Well-Known Member
LOL! You must not be very familiar with the very Orthodox Jews in Israel. The ones who throw stones at women for walking through their neighborhoods without covering their hair.
You must be new to this, because for the past ten years I've been studying jihadism and terrorism. The majority of Muslims even say that this extremism is not what a true representation of Islam. You can post up all the Fox News polls you want, but the vast majority trend I've noticed over the past ten years is that they want to be mostly left alone, to practice their faith, and not be bombed for oil. It's the fastest growing religion on the face of this Earth, why aren't we all dead yet if every Muslim wants to kill every non Muslim? There's, what, 1.1 billion of them and counting?
Many Islamic scholars also say that jihad is not just warfare, but if you look at what the actual meaning of the word is, which is "striving, applying oneself, struggling, persevering" they say that every day can be jihad, just to survive and live up to how Allah would want someone to live a good life.
Yeah, the ole jihad = struggle routine lol.
Behold - "struggle"!

The Muslim population is supposedly around 1.6 billion. Even a ridiculously tiny minority - say one in a thousand - that takes serious the fundamentalist teachings and see their central purpose in life as joining the sacred "struggle", that's over one and a half million militant jihadist!
And nobody is talking about killing all Muslims or deporting all Muslims from the US (other than maybe Trump lol)? That's manufactured political hyperbole - like "hands up, don't shoot".
In spite of decades of distributed Muslim mass murders of innocent non-combatants around the globe (a little more serious than orthodox jews throwing stones and/or hurling verbal abuses), there haven't been violent reprisals against them in the US. But there are lots of concerned people calling for a temporary moratorium on future immigration from various extremist "hot spots" around the world until the head-up-ass State Department's system filters for vetting them can be verified as maximally effective and not unduly influenced by political naivety.
Gotta go. We'll talk later or whatever. Have a nice night!