Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

Shoot back?

You can't just say that's what would happen. Lots of things to consider quickly in that situation. First and foremost is that when I carry it is for the protection of me and mine. It's not my fault that other potential victims chose to be unarmed.

If I thought that I could end the threat without significantly risking my own life I might. Again, getting home safely is priority numero uno.

Edit: And what responsible gun owner would fire into the dark in a room full of people? Your only point of reference would be the muzzle flash. And you would have no way to see anyone between you and the muzzle. You don't fire until you identify your target.
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Edit: And what responsible gun owner would fire into the dark in a room full of people? Your only point of reference would be the muzzle flash. And you would have no way to see anyone between you and the muzzle. You don't fire until you identify your target.

A scared one
If you are in a dark room and you are armed what is your first instinct when shots are fired your way?

To act. ie Grab his wrist with my left hand put it up in the air while pulling my gun with my right, stick my gun to his chest and give him a fast double tap. When I have removed his gun. turn on the light.
source of the gun fire. which will of course be returned. and everyone will be pulling out their guns and shooting at each other

As other people have already said, you dont shoot unless you have a clear unimpeded view of your target.

Your hypothesis that everyone in the theater would suddenly pull out weapons and start spraying the place with bullets is a bit much....
As other people have already said, you dont shoot unless you have a clear unimpeded view of your target.

Your hypothesis that everyone in the theater would suddenly pull out weapons and start spraying the place with bullets is a bit much....
tell that to all the friendly fire casualties in war
In real life the variables may be simple or not. I do use hypotheticals as in, if? than then what.
Hypotheticals are silly here, the variables are mostly to hard to state and chesuslice is just fishing for ammo in his own war here.