Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
more corruption & collusion covered for every step of the way from the FBI & attorney general up to the white house .

if there's nothing market with a big fat " C " flor Classified then our government employees should release every last email right now,no more stalling,no more partisan protectionism,no more collision to keep Americans from knowing what out elected officials are doing .

For a reference of how fucking absurd this has became president Richard Nixon was impeached just like Hillary's husband bill was,but Nixon was forced to abdicate office over 10 minutes of audio tape & keeping records on political oponents,both issues the current establishment,the DNC & Hillary Clinton are proven guilty of,only 10k worse than Nixon's Watergate .

Monday should prove to be extremely interesting even know CNN has admitted to being in the car for K K Klinton .
Big screen and popcorn. Hillary is not used to debating with people who can't be bullied into silence.


Well-Known Member
The president should be concerned with our country first. Fair trade deals, immigration security, and american problems should be his main concern.

Mexico has their own president.
What about thinking globally, though? The notions of mutual respect, commonality, and racial unity hit the shitter in favor of toxic 'nationalism' and blatant xenophobia, eh?
You certainly must understand that Drumpf is a barely adequate conman, 'secret' failure, and a terribly grotesque person. It's not the 1800s, Pie, and snake oil is nothing more than cheap grain alcohol with some cheap flavorings.

If you are in fact being earnest and not playing a character, I'm not sure if I'll be able to communicate with you much further....

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Gennifer flowers is going to be at the debate. Sitting next to Mark Cuban. Check and mate. Lmao!

Flowers beats your Cuban.

Keep trying Hillary. It's funny.
lmfao imaging Killary having to look at one of the women who not only fucked her husbands brains out,she took a fat was of cash out of their pockets & forced Hillary's husband to admit to perjury,lying & scheming runs in the Ka Ka Ka Klingon family.

I'm half expecting Trump to line the front row with over a dozen women Hillary's husband raped & Hillary viscously attacked/slandered as lying whores instead of the rape victims they are .

But Killary says all women should be listened to & believed after they've been a victim of rape :lol:

BTW mark Cubans ass has went bankrupt nearly 100 times to Trumps 6,but nobody talks about how many of his venture investments have failed,Cuban is a shmuck :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Big screen and popcorn. Hillary is not used to debating with people who can't be bullied into silence.
Fuck that noise, Trump will have his foot buried deep in his own mouth 10 minutes into it.

support the 1%...they need more, you need less...It's been going on so long it's actually become patriotic to you middle class mental midget righties.

Losers now, losers and cry babies Nov. 8th


Well-Known Member
lmfao imaging Killary having to look at one of the women who not only fucked her husbands brains out,she took a fat was of cash out of their pockets & forced Hillary's husband to admit to perjury,lying & scheming runs in the Ka Ka Ka Klingon family.

I'm half expecting Trump to line the front row with over a dozen women Hillary's husband raped & Hillary viscously attacked/slandered as lying whores instead of the rape victims they are .

But Killary says all women should be listened to & believed after they've been a victim of rape :lol:

BTW mark Cubans ass has went bankrupt nearly 100 times to Trumps 6,but nobody talks about how many of his venture investments have failed,Cuban is a shmuck :dunce:
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What about thinking globally, though? The notions of mutual respect, commonality, and racial unity hit the shitter in favor of toxic 'nationalism' and blatant xenophobia, eh?
You certainly must understand that Drumpf is a barely adequate conman, 'secret' failure, and a terribly grotesque person. It's not the 1800s, Pie, and snake oil is nothing more than cheap grain alcohol with some cheap flavorings.

If you are in fact being earnest and not playing a character, I'm not sure if I'll be able to communicate with you much further....
We have every right to pick who gets to come into our country and who gets to stay. We have a right to know who is here.

We also have a right to live free of the fear of kidnapping gangs, radical islamic terrorism, and decades of war.

We also should only trade in ways that lead to a balance of trade. Almost every country we trade with is benefiting more than us. Trade deficits cost jobs. Unbalanced taxes on imports cost jobs.


Well-Known Member
We have every right to pick who gets to come into our country and who gets to stay. We have a right to know who is here.

We also have a right to live free of the fear of kidnapping gangs, radical islamic terrorism, and decades of war.

We also should only trade in ways that lead to a balance of trade. Almost every country we trade with is benefiting more than us. Trade deficits cost jobs.
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Hey, do your thing...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Fuck that noise, Trump will have his foot buried deep in his own mouth 10 minutes into it.

support the 1%...they need more, you need less...It's been going on so long it's actually become patriotic to you middle class mental midget righties.

Losers now, losers and cry babies Nov. 8th
His proposals will attract business.

His proposals will secure our border.

His proposals will benefit the US Treasury.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I would also like to point out, that trump respects a nations leader. He tries to work with nations to achieve goals. It's called "partnering up for a time period to achieve a goal", not licking their asshole as the leftist media would have you believe.

He won't try to fund rebel groups to overthrow regimes, giving billions of dollors to our enemies, or allow others to take advantage of us.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Big screen and popcorn. Hillary is not used to debating with people who can't be bullied into silence.
I can't wait for Monday evening & the debate,its too bad were nearly 100% assured to have biased moderators,after the far left attacked & threatened the career of the last moderator who didn't molly coddle hillary.

Matt Lauer called " a disgrace " for not shilling for Killary Klingon Klinton .
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