Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

I'm scared of a few things. If you aren't and are unprepared, that's your own right and bad.

what kind of personal threats do you face in order to need to fire thousands of rounds a year in the name of "practice"?

you may want to re-examine how you live your life if you face this kind of repeated mortal danger.

either that, or you are a cowardly and scared little gun clinger.
Burglary victims are attacked in their own home once every 30 minutes. Just in the small country of the UK. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1245417/Burglary-victims-attacked-home-30-minutes.html

Of course, because it has never happened to you means that it will never happen to you, this is your thinking process, yes it displays a staggering amount of stupidity, but you wholeheartedly own it.

you did not answer the question. you ran away, like a coward does.

this makes sense, because you are a coward. and a lying racist plagiarist. so i will repeat.

how often does this happen to you?
what kind of personal threats do you face in order to need to fire thousands of rounds a year in the name of "practice"?

you may want to re-examine how you live your life if you face this kind of repeated mortal danger.

either that, or you are a cowardly and scared little gun clinger.
Is that what Army soldiers are in Afghanistan, Scared little gun clingers? Oh Andy, your such a pathetic loser.
what kind of personal threats do you face in order to need to fire thousands of rounds a year in the name of "practice"?

you may want to re-examine how you live your life if you face this kind of repeated mortal danger.

either that, or you are a cowardly and scared little gun clinger.

People, including you, clamor for responsible gun ownership and then demonize those that try to be responsible through training and practice.

You want more training for LEO yet bitch when someone does so. Would it be better if taxpayers funded my training?
People, including you, clamor for responsible gun ownership and then demonize those that try to be responsible through training and practice.

You want more training for LEO yet bitch when someone does so. Would it be better if taxpayers funded my training?

you are a cop?

pro tip: kill yourself now with all that firearm training you have

number two: responsible gun ownership is not defined as neurotically clinging to your gun like a pussy little coward. it means locking them away from kids and whatnot.

something your fellow racist rawn pawl fanboi hates to do.
number two: responsible gun ownership is not defined as neurotically clinging to your gun like a pussy little coward. it means locking them away from kids and whatnot.
Isn't the locked house going to keep the little kids out? I mean it is illegal to break into someones house, and illegal to steal and illegal for a minor to possess a handgun w/o adult supervision. You seem to be saying that laws do not work, here you are advocating that even further steps be taken to dissuade theft. Yet you are an advocate of increasing gun control laws, well Andrew, if all those laws don't keep kids from breaking in and stealing guns, what makes you thin more gun control laws will have any affect whatsoever?
do you just call everything you say that makes you look bad a lie?

not a goofd strategy, since we can quote your posts.
Quote away, they never say what you claim and you get caught in your lies every single time. and I mean EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
i kinda discerned that you knew my address without you getting so desperate.

let's focus on the real concern of the night here, which is that you can't sleep without a loaded gun under your bed.

are you really that much of a pussy? paranoid?

oh, i know. PTSD. you were traumatized by having to go do pointless army stuff for your taxpayer provided check.

it's OK you little pussy. at least you aren't a fucking cop like budlover, your fellow racist rawn pawl fanboi.
So now you just told everyone its YOUR address. You said it, not me.
I hope you get visitors.
So now you just told everyone its YOUR address. You said it, not me.
I hope you get visitors.

oh, you must think i am some sort of coward, like you.

why would i get visitors? you are too much of a coward to do anything. after all, you can't even sleep at night without a loaded gun under your bed. i don't even own a gun and have no problem with a pussy like you knowing my address.
You don't have kids, your penis is too small to provide penetration, It just dribbles out of your hand and ends up as a brown stain on the mattress.

didn't your ex-wife throw a TV at you and leave you?


my penis is slightly above average size.
oh, you must think i am some sort of coward, like you.

why would i get visitors? you are too much of a coward to do anything. after all, you can't even sleep at night without a loaded gun under your bed. i don't even own a gun and have no problem with a pussy like you knowing my address.
If you have no problem with it, why so bent out of shape about it?
If you have no problem with it, why so bent out of shape about it?

bent out of shape is when you start crying about how i point out that you are a racial segregationist, and quote the posts from you where you support racial segregation (in the name of freedom, no less).