Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?


Well-Known Member
62 and retired for two months. The ex-wife (now current GF) says I'm acting like I was when we met 37 yrs ago. Back in '78 I was a grad student in the Hort. dept at UC ...secretary calls my lab and says there is a call for me....who is it? "Don't have a name but he's from Santa Cruz and says he knows you" She transfers the call, Hello "Is this (name)? Turns out the guy is named "Fongo" and he's a grower; wants to know about colchicine. I asked if he knew me (no) but just described a typical bearded longhair to secretary and she mentioned me. I tell him what he wants to know and later sent him a sample.....8 months later he mailed me seeds....they were monster plants 10-12 ft tall after topping twice....really shitty weed though. Wonder what ever happened to Fongo?
I about died from an overdose of colchicine. It was hell.


Well-Known Member
Never did a blunt. I can roll a jay with one hand so why... Lately though, I've been leaning towards a pipe.
Hey! you was rolling!!!Back in the day folks who rolled joints with one hand ,usually was driving stick shifts,we thought Dam! you have to be good/cool to be able to do that..made me smile


Active Member
CB radio? Serious? At the height of CB mania, around 1976-77, My mates & I stirred up the local CB enthusiasts so much that we heard we had a bounty on our heads, [a case of beer] haha. They were generally a pack of straights who thought they were cool who'd spend their nights trying to triangulate our signal. Sometimes we'd stay long enough till we thought they had our general location & hide to watch them frothing at the mouth while they searched for us. They never found us. A mate had set up a car battery & antenna in a large Moreton Bay fig tree in a small local reserve. Hilarious. Ahh the light hearted joyful pursuits of youth :)


Active Member
here: let this rattle around in yer head for the rest of the day (if you are smart you'll turn away now he he he) [video=youtube_share;T3T6UqaJMgY]http://youtu.be/T3T6UqaJMgY[/video] (and you'll thank me for not posting "Disco Inferno" or some Leo Sayer vid...)


Active Member
Leo Sayer is the biggest dickhead. He's known in the business for being 'difficult'. A Sydney radio station set him up beautifully with hidden mikes & cameras. After being accused of interfering with audio equipment by a [lowly] technician, this little poonce threw a real girly tantrum, yelling "Do you know who I am? How dare you...." blah blah. It was very funny.

I'm the last guy to defend this prancing little puff, but....he did have at least one good song. 'The show must go on' I think?

My idea of musical horror - anything disco like BoneyM, later BeeGees, [their early stuff wasn't too bad] rap off-course. The worst disco song was 'I love to love' by Tina Charles. You'd hear it on the radio once & the f#cking thing would replay in your head all day. Ahhhhh!!!!!!! Quick someone, I need a dose of Doors, AC/DC.... anything!!!


Well-Known Member
......At my age like many people I found myself back out there among the young punks trying to get a job. At my last interview, the GM ( who of course is maybe half my age) says to me "Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?"
I answered " In a little jar over top the fireplace"
I got the job........
true story


Active Member
......At my age like many people I found myself back out there among the young punks trying to get a job. At my last interview, the GM ( who of course is maybe half my age) says to me "Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?"
I answered " In a little jar over top the fireplace"
I got the job........
true story
yeah its really fucked up being over 50 and re-doin your career....anymore its the "sweat shop" type biz for us; the kind where the place is stocked with old people with MBA's ; highly motivated/high quality non-English speaking types, and basically any drug free worker that can't move "laterally" career wise.... I had to dumb down my resume just to get work... fuck'n insurance and all the scare over this health coverage bill has got em afraid to hire us high risk/high blood pressure types.... a you got NO SHOT at employment if you smoke cigs anymore .... pardon the ramble


Active Member
Leo Sayer is the biggest dickhead. He's known in the business for being 'difficult'. A Sydney radio station set him up beautifully with hidden mikes & cameras. After being accused of interfering with audio equipment by a [lowly] technician, this little poonce threw a real girly tantrum, yelling "Do you know who I am? How dare you...." blah blah. It was very funny.

I'm the last guy to defend this prancing little puff, but....he did have at least one good song. 'The show must go on' I think?

My idea of musical horror - anything disco like BoneyM, later BeeGees, [their early stuff wasn't too bad] rap off-course. The worst disco song was 'I love to love' by Tina Charles. You'd hear it on the radio once & the f#cking thing would replay in your head all day. Ahhhhh!!!!!!! Quick someone, I need a dose of Doors, AC/DC.... anything!!!
Rap is just re-cycled 70's funk back when mF'ers could actually write a note down..... Disco is "4 on the floor" soul music re-done with "Moder-isms" ..... anymore all they do is re-cyle beats from the late 70's/early 80's and talk through that "underwater" voice gizmo that lets anyone with 1/2 a voice sound like Usher gargling with liquid helium


Well-Known Member
If Kim Kardashian can be famous for.....hang on, what is she famous for? Oh that's right...nothing. See my point?
I swear they have to use the Kardashians in terrorist training videos on why a young jihad extremist should hate Americans. All they have to do is make them watch a few episodes of that shit.


Active Member
JohnnyS, in most civilised countries it's illegal to discriminate, not that it stops some. A friend who was a smoker, was asked at a job interview if he smoked, Leo responded by saying "Is it a job requirement?" which was Leo's polite way of saying 'none of your effing business' haha. He got the job.


Active Member
^^^^what showing common-sense & giving mature considered advice to save a young guy from making poor choices & possible grief?^^^^

Go back to your nice warm bed & self-abuse :)


Well-Known Member
Being a Child of the 60's, making me up there in age, I have found that a little respect goes a long way.

And it goes both ways, but it has to be earned. So maybe we do sound like your parents, but we have been where you are going, and what does it hurt to listen to what you are in store for, without saying we are full of shit.



Well-Known Member
This great thread still lives...?
Oh there IS hope !!

......now where the hell did I leave my fuckin' keys```


Well-Known Member
Being a Child of the 60's, making me up there in age, I have found that a little respect goes a long way.

And it goes both ways, but it has to be earned. So maybe we do sound like your parents, but we have been where you are going, and what does it hurt to listen to what you are in store for, without saying we are full of shit.

You can talk till you're blue in the face and they still won't listen. We didn't.