Eight bag set is a must for quality. The 160 is usually trash, but I have also got full melt from it (as well as the 120, 90, 73, 45, and 25). Trichome sizes vary is why you need them all. I have a set of Bolt Bags and they are way too stiff. For the best quality, you need to fold the bags over the buckets. To clean the bags, they need to be turned inside-out & then back again. I would not recommend them to anyone with hand and/or muscle problems. Yes the sides are tough, bfd. Are you worried about wearing-out the sides? I own more than 50 bags/screens and several brands. Without a doubt, the orignal Bubble Bags are the best bags. The fit the buckets properly, supple, tough, do not delaminate, and have top quality screens.