Hey 2nd Amendment "Patriots", its time to step up and speak out for us.

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"your mom" jokes? Seriously? Have fun hiding your ANTIFA paperwork when you get sent up north.
Antifa is just a group of idiots looking to fight IMO. If youre doing the right thing you shouldnt need to hide who you are.

I didnt say a mom joke.
You are the joke. If you had any reading and comprehension skills, you would see that.

So where did antifa touch you? Show me on the doll.
I swing a 14 pound hammer on a BOP crew in the oil patch. I work 60 hour shifts in negative temp weather. My boots have actual dirt on them. I don't really care what kind of work you do, but I doubt you could handle being a roughneck as literally 100% of the oilfield voted for Trump.

That's not even semiskilled labor, let's see you run a $50 miIlion 60" sendzimer mill without wrecking it 10' into the loading pass.
Well lets get back to @TacoMac earliest remarks... This is a second amendment thread,, not just one about how gay @UncleBuck sounds... That seems to be a givin...

Tacomac well he's one who calls the cops while someone robs his home or rapes his wife or his kid,,, and I do hope nit never happens,,,, while he watches.... and he waits 15 minutes for the cops to show up in Gwinnett County , then we got @Chunky Stool,,, who pretends to know everything about ballastics... Yet nothing....

And Buck well he's proven he doesn't know shit about much of anything.... Cept little boys and penises...

I do know meuller didn't turn out to be the big thing some people hoped for...

Imagine people hoping our President in Cheif of the Greatest Country in the World was involved in underhanded shit with Russia... That should be treason.... I don't care anything about that retard,,, Meuller,, he does seem pretty retarded doesn't he,,, and I've only seen him afew times,,, something wrong with that boys head, But what I do care about is our economy... Man my taxes were lowest they been in years,,, unemployment is all time low,,,, and the stock market was setting all time records. And the GDP is way up...All that says we doing ALOT better than we have since the 60's......

Ok @tangerinegreen555 I have a question for you,,, can you operation a 15$ dollar 35-gallon thumper without it blowing up in your face. This isn't a trick question...

Not that I know much about roughnecking myself even if my brother was a toolpusher,,, and I helped run some rather costy equipment

But really any idiot can roll steel.. it's the really bad one that takes acouple years to learn it....

Thank god we stopping importing some products from china... Might help with the steel industries?
Well lets get back to @TacoMac earliest remarks... This is a second amendment thread,, not just one about how gay @UncleBuck sounds... That seems to be a givin...

Tacomac well he's one who calls the cops while someone robs his home or rapes his wife or his kid,,, and I do hope nit never happens,,,, while he watches.... and he waits 15 minutes for the cops to show up in Gwinnett County , then we got @Chunky Stool,,, who pretends to know everything about ballastics... Yet nothing....

And Buck well he's proven he doesn't know shit about much of anything.... Cept little boys and penises...

I do know meuller didn't turn out to be the big thing some people hoped for...

Imagine people hoping our President in Cheif of the Greatest Country in the World was involved in underhanded shit with Russia... That should be treason.... I don't care anything about that retard,,, Meuller,, he does seem pretty retarded doesn't he,,, and I've only seen him afew times,,, something wrong with that boys head, But what I do care about is our economy... Man my taxes were lowest they been in years,,, unemployment is all time low,,,, and the stock market was setting all time records. And the GDP is way up...All that says we doing ALOT better than we have since the 60's......

Ok @tangerinegreen555 I have a question for you,,, can you operation a 15$ dollar 35-gallon thumper without it blowing up in your face. This isn't a trick question...

Not that I know much about roughnecking myself even if my brother was a toolpusher,,, and I helped run some rather costy equipment

But really any idiot can roll steel.. it's the really bad one that takes acouple years to learn it....

Thank god we stopping importing some products from china... Might help with the steel industries?
Rofl. Why is your buddy so paranoid?
I think he wants you to spoon with him. The way he talks to you... I think he might have a caliwood shrine in his step dads closet
Dude anyone can do about anything they want to.

I'm not familiar with the steel industry to hot for me to have even thought of it,,, besides wasn't any where I've been...
,,, but some of my friends retired from the steel biss.. One just happens to be sitting here enjoying some jack... Now, do I know what I'm talking about working that mill nope... But I'm not worried about it IF I had too... And was a 6-month training,,, give me acouple

BTW ever work with that thumper? was a real question....
When you dress up like a ninja, and group up with other ninjas and assault people many against one, do you think you're not being a fascist? Are you genuinely that retarded? ANTIFA is what it would be like if the KKK took on the name BlackLivesMatter.

The only people that really give a shit about the 50 or so "Antifa" members are either buying into the Russian propaganda push on them, or they are using the idiots that act like Antifa is the boogeyman.


Id quit with calling out all of the Russian/Trump propaganda if you guys would please quit regurgitating all of the Russian/Trump propaganda.
more insecure, small penis, afraid of his own shadow bullshit

Let's review what I really said, you dickless kid shooter:

Anyone using anything above a 45 caliber for home defense is not only a complete idiot but a serious risk to any and all neighbors and/or innocent bystanders.

The United States Army doesn't outfit the rank and file soldier with a 50 caliber.

Because it's fucking stupid, unnecessary, moronic and completely worthless in 99% of all engagements.

But you need one...because you're stupid.

In the event anybody ever breaks in to my house, I'm grabbing my 870.

I have a Colt Python and a Remington 870 Urban. I'm on the fence about a S&W 45 semi-auto.

Now post more made up shit you fucking combover, dickless kid shooter.
The only people that really give a shit about the 50 or so "Antifa" members are either buying into the Russian propaganda push on them, or they are using the idiots that act like Antifa is the boogeyman.


Id quit with calling out all of the Russian/Trump propaganda if you guys would please quit regurgitating all of the Russian/Trump propaganda.

Your comment is like 5 opposing ideas smashed together with no punctuation between. IDK what you expect readers to take from it?
You haven't been swinging that hammer very long nor have you seen your health diminish from the vapors around the BOP.

Go back to thumping on your seismic crew.
H2S isn't something that gradually takes you down over time. Learn your gasses man!

Consider the medical cost to the country because the company you work for has only told you that H2S is the only gas that will hurt you.

Perhaps you could use some fresh O2.

hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium.

Do the country a favor and go back to running jugs.
Consider the medical cost to the country because the company you work for has only told you that H2S is the only gas that will hurt you.

Perhaps you could use some fresh O2.

hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium.

Do the country a favor and go back to running jugs.

Go look up Hydrogen Sulfide and how little is needed to kill you on the spot.