Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

Next year I'm hiring an attorney to get me a foid card, I know felons can get one if they jump through a bunch of hoops.. I saw an episode of Alaskan state troopers a couple years ago where dude gets pulled over for speeding and has a loaded ar15 in bed of truck in a case.. Trooper runs his info and dude is a felon who was convicted of " serious violent crime . They didn't say what that was.. Dude explained ..yeah I'm a felon and I legally own those guns.. Cop ran his serial numbers and dispatch tells him he's all good. :shock: ... Cop gave him his weapons back n ticket 4 speeding.

Lol. Don't waste your
You have to move to anther state like Minnesota or Alaska
To act. ie Grab his wrist with my left hand put it up in the air while pulling my gun with my right, stick my gun to his chest and give him a fast double tap. When I have removed his gun. turn on the light.
ahahhaaahaaahaaahhaaa. Saturday night is movie night. So let me embellish.

@red w. blue uses super strength and lightning quick reflexes, grab's gunman's wrist with left hand and pulls it up in the air, then gives him a kiss on the mouth. Enemy drops like a fly, overcome by halitosis. Second gunman opens fire and @red w. blue sinks to floor and scene fades to black.
I left Chicago..I moved to Michigan 3 years ago.. But I haven't been arrested in like 10 years.. My felony is from 98

You might be right though.. Maybe Alaska has that loophole cause bears n shit can kill ya if you are unarmed.
I left Chicago..I moved to Michigan 3 years ago.. But I haven't been arrested in like 10 years.. My felony is from 98

You might be right though.. Maybe Alaska has that loophole cause bears n shit can kill ya if you are unarmed.
I don't know Michigan law on it
You can get relief federally But since they haven't funded that office in 20 years your application goes into the trash can
I was just banking on the state being broke and doing a shitty background check.. Figured I keep flying below the radar n apply to get a caregivers license n see how that goes..if that go smooth I go for foid card.
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ahahhaaahaaahaaahhaaa. Saturday night is movie night. So let me embellish.

@red w. blue uses super strength and lightning quick reflexes, grab's gunman's wrist with left hand and pulls it up in the air, then gives him a kiss on the mouth. Enemy drops like a fly, overcome by halitosis. Second gunman opens fire and @red w. blue sinks to floor and scene fades to black.

First it was a hypothetical so I can do whatever I wish. You on the other hand have cherry picked, taken out of context spun your embellishment as normal.
I was just banking on the state being broke and doing a shitty background check.. Figured I keep flying below the radar n apply to get a caregivers license n see how that goes..if that go smooth I go for food card.
Being a felon you cannot even have a gun in the house. That is called constructive possession. The ATF keeps track of your spouse as well. Just a heads up
So what if they commited a crime with a firearm.
You just took away the rights of everyone who has ever been arrested for a joint that had a gun in the house

Question for you.

If a person is in possession of a gun and gets busted for driving a load of weed somewhere, is that considered a "crime with a firearm" or must the crime consist of actually using the gun in a robbery or some other kind of real crime ?
I left Chicago..I moved to Michigan 3 years ago.. But I haven't been arrested in like 10 years.. My felony is from 98

You might be right though.. Maybe Alaska has that loophole cause bears n shit can kill ya if you are unarmed.

More people are executed by Police than bears in the USA annually.