Herb Man's First Grow (In Soil)

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
At the part of the plants closest to the lights bro! Don't worry about soil temp and the floor temp as im indoor and the indoor temp is always around 64-65, so the temp in my is about 10 degrees more with the lights I have.
I've read as long as you temps dont swing more than 15 degrees from day to night you'll be straight! Only one guy on here that I've talked to thinks he experienced slow growth from cooler night temps..The rest don't really sweat it unless your temps are pretty extreme :peace:
Very interesting.

So would room temp not be floor temp + mid plant temp + top of plant temp divided by 3 = room temp?

Or like many of you guys have said, it could be just temp at canopy level, which could also make sense.

Never seen a definition of room temp before, now that I think about it.

It is an important issue since I have read that too high a tempreture can reduce THC levels, so it's definately something I will be looking at from here on out.


Well-Known Member
Top of the canopy can just be heat sensitive and ya dont want her gettin crispy. Damage to your top trophy bud sucks and even though ive never had it happen to me ive seen a friend get a nicly burnt top under a thousand. Dont be that guy lol :):):)


New Member
Very interesting.

So would room temp not be floor temp + mid plant temp + top of plant temp divided by 3 = room temp?

Or like many of you guys have said, it could be just temp at canopy level, which could also make sense.

Never seen a definition of room temp before, now that I think about it.

It is an important issue since I have read that too high a tempreture can reduce THC levels, so it's definately something I will be looking at from here on out.
Forgo the math lol! That's irrelevant as far as I'm concerned lol! But I know that you get extra heat amongst the canopy from the bulb.
My room temp is whatever it is in the house, +10 or so in my closet bcuz of all the lights...So when my house temp is 67, the temp in the closet is always about 77 at the entrance(I have a thermom. on the fan bringing air in), and the thermo has read about 79-80 at the canopy of my buds with my lastest arrangement, so that's what I mean I guess.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Top of the canopy can just be heat sensitive and ya dont want her gettin crispy. Damage to your top trophy bud sucks and even though ive never had it happen to me ive seen a friend get a nicly burnt top under a thousand. Dont be that guy lol :):):)
If any of them have the nerve to get crispy I'll chop their heads off, lol.


No I dont take the chance of having them too close to the HPS.

They can get as close as a couple of inches away from the T5.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Forgo the math lol! That's irrelevant as far as I'm concerned lol! But I know that you get extra heat amongst the canopy from the bulb.
My room temp is whatever it is in the house, +10 or so in my closet bcuz of all the lights...So when my house temp is 67, the temp in the closet is always about 77 at the entrance(I have a thermom. on the fan bringing air in), and the thermo has read about 79-80 at the canopy of my buds with my lastest arrangement, so that's what I mean I guess.
Alright, I can put the calculator down now, lol.

Stay tuned for breaking news of IDW folks.

She might be Bi-sexual?

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Alright IDW is behind on budding.

All the other ladies are covered in buds now, but IDW seems like a pure Sativa, she getting ready to explode with buds, but she's teasing me right now.

Anyway in one of her bud sites, I see what looks like a bunch of seeds forming within a bud.

It kind of makes sense because that's where she came from, a bag of weed.

Looks like things might go full circle and that she might be providing buds and seeds.

Are you guy’s familiar with such a situation?

Don't know if you can make out what looks like seeds from these pics.

They are pretty small atm.

Herb Man Hustling  Week 2 Flowering Part II 033.jpg Herb Man Hustling  Week 2 Flowering Part II 034.jpg Herb Man Hustling  Week 2 Flowering Part II 035.jpg Herb Man Hustling  Week 2 Flowering Part II 036.jpg
Herb Man Hustling  Week 2 Flowering Part II 037.jpg



Well-Known Member
Cut him the fuck down and get him outta the garden. Shes a he bro, hes gotta go now. The rest of them should be fine. Take him out gently and dont smash those sacs open. Sorry bout your luck dude. Its always the male that grows the tallest it seems lol. :):):)

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Cut him the fuck down and get him outta the garden. Shes a he bro, hes gotta go now. The rest of them should be fine. Take him out gently and dont smash those sacs open. Sorry bout your luck dude. Its always the male that grows the tallest it seems lol. :):):)
Lol, wait.

Break it to me gently.

Raise your right hand, look into your monitor.

Are you telling me that you belive IDW to be a male even though there are no balls?

You think she could be a he?


Well-Known Member
Those are balls. Eww, i hate em. Get a second opinion if you want but theyre balls :) see if i got a pic...i dont know if you can make em out.


Herb Man

Well-Known Member
You dont want those to open up
Yeah, just checked a few vids on Male or Female.

I think they could be balls for real.

I was wondering why she was taking her time to flower.

Oh well, out she comes.

Gonna have to find out the best way to handle him now to get the seeds.

On a brighter note, more space for the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Well you have to impregnate a female i believe. Look into making feminized seeds with coloidal silver from female plants if you want seeds;) kill that male five minutes ago :)


Active Member
From what I can see I agree with Ninja - looks like a dude. I believe you have at least a couple weeks from the time you see the pollen sacks til they have viable pollen but definitely get him out of the tent until you are certain. If you are going to keep him around to harvest pollen, be real careful - pollen is easily airborne! You cannot get seeds directly from the male. In order to have your girl(s) make seeds you have to collect the pollen then carefully dust the pollen on the pistils of one or more buds of a female. Once pollinated, the girls will produce seeds on the buds that have been pollinated so you can still have sensi on part/most of the plant.

Unless you have some burning desire to produce seeds, I'd chuck the male.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
From what I can see I agree with Ninja - looks like a dude. I believe you have at least a couple weeks from the time you see the pollen sacks til they have viable pollen but definitely get him out of the tent until you are certain. If you are going to keep him around to harvest pollen, be real careful - pollen is easily airborne! You cannot get seeds directly from the male. In order to have your girl(s) make seeds you have to collect the pollen then carefully dust the pollen on the pistils of one or more buds of a female. Once pollinated, the girls will produce seeds on the buds that have been pollinated so you can still have sensi on part/most of the plant.

Unless you have some burning desire to produce seeds, I'd chuck the male.
Yep I think Ninja's right.

Thanks for the tips.

Gonna get it off my property let a friend keep it till it's ready to give up pollen.

Then I want to pollinate a couple of buds on an Indica to get a Sativa/Indica mix.


Active Member
Sounds like a plan! Maybe make you feel better - just moved five plants from regular seeds into flower this week and early signs indicate at least three and likely four males!


Well-Known Member
Cool thread. Sub'd. look like you have good help on here with Ninja, I'm pretty new, but he seems to be on target with his posts. Keep tokin' bongsmilie