Hilary's Penis


Well-Known Member
I recently had a discussion in my sociology class about this sort of thing. My argument was that race is pretty much a non-issue nowadays.
Maybe it's just because I was raised in race neutral (or at least inbetween whites and blacks) states and cities. Houston Texas, Tampa and Lithia Florida, as well as Hawaii.
When I ask why so and so doesn't want Obama or Clinton in office, the reply is usally started, "I have nothing against <minority/gender> but I don't agree with their policy on <hot topic issue>.
Even if it is really that they have an issue with race or whatever, what they are saying out loud is that it doesn't matter. And that is the message that future generations will absorb.
Even if we don't get a non-white male president this election, the bar is set. I predict that there will be a much more varied selection from now on and the general public will be able to vote without (too much) bias.