Hey 2nd Amendment "Patriots", its time to step up and speak out for us.

Would you 'arm' your computer from outside hacking?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
Tell me more about natural gas. Please, keep going.

For what purpose? We're bickering about formation gases as a side topic to ANTIFA on a pro 2A thread. Could we get any farther from the intended subject? I no longer wish to jack the thread with stupid topics.
For what purpose? We're bickering about formation gases as a side topic to ANTIFA on a pro 2A thread. Could we get any farther from the intended subject? I no longer wish to jack the thread with stupid topics.

Because an educated population is Patriotic.
The Oil Industry loves the uneducated as well as Antifa, after all Halliburton has the Siberian to extract.
Becoming more like Russia is a small price to pay.

“overall,” what’s good for Halliburton is, overall, bad for the rest of us?
And you thought Dick Cheney was kidding when he said, “We also have to work, though, sort of the dark side, if you will.”

Well lets get back to @TacoMac earliest remarks... This is a second amendment thread,, not just one about how gay @UncleBuck sounds... That seems to be a givin...

Tacomac well he's one who calls the cops while someone robs his home or rapes his wife or his kid,,, and I do hope nit never happens,,,, while he watches.... and he waits 15 minutes for the cops to show up in Gwinnett County , then we got @Chunky Stool,,, who pretends to know everything about ballastics... Yet nothing....

And Buck well he's proven he doesn't know shit about much of anything.... Cept little boys and penises...

I do know meuller didn't turn out to be the big thing some people hoped for...

Imagine people hoping our President in Cheif of the Greatest Country in the World was involved in underhanded shit with Russia... That should be treason.... I don't care anything about that retard,,, Meuller,, he does seem pretty retarded doesn't he,,, and I've only seen him afew times,,, something wrong with that boys head, But what I do care about is our economy... Man my taxes were lowest they been in years,,, unemployment is all time low,,,, and the stock market was setting all time records. And the GDP is way up...All that says we doing ALOT better than we have since the 60's......

Ok @tangerinegreen555 I have a question for you,,, can you operation a 15$ dollar 35-gallon thumper without it blowing up in your face. This isn't a trick question...

Not that I know much about roughnecking myself even if my brother was a toolpusher,,, and I helped run some rather costy equipment

But really any idiot can roll steel.. it's the really bad one that takes acouple years to learn it....

Thank god we stopping importing some products from china... Might help with the steel industries?
Gdp growth is 1.1%

You voted for a guy who bragged about walking in on naked underage girls

Doesn’t that make you a pedophile supporter?

Btw it’s not rape when your wife forces you to watch her banging other dudes
Imagine people hoping our President in Cheif of the Greatest Country in the World was involved in underhanded shit with Russia... That should be treason.... I don't care anything about that retard,,, Meuller,, he does seem pretty retarded doesn't he,,, and I've only seen him afew times,,, something wrong with that boys head, But what I do care about is our economy... Man my taxes were lowest they been in years,,, unemployment is all time low,,,, and the stock market was setting all time records. And the GDP is way up...All that says we doing ALOT better than we have since the 60's......
Do you care if President Trump was involved in underhand shit with Russia? If not your just his tool and the unpatriotic one.
I really would like to protect my computer incase any troll used it, they would get a virus that melts their shit. I still think this is a good 2nd amendment issue that needs to be pushed.
Did you know ar 15 stands for “ assault rifle 15”?

Wrong. Again. Smelling your own farts has got your brain all sludge now lol AR 15 stands for ArmaLite Rifle 15. I mean a quick google search could’ve showed you that but assault rifle sounds more menacing doesn’t it??