Well-Known Member
haha im just bored looking through threads but i actually do love love love great white for clones and seedling stages which for me says a lot because it isn't the cheapest and i am cheap!
another excuse dude why your plants have a piss tone to them?Its because im holding the plant up after its been cut downwrong again. Your on a roll.....again.
great white does work for a few weeks, very true. i have found much better results with fewer bacterial strains, try it and see for your self thats as far as that goes. so you like the thread? interesting huh? lol!!i heart great white.
For sure pal, nothing gets a girl wetter than a landscaper with two grow houses and a ph pen. Most premo slice is looking for a guy like you.Far from it . Lol as a matter of fact, I'm the guy that bangs out your girl when your at work.
Wait!The guy who started this thread honestly believes that it will kill your soil. Well maybe not honestly, i think he just likes to flap his cock holster to try and fit in and tells alot of lies.
what are you talking about?? lol so you check in on that underlighted plant yet?Wait!
Did not S.I.P. just make reference to his cock holster? Or maybe it was my cock holster he was talking about or something. Anyway he was talking about cocks and holsters just yesterday. Now here you are, talking about the same thing, cocks and holsters. I just typed the word cock 4 times which I am pretty sure I have never done that before.
Oh well.
Well just use your intellgence the best you can to do grow the best you can i guess. Do what you want man. Your plants an all. Just dont go spreading lies with your buddy on riu. We try and spread facts around here.Fuck bacteria lol Imma use synthetics and Imma pH the shit out em!
good info thank you for actually posting some thing worth reading good job alan!!Here you go bud, this is a little info on the importance of ph and the importance of your soils fungus colonies provided by products like great white, and how can you tell when the great white stopped working? Did you talk to the plant? Did it tell you? Did you check the dip stick lol
here....for you, the gift of knowledge, this is all over the web, just read into it.
Adjusting Soil pH
When planting oaks or other acid-loving plants into neutral or alkaline soils, it is often a good practice to incorporate a soil-acidifying additive (like sulfur) along with your mycorrhizal inoculum. While this will only reduce the pH temporarily (a few weeks), it will allow the mycorrhizal fungi to colonize the roots while the pH is low. Once the fungi set up residence within the root tissue, they can take refuge from the higher soil pH and work to increase acidity inside the fungal sheath. Subsequently, as soil pH in the planting hole gradually rises, the mycorrhizal fungi are already well-established and capable of controlling the pH of the roots’ micro-environment.
In summary, while soil pH affects plant growth and establishment, it is not a defining factor regarding mycorrhizal inoculum success. While it can play a part in plant growth and establishment, both plants and their fungal partners are capable of actively adjusting this important parameter to the benefit of the host plant and their fungal partners.
Well just use your intellgence the best you can to do grow the best you can i guess. Do what you want man. Your plants an all. Just dont go spreading lies with your buddy on riu. We try and spread facts around here.
what the fuck are you talking about? Where do i say mycorrhizae is a bacteria?? You told me that great white killed your soil and all the bacteria all killed each other. That dead wrong. Your dead wrong. As usual. Show me how it could possibly do that? You killed your soil by adding to many ph products, so the couple drops story youve moved onto is total bs as usual. You dont change soils ph with a couple drops. You pour a shit ton of of that garbage through it and destroy your fungal web, the same one great white provides you with. And i didnt take my pics down bud, the skittles theme was popular round these parts a while back so i tossed a bag of em in with that huge bud. Theyre not from the internet. So please. Tell me how great white killed your soil again. Oh and posting a picture of a petri dish doesnt mean you know shit. Heres what great white has in it........The cutting edge formula contains 15 different species of mycorrhizal fungi, 11 different species of beneficial bacteria and 2 species of trichoderma all in one product.........so show me where these things have been shown to cannibalize each other.....please show me how theyll kill the soil.......this thread kills soil, you kill soil.
nailed it!!!not all the microbes will be happy chilling out together. Dude,..... Smh.....there is a natural order in which microbes exit dormancy. When they do its because they sense other microbes. Some work together symbiotic in nature. Others are preditorial and feed on the ones we desire to retain. Indoors we control this relationship and its pollulations
holy shit dude, your right, great white kills soil. Ill never use it again. Your so full of shit. Its a waste of time trying to teach you anything. Im sure ill find you telling some guy that he has lock out with his 7 ph again, or telling some hydro guy to feed once every 7-10 days again soon enough or saying my plant is yellow like youve never seen a hps light in your life or somthing. Your stupidity amazes me on a regular basis. See you aroundyea and I ran it side by side with mycos , Same soil light conditions, water everything was the same both got aact.. the myco's blew it outa the great white water!!
have you tryed some thing different? do a side by side, probably wont use the gw any more... just saying. the mycos plant had white fungu 1/8 off the soil, great white no white any where in the soil, i know cause i tore apart the root ball after i harvested, nothing, not a drop of white fuzz aka mycelium!! on the other hand mycos was so strong, i dumped the soil in my garden and it spread and started to grow there outside in nature. great white soil...nothing grew after i dumped it. I actually took a clump and placed it on the mycos soil, mycos grew up onto the clump.
try doing some experiments before saying half the shit you do, really!! just because you only used great white once and it worked ok doesnt mean some thing isnt WAY better, like pure mycos and aact!! try it dude?
I really dont know why im telling you anything, just dont try it ok!! Ill feel better knowing you will continue to have piss bud, makes me smile!!
True, but to suggest that the great white killed the soil is preposterous, and so is trying to say that all the bacteria will kill each other. Total bullshit. Never gonna happen. Lies.Not all the microbes will be happy chilling out together. Dude,..... smh.....there is a natural order in which microbes exit dormancy. When they do its because they sense other microbes. Some work together symbiotic in nature. Others are preditorial and feed on the ones we desire to retain. Indoors we control this relationship and its pollulations