
well there aint much else u can do, just skipa few waterings. one or two times aint gunna hurt it
well there aint much else u can do, just skipa few waterings. one or two times aint gunna hurt it

pretty much what he said. it's the long term oversaturation that's going to give you a problem. some people actually have watering techniques that involve purposely drowning their plants. check out riddleme's thread. >>
i've been tinkering with his make it rain technique and i'm noticing a difference. theres lots of interesting ideas on the subject.
The make it rain technique isn,t new just a new name . Its called flushing which people have always done . Make it rain is just a new twist.
put em in the sun and put a fan on em

and if you have lots of holes in the bucket then over watering doesnt even matter really
Remember to not pull a stoner move and put them outside "unprotected" lol I did that once and had a spider mite infestation instantly =[ Note why I said window sill
Good luck
i like to mix in perlite with my soil. that way the soil will always drain well even if i over saturate the soil when watering.
Only water when the soil needs it. Stick your finger in 3-4". If its dry, water. If its moist, wait.
Nope I meant 3" to 4" you have atleast a 10" deep pot I hope. Why would you only check less than the first inch? I grow outdoor in a garden. I take a handfull of soil to check.
i would not stick my finger 4" into the root system of my plant. why the fuck would i go digging into my root structure letting in light and doing damage just to see if it is dry. that is not very smart. why dont you just pull the plant up by the stem and look under it thats just as smart.
It's impossible to overwater, in just one watering. If your soil stays wet for too long, and it ends up negatively effecting your plants, that's a totally different problem. It means that your medium isn't acceptable, and needs perlite added asap, so that drainage if improved.
i would not stick my finger 4" into the root system of my plant. why the fuck would i go digging into my root structure letting in light and doing damage just to see if it is dry. that is not very smart. why dont you just pull the plant up by the stem and look under it thats just as smart.

Do you think Im digging in next to the stalk lol.... No I test in a discreet corner of the garden or if in a pot off to the side. Show a little common sense.