Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Gennifer flowers is going to be at the debate. Sitting next to Mark Cuban. Check and mate. Lmao!

Flowers beats your Cuban.

Keep trying Hillary. It's funny.


Well-Known Member
Gennifer flowers is going to be at the debate. Sitting next to Mark Cuban. Check and mate. Lmao!

Flowers beats your Cuban.

Keep trying Hillary. It's funny.
Consistently disappointing, Pie....sigh....

Don't you suck on a Mexican dude's cock? Your kids are fathered by this man, yeah? You know, in your heart, that this creature you are supporting is a well-documented racists and misogynist, yes?
C'mon, you are better/smarter than this....are you really a bright progressive lady that engages in the 'DERP! DRUMPF! DERPPPP!' schtick strictly for attention/trolling?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Consistently disappointing, Pie....sigh....

Don't you suck on a Mexican dude's cock? Your kids are fathered by this man, yeah? You know, in your heart, that this creature you are supporting is a well-documented racists and misogynist, yes?
C'mon, you are better/smarter than this....are you really a bright progressive lady that engages in the 'DERP! DRUMPF! DERPPPP!' schtick strictly for attention/trolling?
He's voting Trump. America First.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member

New FBI documents show that obama was emailing Hillary on her server. So he had knowledge.

FBI refuses to release those communications because of "presidential privilege".
more corruption & collusion covered for every step of the way from the FBI & attorney general up to the white house .

if there's nothing marked with a big fat " C " for Classified then our government employees should release every last email right now,no more stalling,no more partisan protectionism,no more collision to keep Americans from knowing what out elected officials are doing .

For a reference of how fucking absurd this has became president Richard Nixon was impeached just like Hillary's husband bill was,but Nixon was forced to abdicate office over 10 minutes of audio tape & keeping records on political oponents,both issues the current establishment,the DNC & Hillary Clinton are proven guilty of,only 10k worse than Nixon's Watergate .

Monday should prove to be extremely interesting even know CNN has admitted to being in the car for K K Klinton .
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