Hi NEW AFGHAni GroW could USE HelP!

You gotta try to find a way to check the PH, I'd bet money it's your main problem...

I've been told that flushing 3x the volume of the pot with distilled water will do the trick also. Distilled water is basically PH balanced already.
most definitely. it's the tap water. you HAVE to get the ph kit. you should be able to get one cheap in a local gardening center. it will pay for itself a million times in saved hadaches.
ok. i hit up the hardware store today and found a garden person working there who is familiar with the type of plant i'm growing ;)
he said to give plant an hour or two more dark - i only am giving it 3 hours ; remove one of the lights; do the interior up with mylar or poster board as you all suggested; to STOP KILLING IT with tap water; and start with nutrients every two weeks add a few drops with the water...

now, of course i just watered the plant today, should i flush it out with water thats been sitting out for 24 hours?

thanks all!!!
yes, use water thats been sitting in a " COVERED BUCKET OR CONTAINER " FOR 24 HOURS , or use bottled distilled water,

great that uve sorted the white board out :)

tin foil = for cooking a turkey ---NOT YOUR WEED :)

GLAD U FOUND A FELLLOW GROWBIE, its a good way to lern , " meetin someone who has grow experience"
sounds like you are on the right track. did you buy the ph tester? you are very lucky to have a fello herb grower in your garden store, perhaps too lucky. be careful what is said in that store though, because for him to know you grow and for you to know he knows how to grow, one of you violated the cardinal rule: DONT TELL ANYONE!! this rule applies double to strangers! i dont even talk to the burner @ the hydro store about what im growing. he knows what i am growing, thatswhat is cool about it. he knows, i know he knows, and neither of us talks about it. plausable deniability.
oh i didnt tell him what i grow he just got the jist....
anyhow, at this point, the leaves on my plants are growing in so close together - NO STRETCH! its like 2 inches tall with 6 sets of leaves.... if you can imagine - I took out one of the lights.... will that make it STRETTTCHHHHH! Or, should i take it out the box and let it live in a window sill for a day?

Thanks all!!!
I think fixing the PH could help the compact leaves too. You'll be amazed when you get it dialed in!

I've been told you can get a cheap PH kit anywhere that they sell pool supplies.
cool - i will have to get the ph thing when ive got some cash. the white i just put up the regular poster board and other thick white paper.

ive got some water chillin right now so i will be all set to water with that for a while. its so crazy how close together the leaves are. it looks like an angry bonzai!!!

what do you think of my little midgit?

thanks again,


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Ya I'm doin the exact same kind... I started from seed and topped them at about a foot... It's still in veg but I started early sexxing it, just waiting for some pre flowers to determine if I have any girls... Its been about 2 months from seed and its still short.. But hella bushy...
Ya I'm doin the exact same kind... I started from seed and topped them at about a foot... It's still in veg but I started early sexxing it, just waiting for some pre flowers to determine if I have any girls... Its been about 2 months from seed and its still short.. But hella bushy...

was yours this short at 2+ weeks? Its like, a couple inches at best.....
was yours this short at 2+ weeks? Its like, a couple inches at best.....

ya after a month it was still short, I cut some juicyfruit clones a month after the afghani seeds germinated and after 1 month veg for the jfruit and 2 months for afghani the afghani were a few inches shorter than the jfruit... I moved the light higher just to get some stretching, don't know if it would help though
OLol, it looks great, lmao,

water chillin ? Did u take my advice and boil water to freshen it up ? Dont forget leave it to settle for a bit after its cold, and the pH will drop dramaticly, so will the clorine in the water,

i use pOol strips to test for clorine, im lucky i aint in a hard water area of london, my clorine is below 0.2


well done

keep ur angry bonzai healthy ;)
so i guess my lil bonzai isnt so angry? it looks healthy to you all? i just seeded another one.... i want to keep them real small, like a foot tall. and a foot wide :D
so its on the 5th set of real leaves so i topped them even tho the plant is so short. it was a rash move, i hope it works out okay. so you think taking out that light might help the stretch? make it work harder for the light!

thanks all
raise your lights a bit, make the little bastard work an reach for its light for a week , lol

thatl make it stretch a bit, and in a week, it can go 50 mm stalk wise
to get mylar, go to loews or home depot, they sell it by the roll it costs 10 bucks. personally, i find it annoying to work with, i like glossy white paint for my grow rooms.
Ya want your plant to get a little higher, and da leafs will open out a bit cos they will have more room to move, put ya light up higher, and they will stretch towards it,

u can then drop the light when ur happy with ur plant, th emore it opens up the better it will grow cos more leaf surface area will get light an add to more photosynthasis
just a quick update - here are a few photos of my little baby afghani, taken today.

How does it look? The plant has been growing for 3 weeks, not including germination time.

It has finally started stretching out, and i topped it and there is new growth starting in there! yay!!

okay , opinions?

xo kimmi bongsmilie


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