High PH signs, symptoms and correcting...Pictorial!! A must read for newb'z

i dont drink, or smoke, im actually straight as always, I used to smoke, i use tincture now and then but no need to be high, I dont really need it like some do
if I really didnt think your a cop/dea/fed agent, I would post pics of my pressurized room. but not the place for that!! so the reason alien is sooo mad he is really a dea posing as a grower, why else would any one get that mad? dea!!! or maybe fed undercover. feds and dea hate HATE pot growers and now my pics are up, he is fukn pissed
if I really didnt think your a cop/dea/fed agent, I would post pics of my pressurized room. but not the place for that!! so the reason alien is sooo mad he is really a dea posing as a grower, why else would any one get that mad? dea!!! or maybe fed undercover. feds and dea hate HATE pot growers and now my pics are up, he is fukn pissed

Lol whats a pressurized room?

And what the fugg is going on here? Aim, why are you wasting your time bro?

This shit is so stupid it made my brain hurt! How old are you dwit? goto sleep!
Lol well apparently I missed something but most of the people I see here, including SIP, are all knowledgeable chill dudes. No one knows everything, we all just have to accept that. No need to be bickering over who knows what. Dont forgot theres a person behind the screen that youre arguing with...

Its funny, when growers are together in person and talk they are chill and communicate ideas well(or at least thats been my experience)

Online it's the opposite. So much negativity and fucking cock measuring contests. Just fucking help each other out, use others knowledge to benefit yourself, and enjoy the fucking beautiful pictures!

If not, lets start a 'bicker and bitch' thread to keep that type of discussion away from the grown up talk...

@SIP too tired to read the first post here but will tomorrow.

Sorry to see everyones jiimies rustled by this troll too, hope everyone has/had a good night!

Stay stoned, bros
here's some more dribble. I can just imagine how many people wasted thier time on this one...


Before you plant in soil be sure the power of hydrogen is in the correct range using a piece of litmus paper or something similar. It is very difficult and can cause problems for the plant(s) if you attempt to ammend the soil with the plant(s) growing in it. If the water you are forced to use is seriously out of wack I would recommend that it be brought into the proper range. I ph balance the water I use everytime I change the res.
Yes your right. Dwit is a child. Get back in bed child I should have never started this thread now nobody likes me

That's not the case AT ALL. Bro we're just jackin' around a bit and having some fun at each others expense. My bad.

Come back in a couple hours and I'll buy you a Maple Donut with that coffee.
I'm really itchin to smoke some cock yo

I'm pretty sure that this evening you have proven yourself to be a real "cocksmoker" I guess.

The fact that you are wanting to "smoke my pole" is pretty nauseating to me. I doubt if you can blow any better than you grow.

I always thought you were just an uninformed, illiterate, douchbag that knew Zero about growing pot. Now I see, you are actually just trolling around in hope that you can put another fellows penis in your mouth.
plz dont let this turn into an age battle now,,, thought the bullshit was thru? had a troll hack my thread last night, now we wana talk about investments, children an age?

nothing about nothing, nothing about growing and most of all nothing about the title of the thread, high ph?

and I noticed you wrote "owned" that suks!!
plz dont let this turn into an age battle now,,, thought the bullshit was thru? had a troll hack my thread last night, now we wana talk about investments, children an age?

nothing about nothing, nothing about growing and most of all nothing about the title of the thread, high ph?
and I noticed you wrote "owned" that suks!!
First of all I never started the age battle, Tiki did. My last post was never directed at just him.
So I won't that's why I got rid of the post. I have stated my case, and will stick with my belief. No need for to pH in a decent soil/soiless medium if you know your water source and how your fertilizer will react with it. I never wrote owned btw. No idea what you are talking about, think you have me confused with someone else.

Most people have zero clue of what their water contains as they don't bother to have it tested or find a water report. They just think about pH alone which is the wrong way to go about it. That's all I ever said since my first post in this thread. If you guys think commercial greenhouse/perennial growers etc are constantly adjusting pH you're wrong. It doesn't happen very often unless they have a terrible water source.
did you see your plants dude? 4in plants in 10gal+ pots... = newb just my observation thats all, this thread started saying you cant change the ph of soil period... then went to you cant change it with water,,, oh but you can change the ph of soil with or without water simple. you read the whole article?? lol ok sure you just read the whole thing right?

I suppose I can go on. I did read the whole articles which is how I know that they do not mention anywhere using water. The articles were not that long to begin with but I can tell by your disbelief that A. You cannot read very fast ergo have not read very often, can't read very well etc etc you get my point and B. that you did not read the entire articles yourself, perhaps you just skimmed through and incorrectly assumed they would support your claims? Now, as for my plants being so squat might I suggest that you read up on the effects of different light spectrums on growth patterns? I am growing predominantly Sativa strains in a 3'x3'x2.5' box here (as noted by the thin blade like leaf fingers) Thank you Arjan - so maintaining a lower profile was in my best interest, not to mention the steps one should take to increase the F:M ratio which include: high N, low K, cooler temps, shorter daylight hours, high humidity, and more light in the 5-6500K range as well as a few others I can't think of atm. There is also increasing evidence out of Sweden I believe, it could very well be the Dutch though - that more space for vertical growth of the root system say 14 inches or so will increase F:M dramatically. I think the results are still inconclusive on this one. You'll find that after a while that many of the professionals techniques and approaches to growing are very similar to one another; a collective source of reliable information. For the record here are some of my sources. I don't take Seemore 100% seriously but he has some good information in there none the less. Let's get one of these guys in here and see what they think about using just adulterated water to adjust pH. I also have several videos on hand and another book by Ryan Riley I have misplaced atm. I think there are things you can really contribute to this website but maybe you need to look a little further to find them. g2g ttyl. :bigjoint: