Overpaid CEO's = Why weed costs too much

think so too, there's already some nanobots against cancer.. or some guy that has an electrical cord in his brain that gives him a "brain-tingling" when the probe senses something lol whatever that is good for, I rather keep my skull closed... but maybe "resistance is futile" in the future... 10 years ago I wouldn't have thought to let everyone know where I am, or what I buy, now there are smartphones which basically tell "others" lots of info's... police has it so easy these days... most cops here in Ger sit together in a room and watch 3 screens at once... Sherlock Holmes is a thing of the past... alot of criminals are their own demise... take care
Yeah it will start as a way to fix disability and eventually turn into augmentation. Imagine if instead of lasik eye surgery you could get a bionic eye that can see with incredible zoom, multiple modes like infrared mode or low light mode. Of course only the rich would be able to afford it.
...Jack had no right to die...

Google Search: "Jack Layton" Cannabis

Then came more collective tragedy which nobody feels like talking about it seems:

Google Search: NDP "Tom Mulcair" "Jagmeet Singh" Cannabis

Briefly put a void of options promoted "Légaleezation" by default, successive NDP leader replacements denied our chances that decriminalization or depenalization would be also presented to the Canadian population as equally viable options - of which the value appears to confirm today at least in principle, though it's much too late now for such scenario anyway:

The fact is it's all wrong, starting with keeping a tight grip on CBD cannabis while i see no reason why it's not found at rebate prices in grocerie stores, for those who wish to get "raw juice", for example. Etc. But no, truth is the canuck voters chose Trudeau who chose his Liberal legacy which goes straight back to the 1923 national ban of Henri-Sévérin Béland, a military doctor to top it all, m'well if i'm not mistaking... My point is that doing otherwise would have been an admission that the Liberal party was wrong for nearly a century, so Justin naturally betrayed his country and many more generations to follow just because of his own politician type of reasoning, to be gentle.

:shock: :wall:

It's futile to expect the wrong things done to serve the wrong objectives might somehow cause any good (!), for that i'd rather try pure luck with the chaos of random hazard than trust our "elite" politicians again, especially now and both at the federal and provincial levels, since this reform still reflects in inflated law enforcement budgets while Québec's pm François Legault plain denies the reality of "systemic racism" in our public institutions, prefering to blame individuals as a decoy as he's well aware his own cannabis record is negative in more ways than one, including the "legal" age obviously. Which is more justification for me to remind those who'll party on July 1st that punishment of cannabis consumers remains on the menu and in numerous renewed bigot-creative ways i'm afraid.

Actually the new "legal" dealer is 10 times worse than any "organized crime"/"black market" guy i've ever dealt with before and we're supposed to ask for more of this after we find ZERO "legal" competition in the sacrificed provinces, not even from our own 4-plants garden as that right was confiscated too, In The Name Of Children.

Would have Jack Layton approved Canada's odd alignement of events, prepared by the artificial distinction between "medical" vs "recreational"?? Like the double instrumentalization of Joy Davies in South Surrey / White Rock, the nomination of Bill G20 Blair as chief of a new "Task Force", with installed guru Hilary Geller (previously active under Harper) waiting patiently in low-profile style for opportunities to have her say both on the substance and its alternate healthwise consumption methods (e-cigs/Vaporizers) - but not before she was sent as emissary in preparation of UNGASS 2016 which Louise Arbour & other high-profile UN insider peers criticized publicly the very next day, just after a 4-20! Appreciate the irony, plus the voluntary denial of "Harm Reduction" even if conceived by do¢tors and "re-hab" therapi$ts (and s¢ientology predator$)! Etc., etc.

Nobody's more blind than one who doesn't want to see.
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Google Search: "Jack Layton" Cannabis

Then came more collective tragedy which nobody feels like talking about it seems:

Google Search: NDP "Tom Mulcair" "Jagmeet Singh" Cannabis

Briefly put a void of options promoted "Légaleezation" by default, successive NDP leader replacements denied our chances that decriminalization or depenalization would be also presented to the Canadian population as equally viable options - of which the value appears to confirm today at least in principle, though it's much too late now for such scenario anyway:

The fact is it's all wrong, starting with keeping a tight grip on CBD cannabis while i see no reason why it's not found at rebate prices in grocerie stores, for those who wish to get "raw juice", for example. Etc. But no, truth is the canuck voters chose Trudeau who chose his Liberal legacy which goes straight back to the 1923 national ban of Henri-Sévérin Béland, a military doctor to top it all, m'well if i'm not mistaking... My point is that doing otherwise would have been an admission that the Liberal party was wrong for nearly a century, so Justin naturally betrayed his country and many more generations to follow just because of his own politician type of reasoning, to be gentle.

:shock: :wall:

It's futile to expect the wrong things done to serve the wrong objectives might somehow cause any good (!), for that i'd rather try pure luck with the chaos of random hazard than trust our "elite" politicians again, especially now and both at the federal and provincial levels, since this reform still reflects in inflated law enforcement budgets while Québec's pm François Legault plain denies the reality of "systemic racism" in our public institutions, prefering to blame individuals as a decoy as he's well aware his own cannabis record is negative in more ways than one, including the "legal" age obviously. Which is more justification for me to remind those who'll party on July 1st that punishment of cannabis consumers remains on the menu and in numerous renewed bigot-creative ways i'm afraid.

Actually the new "legal" dealer is 10 times worse than any "organized crime"/"black market" guy i've ever dealt with before and we're supposed to ask for more of this after we find ZERO "legal" competition in the sacrificed provinces, not even from our own 4-plants garden as that right was confiscated too, In The Name Of Children.

Would have Jack Layton approved Canada's odd alignement of events, prepared by the artificial distinction between "medical" vs "recreational"?? Like the double instrumentalization of Joy Davies in South Surrey / White Rock, the nomination of Bill G20 Blair as chief of a new "Task Force", with installed guru Hilary Geller (previously active under Harper) waiting patiently in low-profile style for opportunities to have her say both on the substance and its alternate healthwise consumption methods (e-cigs/Vaporizers) - but not before she was sent as emissary in preparation of UNGASS 2016 which Louise Arbour & other high-profile UN insider peers criticized publicly the very next day, just after a 4-20! Appreciate the irony, plus the voluntary denial of "Harm Reduction" even if conceived by do¢tors and "re-hab" therapi$ts (and s¢ientology predator$)! Etc., etc.

Nobody's more blind than one who doesn't want to see.

Did you see the loss of access Rights to the Arctic Ocean that was rammed through on an OIC about a month ago? Little Potatoe has no respect for this country or its inhabitants.
Salutations Freedom seed,

Did you see the loss of access Rights to the Arctic Ocean that was rammed through on an OIC about a month ago?

Please connect cannabis to those dots for the convenience of those among us who didn't do so, being only aware of some old fragmented stuff hardly capable of sustaining reader interest over the years, etc., which is to be expected of further-exploded communities while "medical" consumers still attempt to put more distance between them and Trudeau's (and now Legault's) new "criminals".

Little Potatoe has no respect for this country or its inhabitants.

Respect was optional long before day #1, party traditions naturally came 1st and Louise Arbour was quite correct to warn that the "system punishes itself" (e.g. when our "elites" abuse their power this actually destroys The People's trust in their own Public Institutions - to put it short, as i recall). Anyway i couldn't but notice Trudeau's version of history had major blind spots before Nixon, while a contemplative mass media somehow wouldn't want to bother us neither about a pressing need to reset the clock to 1925, more precisely in reference to the Geneva Opium Convention presided by Raoul Dandurand - another brave Liberal canuck few readers even knew for his international ban of "Indian Hemp"/"Cannabis sativa L."...

What i do know as well is that landlords of my province have been granted a retro-active privilege to engage into eviction procedures justified by cannabis alone. In other words thanks to our 1867 confederation all Québeker's "access rights" got challenged - if not plain denied - so the rest of Canada could celebrate its social progress under the sun.

Good day, have fun!! :peace: