

I flipped my plants from veg to flower 1 week ago. I am running an ebb and flow system. I went out of town and my pump went out and my plants now may be dead. They are still green, somewhat, but completely wilted, droopy, and crispy. I got the pump running again and have started flooding again. I hand watered when I found them, but they don't seem to be getting any better, worse actually. I'm not sure how long they were without water. They are in the large hugo rockwool blocks under 2 1000 watt lights. I've left the light cycle alone, on 12 and 12.

I really think they may be gonners.

Is there anything I can do to try to recessitate them? Anything special I can run in the res? Currently I left my normal 'aggressive flower' nutrient mix that I put in the res when I flipped them from veg to flower.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would just continue to run the norm schedule that u have. ive ran mine dry a few times, they just get a little droopy and they pop right back. sounds like urs have been dry for long time. but just run ur regular watering plan, dont over water cuz thats still possible. some of the plants will prob die but there might be a few survivors. Good luck and make sure u post what happens, they will be in shock for a few days even after u start watering so it will be only then that u willl see what u have to work with.
p.s. mine were so dry it killed off there entire root complex and after i starting rewatering them, they grew the complex right back double the original size


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry to hear about your grow. That is the enherit hazzard with Hydro that a mechaical failer can wipe you put. I would switch back to veg its only been a week, run just water in your tank and use a micro beneficial then wait and see. You should be able to tell within a few days if they will come back or not. If you save the plants and they look like they will make it then you can worry about what to do next.


Thanks all. It's a hard thing to lose a crop. I went to my local shop and showed them pics and they said, probably gonners, but continue to water at a reduced ppm on the same light schedule and wait a few days. A couple of plants look seriously dead, but the top flowers on some of them look good, contrary to what the rest of the plant looked like. I'll wait and see and post back how this turns out.

Lesson Learned: If the res runs too low and the pump runs dry or some percentage of dry, the pump may stop working. I let my res get too low, which actually isn't that low given my reservoir / plant tray sizes. And you really need to have eyes on them every day. Damn.


Active Member
There probly all gana die. Once a leaf gets crispy dont plan on it ever healing again, One thing that blew me away reading ur first mesege was u have 2 1000 watt lamps? Dam lolz u better put some sun tan lotion on ur plants. There not the best to use and if ur plants were out of water these lights could take a tole on them. Untill they get better u should make sure there a good ways from the plant so the heat wont b an issue. Also take all the nutes from the water. Always seems to help when it gets a good flush after sumten happens.


Sparkafire, thanks for your post. Your idea to take them back to a veg cycle and run ph-balanced water made sense to me. To be honest, it was a tough decision because I could see the benefits of leaving them on the same flower cycle to not introduce anything new to them in their weak state, but I can also see how nice it would be to take them back to veg and try to nurse them back to strength in the next 2-3 weeks if I have that opportunity. So I'm back on veg cycle and running water. If they start to look better this week, I'll introduce a moderate level of nutes to get them growing again. I think a couple of plants may have bit the dust, but many seem to have small signs of life in the top most small flowers. The analagy I used with my wife is that in flower stage we ask our plants to run a marathon and our plants have pneumonia. I want to get the plants healthy again before they begin the race. Anyway, thanks. I'll let you know what happens.


Good thread guys. Small steps will facilitate a speedy recovery. Be patient and remember, you are dealing with a weed. best of luck.