Here come the bugs...

I got some bugs a few weeks ago, very minor thankfully, yellow caterpillar/wormy type things in budding spots.
Drench them 1/week with something called ecoffective rose defender, try Amazon, pesticide free.

Skins been crawling ever since though, not sure I wana get a zoomer to see them up close!!

i about shit myself when i stared at a mite at 60x through a loupe and it stared back LMAO....
Feel for ya, always anxious about the health of our ladies.
Hope something works out for you!
I've used the organic surface pesticide eccofective mentioned above, some general pesticide, baking soda spray as well as food grade hydrogen peroxide for insectide and fungicide function.

First timer so I hoping there's more worthy suggestions and advice from the more experienced for you.