Hey Peter....go f**k yourself...


Well-Known Member
Did anybody else see the interview MacKay gave in Parliament?
He looked high. :lol:

BTW Nova Scotia smokes more bud than BC per capita?
Amazing !
What a slimey piece of shit! He goes off about marijuana harming child development and in the same breath says " I know there are some who disagree...that's why we are looking at ticketing options." First, I don't recall a societal outcry to legalize pot smoking for children. Setting age restrictions on certain activities is an accepted method of protecting kids from unnecessary risks. We do it for alcohol and tobacco, we do it for driving, we do it for some sports.The difference is, adults are not denied the freedom to do any of these other risky activities in order to 'save the children' They don't provide any evidence of a epidemic of kids smoking weed, just the tired rhetoric of a government that is clearly out of touch with the people they were elected to SERVE. But it seems the harm to the poor children my pot smoking causes is somehow rectified by cash. Give the cops extortion money on demand and suddenly the risk to child development is eradicated? WTF?
Still waiting for Peter's reply to my email...if he's anything like my mp I'll be waiting awhile! I think I'll send it to some newspapers in Nova Scotia so hopefully they will print it and his constituents can ask him the same questions during the election.


Well-Known Member
What a slimey piece of shit! He goes off about marijuana harming child development and in the same breath says " I know there are some who disagree...that's why we are looking at ticketing options." First, I don't recall a societal outcry to legalize pot smoking for children. Setting age restrictions on certain activities is an accepted method of protecting kids from unnecessary risks. We do it for alcohol and tobacco, we do it for driving, we do it for some sports.The difference is, adults are not denied the freedom to do any of these other risky activities in order to 'save the children' They don't provide any evidence of a epidemic of kids smoking weed, just the tired rhetoric of a government that is clearly out of touch with the people they were elected to SERVE. But it seems the harm to the poor children my pot smoking causes is somehow rectified by cash. Give the cops extortion money on demand and suddenly the risk to child development is eradicated? WTF?
Still waiting for Peter's reply to my email...if he's anything like my mp I'll be waiting awhile! I think I'll send it to some newspapers in Nova Scotia so hopefully they will print it and his constituents can ask him the same questions during the election.
Is your MP one of Harpo's Gangstas? I also doubt MacKay's office will respond to your email.


Well-Known Member
John Duncan...tossed out of Harptlers cabinet for influence peddling.
Sorry for laughing, but I didn't expect that kind of baggage on your MP. I can empathize with your loss from the Provincial level. My MLA is a ditzy "toe-the-liner". My MP is pretty good for community response (at least in my tiny dealings).
I should ask him for some clarification on this issue, though. (NDP MP...name withheld)


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if anyone has touched on the fact of why the politicians do the opposite of what the people want. The whole root of the problem stems from money in politics. A corporation can donate money to a politicians election cycle. And check out this fact : Politicians with more money win 90% of the time . So if you are that politician that's is receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars you are going to do anything for that corporation. Even change the laws.

For example in BC harper literally re-wrote the fisheries act and sped up the environmental approval process to put the en-bridge pipeline through. In the environmental act The law it was changed from "One shall not harm salmon habitat" to "one shall not cause permanent damage to salmon habitat" Like what is permanent?

Rant over :cuss: