Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

say big, we was seeing .25 gal gas and .24 for fags (remember that term for cigarettes)during the gas wars. good memories huh

Haha Yeah... A pack o' fags that was the term back then in these parts.
Glad to see this threads still kickin......Like us :)

I was born in 1960
Soon to be 51, here in the Great Lakes area. Got high for the first time when I was 10. Started 'partyin' at 18 when I started jamming with my first 'hard rock' band back in the day...Been partyin' on and off ever since. Still jam too! Though just for fun these days.

Grew for the first time back in the mid 90's when the interweb was just a fad. I had to go sober completely for a time after that to get through some difficult periods in my life. But, her I am...older, wiser (in life, if not in weed), and doin' my own thing.

Got tired of chasin' dealers, hitting dry times, or paying good coin for mediocre bud of unknown origin. Thankfully, it's been years since that was even a thought. :eyesmoke:
Very entertaining thread :)

In Australia in the late 70s & 80s, we had bush-bud [out-door], Thai Buddha sticks & hash from various parts of Asia & the mid-east. Anyone's free to disagree but 'Buddha' & hash got one every bit as ripped as todays pot. It was much harder to find good outdoor pot than today but there was some amazing mj grown especially amongst the hippie areas on the east coast of Aus.

Interesting that one poster said the Thai stick was soaked in hash oil. I never saw obvious signs of oil but I always described the high of 'Thai Buddha' as a cross between sativa & hash, strong body & head stone. One toke would get you high.
'Thai Buddha' was a particular strain of mj. I read that the King of Thailand had his army destroy all wild & cultivated crops because he didn't like Thailand being known for a much admired strain of pot [what a fuckwit right?].

My first oz of hash cost $120 in 1975-6 [started young], by 78 it was $320 street price [I got mates rates $280]

Someone mentioned mj 'stick' that was supposedly adulterated with 'opium'. In 1976-7 I was buying blocks of black putty [Pakistani?] hash that was 'opiated'. As you cut into the block you could see flecks of white. A couple of times, as I was cutting an oz into quarters, I found pockets of white powder. My mates & I thought we were the ants pants as I was the only one in the area who could procure this hash & I only sold personal amounts to mates. Fuck it smashed you. Beautiful high, not a care in the world, Death could arrive on his pale horse & we'd have laughed in his face. Now, anyone whose seen opium will be shaking their heads & laughing right at this point. It wasn't until a mate told us that he was "addicted" to the hash did we start to put two & two together. I was only 16 but it hadn't dawned on me until then that opium is usually brown, it can be refined to a lighter colour but by the time it's been refined to a white powder it's heroin. We had been smoking hash that was full of smack.

I've been smoking on & off since the mid 70s, growing on/off for twenty. Only smoked socially over the last twelve years until a year or so ago. Smoking usually made me feel off, a little agoraphobic, slightly anxious & paranoid. I really no longer enjoyed smoking alone. It wasn't until I smoked a mates non-chemically grown bush-bud did I realise that I had been smoking commercial bud, that had been sprayed/polluted with god-knows-what, for the same amount of time that my enjoyment of pot vanished. So I grew 4 plants, with love [my secret ingredient haha] & no chemicals. Smoking was a pleasure again. When I had trouble sleeping I'd medicate & sleep like a baby. Serendipitously,after suffering quite distressing nerve pain intermittently [no rhyme or reason to the pain, could be good for a few weeks then out of the blue WHACK, like being zapped with a cattle prod, fuck it hurts. At other times it would be less savage but torment me for days.] over time I found that a small smoke every day reduced my nerve pain by at least 80% in the pain level itself, the duration of the 'attacks', the frequency.
My current thoughts for my treatment plan is if a small smoke has helped significantly one may presume [hope haha] that a larger dose could also be beneficial. In the name of science I should..nay, I must follow through with this line of thinking & for the sake of humanity, up my dosage considerably. I know, I know, it's tough but someone has to do it & I shall not shirk my civil, [or dare I say moral?] responsibility. Your welcome :) I'm just a giving kind of guy.

Strangely, despite my first hand evidence as to marijuanas efficacy, the Dr's at my pain clinic still try to shove such delightfully poisonous concoctions such as 'Epillim', a cure all used for epilepsy & as a mood stabiliser for bi-polar & schizophrenics that is just downright nasty, because "Sometimes....in some circumstances....patients may find some relief.....". Umm Doc, I just [f@ckn] told you that with a simple puff a day my nerve pain has improved 80%, only side effects are I'm happier, smile more & sleep like a baby, yet you'd prefer I take an anticonvulsant that'll impair [f%ck] my kidneys & liver not to mention the long list of other adverse effects? No thank you :)

To help me in my 'studies', I'm now enjoying the fruits of my labours over the last indoor 'growing season' [too hot to grow for 5-6 months of the year]
White Shark. 'Black Sugar' [Not black anything but yummy none-the-less] White Widow x Amnesia. White Widow [drying]
My in-depth observations reveal that all of these strains are easy to grow, very pleasant smoking, taste, smell, smoothness wise, excellent day-time smoke [in moderation haha]
My favourite is the WW x Amnesia. What a delightful strain in every way. This ones a keeper & I've already found two seeds :) Very strong yet clear & social high. Don't know if that's what the breeders were looking for with a name like 'Amnesia'. It had the most crystal of them all.

All seeds through Sea of Seeds. Excellent after sales service. Germ rate 100% - 5 for 5 so far. Good stealth.

Trying Cherry OG next year. Anybody grown this strain?
I'm also interested in growing Cherry/THC/Big bomb [stealth grow, only 4 plants at one time] Anyone had experience with these?
Death could arrive on his pale horse & we'd have laughed in his face.

Yup. I smoke opiated hash before and that was it.

...probably good that it was never really available.

I turn 50 in 11 days.
Started smoking daily the Summer of 1980' 17 years old.
now it's 33 years later of daily Burn.
"Someone mentioned mj 'stick' that was supposedly adulterated with 'opium'. In 1976-7 I was buying blocks of black putty [Pakistani?] hash that was 'opiated'. As you cut into the block you could see flecks of white. A couple of times, as I was cutting an oz into quarters, I found pockets of white powder. My mates & I thought we were the ants pants as I was the only one in the area who could procure this hash & I only sold personal amounts to mates. Fuck it smashed you. Beautiful high, not a care in the world," Black Paki with white threads of refined opium. I remember it well. Sweet and would make your 'roo stand on his head.
Haha. So my memory served correct? It was Pakistani. Not sure why it was called 'opiated' because it had to be heroin right? Opiums not white & this shit had been pressed into hash so you'd imagine some of the powder would've soaked up some colour from the hash, yet it still looked white. And the effect was like hammer [heroin] without the rush [because it was smoked not injected] T

When I was 16, I popped a small block of hash & swallowed. A much older mate, who'd done the 60s hippie trail backpacking through India, Pakistan etc, saw me pop the hash & told me how he'd watched an old man rolling hash into balls, in some backward 3rd world country. To gain moisture this swarthy dirty old bloke would wipe the block on his sweaty brow, armpit & even spit into his hands.
Made hash cookies ever since :)
In the early 70's but best friend was stationed in Germany and he would send me "shoes" of hash, they looked like the sole of sandles, about 1 inch thick and about 8 to 10 inches long. Over that time period he ended up sending me 13 shoes to hold for him till he got home. I smoked a shit load of that stuff.

When he returned I gave him the shoes and he handed me back one and said thanks. He then found two shoes in the batch that were wrapped differently. It had funking writing on it and a picture of beautiful lady on it. he opened it and it was marbled in an off white substance, yep, you guessed it it was op laced. Damn that was some good as shit smoke. He was robbed and murdered a few months later. I sure miss my dear friend.
62 and retired for two months. The ex-wife (now current GF) says I'm acting like I was when we met 37 yrs ago. Back in '78 I was a grad student in the Hort. dept at UC ...secretary calls my lab and says there is a call for me....who is it? "Don't have a name but he's from Santa Cruz and says he knows you" She transfers the call, Hello "Is this (name)? Turns out the guy is named "Fongo" and he's a grower; wants to know about colchicine. I asked if he knew me (no) but just described a typical bearded longhair to secretary and she mentioned me. I tell him what he wants to know and later sent him a sample.....8 months later he mailed me seeds....they were monster plants 10-12 ft tall after topping twice....really shitty weed though. Wonder what ever happened to Fongo?
In the early 70's but best friend was stationed in Germany and he would send me "shoes" of hash, they looked like the sole of sandles, about 1 inch thick and about 8 to 10 inches long. Over that time period he ended up sending me 13 shoes to hold for him till he got home. I smoked a shit load of that stuff.

When he returned I gave him the shoes and he handed me back one and said thanks. He then found two shoes in the batch that were wrapped differently. It had funking writing on it and a picture of beautiful lady on it. he opened it and it was marbled in an off white substance, yep, you guessed it it was op laced. Damn that was some good as shit smoke. He was robbed and murdered a few months later. I sure miss my dear friend.

A mate of a mate went to India for a few months. Every week a parcel would arrive at his brothers holding wooden statues which he displayed on the windowsills for all to see. When the traveler returned, he showed how they were all hollowed out & filled with high grade heroin. I don't know how much they had in total but there were at least a dozen statues/carvings around 12"-18inches.
They could have made a fortune especially considering it hadn't been cut. There was at least 6 of these spoilt little rich boys & they all got stuck into smoking this heroin. When they eventually ran out, they all had raging habits & were used to using heroin that was at least 90% pure. At the bottom rung of the ladder, street heroin was about 10% pure. To solve their cash problem, they decided to rob a bank. So they drew straws to decide who'd do the hold-up. They got away with $15,000 & were dobbed in several days later by a 'mate' they'd been sharing the heroin with, for the standard $10,00 reward offered by banks. One was arrested for holding up the bank, two were arrested for accessory to the armed robbery, one was done for harbouring fugitives & one of them became a male prostitute to pay for his habit.
That's what heroin can do to some, this young straight guy preferred to sell his bum than give up the 'white lady'. Some will sell their soul.
Death could arrive on his pale horse & we'd have laughed in his face.

Yup. I smoke opiated hash before and that was it.

...probably good that it was never really available.


100% agree. My mates & I wondered why our hash was full of heroin but given the more exotic sounding & less evil title of 'opiated' hash. We thought it was a marketing strategy from organized crime to increase their customer base. It's easier to get addicted to heroin smoking it than injecting because a larger amount is used. When we realised what it was we stopped smoking it, & we all felt like we had a mild case of the flu for a few days. In hindsight it was obviously mild withdrawal symptoms. The guy I got it from said his biggest buyer [& a long time friend] had turned into a junkie & tried to rip him off. Heroin does horrible things to people, robs some of their souls.

Despite being refined opium, heroin is a very different high.
While I'm in a story telling mood.......once upon a time there was a big mean guy named Wayne, but everyone called him 'Bodgy'. Bodgy was a big guy, I mean big. And nasty, one of those posturing sneering tough guys that had been in & out of institutions & prison since youth. A thug basically. When I was 16 I was quite intimidated by Bodgy, not just his size but his 'tough guy stories'. I was only 5'2" at 16. So I learnt to steer clear of him.
By the time I was 21 I was almost as big as Bodgy & had learned not to fear him because I had found that he could not throw a decent punch. He was all bluster [He tried to take my stash just the once. He didn't try again:)] Not that that stopped him from trying to stand-over the weak & infirm.
Anyway, one fine sunny day, I'm walking down the street past the shops, & further down, near the train station, I could see someone on the ground, with several guys I knew in indistinct heated discussion, standing around the prone figure. As I got closer I heard snatches of talk "No I'm not going to, you do it." "Nah fuck that, I'm not doing it." "Ah good, here's GreyLord, he'll do it." Lying prone on the ground, not breathing with purple lips & face, was none other than Bodgy. These knuckleheads expected me to give mouth to mouth to a known intravenous drug user with Hep C & god-knows-what else. "Fuck that" I said. But I'm not uncaring, no. I've always been a soft touch, that caring soul who always brought home stray dogs as a kid [I did not steal them out of peeps yards. That's a lie. They followed me.] so I started to 'massage' Bodgy with my boots, encouraging him to "Get up" with each kick...er...I mean massage. [Nah it was ok really. They weren't my good boots.] Everyone agreed that, if not for my considerable & concerted efforts, Bodgy may not have survived long enough for the Ambulance to arrive. No I'm not suggesting I'm a hero, no. I even would've pissed on him if he was on fire, I'm just that kind of guy :)
Has anyone seen an overdosed junkie get revived with 'Narcan' [heroin antidote] It's amazing. It seemed like within seconds, this drongo went from not breathing, close to death, to fighting fit. He sprang to his feet & tried to attack his saviors, demanding they pay for his ruined high. Moron, a not so quiet word had him skulking off to his next hit or victim.

Ran into his wife a few years later [lovely girl. What is it with sweet girls & deadshits?] Bodgy had died of an overdose. No, I'm not speaking ill of the dead, just speaking the truth. He was a mates cousin, who I was with twice when he got a distressed phone call from Bodgys wife. We'd race around & find Bodgy, drunk with shirt off [displaying his pathetic array of tiny tattoos] terrorizing his wife, sister-in-law & children, all of whom were cowering in a corner crying. Not a nice guy.

When will the authorities accept that drug abuse is a social & medical issue? Ever? Many lives & much wasted resources would be saved.