Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
If that was me, that duck would've been delicious that evening.
I hate duck along with all the liberal quacks.
If that was me, that duck would've been delicious that evening.
Duck is delicious, you fucking racist.I hate duck along with all the liberal quacks.
there should be a law against driving into people on the sidewalk!
It's time to outlaw automobiles.
Police identify 24-year-old woman accused of hitting almost 40 people on Vegas Strip
LAS VEGAS – Police have identified the driver who is accused of veering onto a crowded sidewalk several times on the Las Vegas Strip, killing one and injuring almost 40 people in what authorities described as an “intentional” act.
Monday authorities said the 24-year-old suspect is Lakeisha Holloway, who had her 3-year-old child in the car during the crash.
At least one person was killed and 37 others injured near the Paris Las Vegas Hotel on Sunday night, authorities said.
Witnesses said the woman was driving down Las Vegas Boulevard before her car jumped onto the sidewalk and started striking pedestrians.
She allegedly drove the 1996 Oldsmobile sedan onto the sidewalk at different spots and hit more people before barreling down the road.
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Duck is delicious, you fucking racist.
White (meat) supremacist.
there should be a law against driving into people on the sidewalk!
Duh, HE'S a white (meat) supremacist...I'm a black man from Idaho, I wouldn't really be a fan of white (meat) supremacists.Ducks don't have white meat dude.
That's racists! lolYeah, black lives matter as they get what's coming to them. This defiant, cocky piece of shit was recently given capital murder for mowing down a crowd at the Austin SXSW event, killing 4, mauling others, and then caught trying to out run the police. Watched the local news coverage. It was great! http://deadline.com/2014/03/sxsw-2-dead-car-crash-698269/
Hey Owens, don't bend over to pick up that bar of soap LOL.
That's racists! lol
He shouldn't be incarcerated. He's just a victim of white privilege. Why, all he needs is our compassion, a free ticket into college. maybe some food stamps and drug money, and voila - he'll be transformed into a regular Democrat voter.
I get the notion that liberals are naive idiots from the idiotic shit they do and say.It's ironic that this post is laced with latent racism and bigotry. No reasonable person believes that but somehow in your twisted little mind you think that's how all liberals think. Sucks that the red states suck up all the welfare while the blue states have booming economies and high amounts of education.
I get the notion that liberals are naive idiots from the idiotic shit they do and say.
Hell, our liberal geniuses must think that the "fight" against ISIS (they can't force themselves to actually say "Islamic terrorists", lol) is about governments around the world making sure there are enough jobs for Muslin youth, inferring that Islamic jihadist's desires to commit mass murders against the dreaded infidels are just the result of poor, underprivileged young men in need of government produced jobs.![]()
State Department spokeswoman claims jobs are key to defeating ISIS
The twisted little minds of the Left keep trying to convince everyone (especially themselves) that groups like ISIS are merely insignificant Muslim (shhhhh....) fringe groups, having little to do with what Islam is actually about. They spew that shit at the same time Muslim religious leaders - influential national leaders such as the Muslim Ayatollahs of Iran - publically call for "death to America!" and throngs of good Muslims cheer their approval. But our Democrat doofus Secretary of State says, "they don't really mean that".They mean it, moron!![]()
And this season, thanks to the Left's love affair with anybody or any group that chants death to America, now we have school kids in Minnesota singing a Ramadan song "Allahu Akbar" in a PUBLIC SCHOOL "Holiday" program! Separation of church and state only applies to Christians. And WHAT THE FUCK does Ramadan have to do with Christmas??? How about "Allahu Akbar" my ass, motherfuckers!
Parents Question Choice To Sing ‘Allahu Akbar’ At Holiday Concert
So there are just a couple reasons, in an ocean of idiotic liberal nonsense, that causes my twisted little mind to have zero respect for the Left and have no qualms whatsoever about ridiculing their ridiculous and increasingly dangerous shit. I can go on listing reasons (e.g. trading 5 Taliban commanders for one Army deserter, "it was the Mohammed cartoon movie that mad Muslims kill our ambassador", etc), but I'm pretty sure you'd just call me a racist in response, since accusations of racism seem to have become the Left's favorite knee-jerk response to anything they want to avoid.
State Department spokeswoman claims jobs are key to defeating ISIS
I call em as I see em. too. Sometimes I use sarcasm and exaggeration. Sometimes I just spit it out. And sometimes I'm just poking fun at the poster - which was Uncle Ben, not you.Well that certainly went from point A to point X with skipping the entire alphabet. I was saying that it's pretty idiotic to assume that liberals think that somehow that guy should just get off scot free, but then to say that all he needs is food stamps and Section 8 because he's African American is just latent racism. You somehow then immediately jumped to talking about ISIS, and you can't even begin to think past "military action," which in just makes you downright stupid. Then you also put up that tribal looking black man emoticon, which, once again, is latently racist.
I just call it like I see it.
You get all up in arms because of a little bit of diversity, does it really threaten your whiteness that much? Let's just forget that every Christmas hymn sung is actually Christian, and no one gets up in arms about that at all, yet once an Islamic thing is introduced it's "rabble rabble rabble the Mooslems are taken ovah." Who the fuck cares if some Muslims want to sing some traditional Arabic thing? I certainly as hell don't. I don't give a shit if the Christians want to sing Come All Ye Faithful either, and I don't give a shit if the Jews want to sing Chanukah hymns either. Also your little "Separation of Church and State" argument is downright idiotic. Maybe we should just get rid of swearing oaths on the Bible then, huh? Oh wait, that's a tradition somehow isn't it?
I don't even need to respond to your post because a lot of it is just downright Fox News Republican Right Wing White is Right chugging bullshit. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about at all, which is hilarious. You have no idea how terrorism and extremism breed, which makes it doubly hilarious.
I call em as I see em. too. Sometimes I use sarcasm and exaggeration. Sometimes I just spit it out. And sometimes I'm just poking fun at the poster - which was Uncle Ben, not you.
But, since you charge that I'm just the liberal's stock Fox News Republican Right Wing White is Right chugger of bullshit that has no idea how terrorism and extremism breed, would you care to debate the fundamentalist-literalist view of the Quran and Hadith as motivations toward breeding terrorism?
Violence may very well be written into the Hebrew scriptures, but Jews don't seem to take those Bible books as directives from God to murder homosexuals, treat women as servant/slaves, commit god-ordained genocide on "infidels, glorify martyrdom and mass murder, saw off infidel's heads, put unbelievers in cages and set them on fire, or any of the other atrocious religious crap these barbaric manuscript-based religions can motivate their zombie-cultists to administer.Tone is hard to convey via text. A greater motivation for that is poverty, because with poverty comes a lack of education and a lack of opportunity. However, sometimes we do see educated people become extremists, but once again these are disaffected young men with lots of frustration and no way out. These are the easiest men to recruit to things, I mean even the CIA/KGB look for assets in this manner too. Saying the Quran and Hadiths are motivations towards breeding terrorism is exactly like saying that Deuteronomy, Isiah, Kings, and Exodus are ways to breed domestic terrorism.
but Jews don't seem to take those Bible books as directives from God to murder homosexuals, treat women as servant/slaves, committing genocide on "infidels for personal (supposedly spiritual) gain, saw off infidel's heads, put unbelievers in cages and set them on fire, or any of the other atrocious religious crap these barbaric manuscript-based religions can motivate.
If one spends some extended time studying what Islam is about from Islam's own writers, reading their scrptures and appologietic liturature, as well as scholarly criticisms, etc, one can easily understand why modern radical jihadists are closer to the Quranic version of Islam, while the watered down, "religion of peace" vaeiety is composed of people that are considered by jihaduists as not fully dedicated to the cause of Allah - sort of half-hearted with one foot in the Kingdom and one foot in the world. Fundamentalists are fundamentalists - regardles of what holy book they're fundammentally addicted to, or what kind of mayhem they believe their god has called them to indulge in.