Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

AQ urged their followers in the West to take advantage of American gun laws to commit terrorism - is that something you support or do you think maybe we ought to change that little loophole?

Aren't you are one gullible silly puppy!

I think it was Abe that said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time".

You've gotta be a sample from the center group.
Aren't you are one gullible silly puppy!

I think it was Abe that said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time".

You've gotta be a sample from the center group.
Watch the clip I posted, a sitting member of Al Qaeda does exactly that, and conservatives like LittleBen support it just so they don't have to go through any reasonable gun control restrictions. He's speaking English too, so no need for a translation
Watch the clip I posted, a sitting member of Al Qaeda does exactly that, and conservatives like LittleBen support it just so they don't have to go through any reasonable gun control restrictions. He's speaking English too, so no need for a translation

You're just being stubborn.

Why could Al Quefa possibly want to try change Americas stance on gun ownership...?
Seems a pretty big stretch to claim AQ wants to "change Americas stance on gun ownership" over ya know, what they're actually claiming; Use their gun laws to fuck them up internally... Maybe that's just me though...

"Change their gun laws, make em more vulnerable so we can attack and they won't be able to fight back... except for ya know.. their multi-billion dollar military!!!'

Seems a pretty big stretch to claim AQ wants to "change Americas stance on gun ownership" over ya know, what they're actually claiming; Use their gun laws to fuck them up internally... Maybe that's just me though...

"Change their gun laws, make em more vulnerable so we can attack and they won't be able to fight back... except for ya know.. their multi-billion dollar military!!!'


You are digging yourself in deeper. The military cannot operate on domestic soil. They are attacking us in our homeland where our military is not present and all we have are cops and/or civilians for defense.

Yes, they would prefer the civilians disarmed and the cops clueless...
Absolutely terrified my gov. would come in to restrict the 2nd amendment, but the US military can't act on American soil!

Fucking retards. Holy fuck.
Absolutely terrified my gov. would come in to restrict the 2nd amendment, but the US military can't act on American soil!

Fucking retards. Holy fuck.
When has a larger military force ever beaten a well organised guerilla force, in an urban environment or otherwise?

The US military's only real tactical modus operandi is level the place from the air and then maybe send troops in...how does that work in an American city?
I'm all for eliminating him control.
I'm a personal note.
I got shot and if I was armed at the time.
It would not of made a difference
Hey, don't forget it's also fed legislation that makes your mmj consumption illegal. Your buddy the nutty professor won't address mj re-scheduling.

I don't understand your logic, you will support the goofy prof that keeps your meds scheduled such that you're a potential federal criminal, but won't support the NRA because they support a policy that does like wise? Doesn't make any sense.

Btw, I don't support the NRA for other reasons.

Did I say that I support the "goofy prof"? No. Please retract. Fucking coward won't remove it from Schedule 1# but that damage was done along time ago when I had hair. I do support COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL. You don't have a bunch of 10 years old kids driving around in a 2 ton piece of steel, right? Why the fuck is it okay to be able to own a gun without an age limit and proper licencing? That won't stop gun violence but is that too fucking much to ask for people that own guns to be properly trained and documented?
That's not true. The NRA doesn't care if you smoke the reefer. The BATF does.

I'm not a fan of the NRA, but in this case I have to defend them. They want everyone man, woman and child to own a gun, that's the point of their existence. They don't care if you're black white, gay or crazy.

The NRA legislates nothing. Where have you seen them getting behind your particular restriction?

Your President wants to restrict people who are put on a secret government list without any due process. You behind that?

I assume you signed away your right. No?

Sure, I signed the piece of imaginary paper you're specking of. Fucking paranoid much?
Seems a pretty big stretch to claim AQ wants to "change Americas stance on gun ownership" over ya know, what they're actually claiming; Use their gun laws to fuck them up internally... Maybe that's just me though...

"Change their gun laws, make em more vulnerable so we can attack and they won't be able to fight back... except for ya know.. their multi-billion dollar military!!!'

Sure, I signed the piece of imaginary paper you're specking of. Fucking paranoid much?
Double, double. You don't know what you are talking about as you obviously don't comprehend what I was talking about...but then, I would not know where to sign on an "imaginary paper" either.
As a gun control type liberal... it pisses me off when something like this happens again and again. However I agree with your post, just fuck it. Too many guns out there BUT because I'm a MMJ patient I can't own one legally? Those right wing gun happy nuts (NRA) agree that I can't own a gun due to the meds I use. I'd be a fucking idiot to support a group that WANTS TO RESTRICT MY GUN OWNERSHIP and that is the NRA(A).
I definitely see your point. It's complete hypocrisy. They don't disqualify other people on the basis of other doctor prescriptions. Neither the Left nor Right represent your best interests.

/**** just a rambling affair from here on - no need to proceed lol ***/

In my view, both sides are working with the benefit of society in mind. They just have opposite views on the nature of the problem and how best to deal with it. Unfortunately, each maligns the other with an amazingly robust savagery, as Left and Right are pretty much programmed to do in most EVERYTHING.

But to be fair, the Right doesn't actually desire a nation where everyone is walking around armed with assault weapons and full tactical gear. They just know that the bad guys will always have access to that kind of killing power and they believe that the rest of us have a constitutional right to be able to defend ourselves - especially when the government can't or won't. I can sympathize with that.

I also don't really think that the Left is trying to completely disarm only the law-abiding citizenry, leaving them helpless against the fully armed criminals, loonies, and religious nuts so they can kill us as they see fit. We might naively suppose that when we see their obsessive reaction to kids pointing fingers and drawing stick figures shooting each other. However, even that seemingly excessive response is actually rooted in the sobering recognition that in the long run, our only hope for freedom from violence is to reprogram succeeding generations all over the planet away from the notion that it's an acceptable way to deal with human problems. I can sympathize with that.

But I'm a pragmatist and right now, in my humble opinion, we need good peeps armed until the growing army of dirtbags are disarmed. And that won't be until the last man standing if we don't change the minds of the planet's kids - and maybe eventually the DNA of our animal genome.
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Did I say that I support the "goofy prof"? No. Please retract. Fucking coward won't remove it from Schedule 1# but that damage was done along time ago when I had hair. I do support COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL. You don't have a bunch of 10 years old kids driving around in a 2 ton piece of steel, right? Why the fuck is it okay to be able to own a gun without an age limit and proper licencing? That won't stop gun violence but is that too fucking much to ask for people that own guns to be properly trained and documented?

Re the "goofy prof", my apology, I made the assumption you were a supporter based on this comment: "As a gun control type liberal..." My bad, sorry if I offended you.

My point, the president does have the ability to re-direct his AG to reschedule. So far the magic man has refused, who knows, maybe just before he leaves.

Obviously a two year old doesn't have enough experience at life to use a gun. Does a 10 year old under adult supervision, there are some that do. This is a parenting issue.

Not sure what you mean by documentation, but there is a fair amount of paper work that has to be filled out at the time of a gun purchase.

Re training: there isn't all that much to it, charge the gun, point and activate. You do have to know what end the projectile exits. But there isn't much more than that. A wise person would know their liabilities/limitations and act accordingly. If you're implying that there's a lot of stupid people on this planet, you'd be correct. But you aren't going to fix stupid in a class. There's certainly nothing preventing a person from seeking out training on their own. And yes, like everything else in life, you get out of it what you put in. Practice is a good thing.

Btw, Obama's comments have the gun market burning like hot cakes ... again. If you don't have a gun I would suggest that you research one and make a purchase, if nothing else you would have the experience as a reference.
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Did I say that I support the "goofy prof"? No. Please retract. Fucking coward won't remove it from Schedule 1# but that damage was done along time ago when I had hair. I do support COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL. You don't have a bunch of 10 years old kids driving around in a 2 ton piece of steel, right? Why the fuck is it okay to be able to own a gun without an age limit and proper licencing? That won't stop gun violence but is that too fucking much to ask for people that own guns to be properly trained and documented?

Where is there not an age limit to own a gun and is there an epidemic of 10 year olds shooting people with their own weapons?

When the left cannot win an argument based on facts they start creating facts to support their cause and get more and more hysterical as they do it.

We are facing terrorists who are purposely targeting civilians in gun free zones and other "soft" target areas and the lib's want to create more soft target areas... WTF????