Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?


Well-Known Member
thnx, appreciate that. as you get older some kind of parenting gene kicks in, where you hate to see young people do the same stupid shit you did. sad thing is, most of the young people don't wanna hear it....just like i didn't wanna hear it when i was young
Amen to that brother, my kids are both college grads one on the president's list, both had grade's good enough for total scholarships and neither one listens worth a damn. But I love them anyway lol.


Well-Known Member
thnx, appreciate that. as you get older some kind of parenting gene kicks in, where you hate to see young people do the same stupid shit you did. sad thing is, most of the young people don't wanna hear it....just like i didn't wanna hear it when i was young
Lol = me when I was young = my son now - I think it's called Karma ;) Love him to death and we get along great, we grow together, but damn if he would just take the odd piece of advice he could save himself so much shit sometimes #$%!


Well-Known Member
@Roger A. Shrubber good morning, can you help me with a math question. I think I've got it, but I would love some input from others ( anyone who wants to comment).
So I have made some pH down using sulfuric acid, 100 ozs of distilled water to 25 ozs of sulfuric acid, resulting in a 4:1 solution. Its to strong for small applications, so I want to make a 50:1 solution.
My math says 12 ozs of distilled water to 1 oz of 4:1 solution = 13 ozs of 50:1 solution. Can anyone confirm or explain why this is incorrect.


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess, according to this thread, I am also an "Old Fart" I refuse to be "Old" tho! I am in a legal state and started to indulge in cannabis once it was legalized!

I also worked for "The Man" and I am now semi retired! I enjoy growing almost moreso than smoking! I liken it to someone who homebrews their own Beer, wine or ciders. It is a hobby and sharing your successes is fun!

I do remember the "mud bud" back in the day aka: Columbian gold, brickweed all compact with stems and seeds and we cleaned it with a Frisbee and a playing card! The a friend got some "Matanuska Valley Thunderfuck" We were all impressed by the stinky green bud with red hairs!

We started with 4 finger "commercial" lids, which was basically leaves and gave you a headache! LOL The baggies it came in were the fold over sandwich baggies, back then there was no such thing as "zip loc" baggies! Then the "Columbian gold" mudbud which was $15 a 1/4! And then along came Sinsemilla!

We would hang at a friends house whose Mom was very liberal we would hang out smoke out of a huge plastic bong with hoses and such and a metal one hitter bowl while listening to Iron Butterfly Innagaddadavida! Alan Parson Project tales of mystery and imagination, Ted Nugent Dog eat dog and many more!

Lot's of fun memories in this thread!

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Well-Known Member
Lol = me when I was young = my son now - I think it's called Karma ;) Love him to death and we get along great, we grow together, but damn if he would just take the odd piece of advice he could save himself so much shit sometimes #$%!
"I told you so" moments. They do drive this point home.


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite to 50 yet.

I do remember I started smoking around the tail end of the good sativas.

My youth was full of the road kill and red hair skunks on the east coast in the 80's.

Real road kill. The kind that really made you think a skunk was around.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
@Roger A. Shrubber good morning, can you help me with a math question. I think I've got it, but I would love some input from others ( anyone who wants to comment).
So I have made some pH down using sulfuric acid, 100 ozs of distilled water to 25 ozs of sulfuric acid, resulting in a 4:1 solution. Its to strong for small applications, so I want to make a 50:1 solution.
My math says 12 ozs of distilled water to 1 oz of 4:1 solution = 13 ozs of 50:1 solution. Can anyone confirm or explain why this is incorrect.
really only need the first page. you're trying to get a 2% solution from a 25% solution, so yes, basically you want a 12.5 to 1 ratio to get to 2%


Well-Known Member
I know that this is 50+ thread but I have always gotten along with the older guys than the ones younger than me.

I had to work with a 18 year old punk ass kid on a construction site for a while. I went home and hugged my dad and told him I was sorry if I was even half as bad as that kid at 18.


Well-Known Member
I did kick the boys' ass though. He stuck a damn pressure washer to my side and pulled the trigger. It broke the skin and forced enough water under the skin about the size of a baseball. If it had been the steam genie it could've killed me.

I flew mad. Neither one of us got fired though. We shook hands and his attitude was far better. I'm sure looking at a shiner in the mirror for a while helped him.


Well-Known Member
I did kick the boys' ass though. He stuck a damn pressure washer to my side and pulled the trigger. It broke the skin and forced enough water under the skin about the size of a baseball. If it had been the steam genie it could've killed me.

I flew mad. Neither one of us got fired though. We shook hands and his attitude was far better. I'm sure looking at a shiner in the mirror for a while helped him.
He deserved whatever you gave him for being so fucking stupid. I'd have taken a shovel to him until he ran for his life.