Help with the smell


Well-Known Member
no you were asking about some sock filter, i thought you were asking about the one from foothill filters....

but now im thinking you are referring to an odorsok? mmmm, no i havent used one, but i've heard mixed reviews. some shit about being able to work in high humidities...but why would we have high humidity in the first place.

supposedly you dry them and it renews or some shit.

but with that freshmaker you can wash it and air dry it every month and it can be used for a minute!


New Member
I have some high humidity problems at times but only if I dont open the doors. I prob need to get some better ventlation but I have just never need it. I never had much of a smell problem, but until recently I only grew bag seed. The new strains stronger. It was the odorsock I was talking about!


Well-Known Member
yea... i figured, that damn

well.... to be honest, i think the best carbon filter, very well may be mountain Air filters...

i think they use those things in hospitals and shit like that....

they are expensive, but you can find a good deal on ebay. they're also refillable