Hi NEW AFGHAni GroW could USE HelP!

okay! here's a quick photo update of my afghani girlie :)

i hope you like it!

xokimmi :hump:


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im pretty sure i cloned too late, it had already been in flowering a week -so the little clones look like they are trying to grow colas lol, so Im glad i planted that seedling to i'll be sure to clone at a proper time this cycle.

xo kimmy
Its the truth, i looked under her skirt :(

what do you think of the photos? its only 2 weeks into 12/12, and sometimes i think it has girl parts then just today i say the BALLS. The seeds came from a hermie..... do you think its fully male, or a hermie? BTW, i ripped off all the obvious balls (with a certain psycopathic satisfaction) but tried to be careful for female flowers that may not have grown hairs yet or whatever.

is it hermie or male????



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Im not sure what to tell you on that. I have only gotten to that point once in my growing career. what i can tell you is this: a hermie is more likely to produce hermed offspring. Im no botanist, but it seems to me if you were to continue pulling off all the balls VERY consistently, you should end up with some bud that are smokeable, even though they will probably have a few seeds.

your other option, which i wish i had done with my male plant, is to let it reach maturity and collect the pollen from it. you can store said pollen in the freezer for up to a year and use it to selectively inseminate any females you wanna get a few seeds from.

you may want to seek more knowledgeable assisstance though, i know a thing or two, but apparently not enough. good luck :)
well, the seeds came from a hermie, so i was half expecting this..... but the bud they came from was phenomenal, so we'll see!
whats the happs? any buds showing thru the balls? Im so excited, my clone took root! this is my first successful clone, so hopefully they are females. I will find that out in a couple more weeks. hope everything is going well your way :)
balls! balls! everywhere you look, balls! its like being in a really lewd gay bar!!!

the plant is alone, so i'll see it thru to the end, and see what the end results are . Ive got another seedling going, so hopefully I can get some guidance on how to find out she's a girl before i start buying all the pink baby accessories!!!!!!!

congrats on your clone, how exactly did you do it? I got some of that peet circles, adn added water, then made a hole and put the clone in just like that. I pulled them as soon as momma/poppa showed balls, and there was barely any root at all. How long did yours take to root? And how many weeks into veg. did you cut the clone?

Tough break on all those BALLS!! EWWW!!! lol I think seeing it through to the end would be in your best interests. collect the pollen from it and keep it in your freezer, it will stay viable for a year. then if you ever get a female plant that isnt hermaphrodite you can selectively inseminate it to create seeds that arent carrying that hermie trait. what im saying is that i think the hermie trait is carried in the seed not the pollen.

regarding the clone: our processes will be slightly different because you are growing in soil and i am not. but here's what i did: I cut the cola from my plant, then i took that cuting and held the end under water and cut it at a 45* angle. i dipped that end in rooting hormone, which you can find at any local garden center for under 5 bucks. i put that cutting into a rockwool cube that had been soaking in ph balanced water for 24 hours. i put that cube under the light and used a plastic baggie over the top as a humidity dome. after 1 week i gently pulled the rockwool open enough to see in there and IT HAD ROOTS!! it was amazing. i felt like the greenst thumbed person EVER. I didnt feed it anything in that week though, just ph balanced water, never let it dry out. now that it has roots it is in its own net pot next to the big plant.

i know that was really long, epecially long for me cuz im typing it on my phone, but hopefully it wass helpful as it was long. happy growing.
congrats on the babies! what i recently did was get those peet things and put seeds right in them and i pulled one open to make sure i even did it right, and the seeds are sprouting, slowly but surely :)

four of them, hopefully they all grow !

i decided to pin down the little plant i already have growing, and grow it in spiral fashion low stress training i would say. its taking to it very well.
talk soon with photos!