Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?


Well-Known Member
Let's crank this thread up again. Anyone remember the lawn game Jarts? How about the 67 riots, Where were you? I was 10 years old living in Detriot Michigan. There were days I saw helicopters filling the sky. My father worked at Household Finance and had to bring all the ledger cards (no computers) for loan payments home in the Ford country Squire station wagon so they didn't get burned up in an arson fire.


Well-Known Member
53 yrs young. i started in the 70's, put it away a while then started again when diagnosed with the big C. is very relaxing and the meds are all natural....


Well-Known Member
Work boots, denim jackets, and everyone had a "buck" knife. Partys were keggers in the middle of no where and no nite was complete without a bottle of "Tango" and some weed. Almost forgot about eight track tapes and matchbooks...


Well-Known Member
"How about the 67 riots, Where were you?"
Right down in the shit, Detroit, summer of '67.

I was in high school taking a summer break when my dad took us 4 boys to see a doubleheader
at Tiger Stadium in downtown Detroit. Nearing the end of the second game us in the cheap seats
could climb up to the top row of seats and look down over the city. We could see individual stores
burning as smoke and sirens dominated the landscape. We showed Pop the scene and we left the ballpark
immediately. We were supposed to stop on the way home to the 'burbs at my grandma's place so we
took Grand River home instead of the freeway. GR is the main drag going east and west through the Motor
City. As we sped west we watched whole groups of blacks surge into a store and wipe the place clean. Not
much different from the flash mobs of today, except there wasn't a lot of white people saying the riots were whites'

Shortly after leaving the game we were stopped at a light. Right in front of us 2 Detroit cops had 6 or 8 looters
lined up against the outside of a HFC store they had been looting. One of the looters made a run for a nearby alley
and the nearest cop shot at him and missed. My pop said "fuck the red lights", dropped the old Ford into first gear
and streaked the rest of the way down Grand River to safety in the white suburbs. My youngest brother shouted an ephithet
out the car window and was greeted with a brick bounced off the car.

Don't try to tell me that those poor people were rioting for food or even civil rights. They were stealing because they thought they
could get away with it. 'Nuff said.

BigSteve, saw riots in Detroit:1967, Chicago "Days of Rage": 1969, L.A.: 1992.


Well-Known Member
As far as that "legalize weed" shit......

I have used drug proceeds to bolster my income for nearly 50 years. As long as I had access to drugs I have been able
to avoid welfare, food stamps and all forms of public support. Why should I support ending my Plan B?



Well-Known Member
As far as that "legalize weed" shit......

I have used drug proceeds to bolster my income for nearly 50 years. As long as I had access to drugs I have been able
to avoid welfare, food stamps and all forms of public support. Why should I support ending my Plan B?
Better to have dope and no money then to have money and no dope


Global Moderator
Staff member
I feel like I was stuck in a time warp or a Black Hole were did the time go.....
I hear ya man - I think old father time has sped up his clock.
Things are just whizzin by now.

And just think, now you're one year closer to your expiration date. :-P