)

I don't get this "corrupt" Hillary bit. Everything I've heard is bullshit. Especially regarding the Clinton foundation. Care to elaborate on the corruption bit? Because whenever I fact check or spend time trying to understand what the hoo haw is all about, I come away amazed that people are swayed by the argument. Including Benghazi, including the e-mail scandal, including the DNC wikileaks stuff, including the stuff about the Clinton foundation. But hey, maybe I'm missing something. I'm willing to read good reporting. Just no fucking videos. That is a terrible medium for communication.
I was willing to overlook her theft of national tresure from the white house as "speculation" and even Vince fosters death,I can't overlook what's been exposed since then

Seriously, man; are you in the throes of dementia/senility? You don't really believe that nutty stuff, do ya? The Vince Foster thing? Ohhhhh, boy....

Are you ready to start barking "BENGHAZI!" and "RAPE!!" repeatedly or do you need a few more hits of meth/minutes with Hannity?
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