Help with spider

Your Cuban rum looks good, too bad you didn't have a Cohiba Behike to pair it with.

BTW: I thought Cuban products were still illegal in the USA....hope the FBI doesn't come knocking on your door
Havana Club is made in Cuba and Puerto Rico, the bottle I have is from Puerto Rico. But I'm locking the gate in case the revenuers come visiting. Thanks for the heads up.
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Your Cuban rum looks good, too bad you didn't have a Cohiba Behike to pair it with.

BTW: I thought Cuban products were still illegal in the USA....hope the FBI doesn't come knocking on your door

You can get them in the Islands and Canada...Bringing small amounts back. Generally get the turn of the head at boarder checks....I mean, coming back from the Bahamas or crossing the US Can. boarder by car...They really don't care much....Had an agent actually pick up a whole box of Cuban Parataga's last year, and look under it and put it back..... Not the first time I've carried back a whole box - opened and some smoked of course..

I should mention here that when you get off a plane from the islands - especially Jamaica and Puerto Rico. They (BP and DEA) bring a dog on to the plane and it sniff's seats..


Because if you even simply handled Cannabis in the last 24 hrs. The dog will key on the seat and they have a seating list. Those seats the dog keys on....Get pulled for a hand check ,and you stand right there while they do it and ask questions as they do...

NO SHIT! I've been pulled more times then I like but, never bring back real naughty things either.. I've gotten the same guy at Detroit Metro airport so often, that he knows me by name. He told me about the dog and key islands that they watch returning citizens from closely. Knows where I've been, how long I was there, where I stayed.... He's actually nice about the whole thing now. He simply looks at the Xrays of my luggage and takes a peek at the carry on and say's "See you next time." He's one of the guy's that let's the cigars pass too.

I've told him I get high there. Just to smart to try and bring any drug back with me...
By The Way.. If you have perscriptions that are coated pills. Put them in your carry on. If you don't. They can burst from them being in the non-pressurized hold....Makes a mess in your pill bottle... Only carry enough for your stay and 2 extra days worth....IN their own prescribed bottles!
Been on planes .....many times.......with a q of hash my mouth......anything comes on top and I would swallow it (always in 2 bits)......although I've never had to...done it at least 5 more like 6 times.......but this has been mostly to Spain once to Cyprus and once to Turkey although I ended up smoking their stuff in Turkey..........I think America would be a diff story..........although ........Americans told me in not allowed in their country.....
You can get them in the Islands and Canada...Bringing small amounts back. Generally get the turn of the head at boarder checks....I mean, coming back from the Bahamas or crossing the US Can. boarder by car...They really don't care much....Had an agent actually pick up a whole box of Cuban Parataga's last year, and look under it and put it back..... Not the first time I've carried back a whole box - opened and some smoked of course..

I should mention here that when you get off a plane from the islands - especially Jamaica and Puerto Rico. They (BP and DEA) bring a dog on to the plane and it sniff's seats..


Because if you even simply handled Cannabis in the last 24 hrs. The dog will key on the seat and they have a seating list. Those seats the dog keys on....Get pulled for a hand check ,and you stand right there while they do it and ask questions as they do...

NO SHIT! I've been pulled more times then I like but, never bring back real naughty things either.. I've gotten the same guy at Detroit Metro airport so often, that he knows me by name. He told me about the dog and key islands that they watch returning citizens from closely. Knows where I've been, how long I was there, where I stayed.... He's actually nice about the whole thing now. He simply looks at the Xrays of my luggage and takes a peek at the carry on and say's "See you next time." He's one of the guy's that let's the cigars pass too.

I've told him I get high there. Just to smart to try and bring any drug back with me...
By The Way.. If you have perscriptions that are coated pills. Put them in your carry on. If you don't. They can burst from them being in the non-pressurized hold....Makes a mess in your pill bottle... Only carry enough for your stay and 2 extra days worth....IN their own prescribed bottles!

Yeah, we get to legally buy Cuban products here in Canada....I've been to Cuba three times, so have a few cigars in my humi

I came home from Spain with an ounce of hash in my crotch....they had a fucking dog sniffing people, but by fluke my suitcase came down the conveyor belt just in time for me exit before the dog & cop came my way



and some Cuban rum of course
Yeah, we get to legally buy Cuban products here in Canada....I've been to Cuba three times, so have a few cigars in my humi

I came home from Spain with an ounce of hash in my crotch....they had a fucking dog sniffing people, but by fluke my suitcase came down the conveyor belt just in time for me exit before the dog & cop came my way

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and some Cuban rum of course
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Been to Cuba on Canadian and Bahamian passports... I return to the US from those with the US passport... Never had the balls to use the US passport to go to Cuba..... Been told the FBI gets interested in you, if you re-enter the US with a Cuban stamp in your US PP book.

Romeo's, Upman's, La Gloria's etc. Some nice smokes there ISK...Some nice Rum's too!

I got family in Aurora (cousin's wife has been the mayor - we grew up playing with matchbox's and Dinky toy's. If you remember Dinky toys, your old like me,lol) Toronto, Sarnia, London, Windsor, Sudbury, Kingston, Hamilton, and Batchawana bay... The Bay family has a fly-in hunting and fishing lodge and cabins... We retire there, every year for a family reunion. The men in the family attend a yearly fishing trip....One uncle was the Head of the OPP and went on to head the RCMP... Loved the guy! The bulk are all farmers - runs deep in our blood..
Been to Cuba on Canadian and Bahamian passports... I return to the US from those with the US passport... Never had the balls to use the US passport to go to Cuba..... Been told the FBI gets interested in you, if you re-enter the US with a Cuban stamp in your US PP book.

Romeo's, Upman's, La Gloria's etc. Some nice smokes there ISK...Some nice Rum's too!

I got family in Aurora (cousin's wife has been the mayor - we grew up playing with matchbox's and Dinky toy's. If you remember Dinky toys, your old like me,lol) Toronto, Sarnia, London, Windsor, Sudbury, Kingston, Hamilton, and Batchawana bay... The Bay family has a fly-in hunting and fishing lodge and cabins... We retire there, every year for a family reunion. The men in the family attend a yearly fishing trip....One uncle was the Head of the OPP and went on to head the RCMP... Loved the guy! The bulk are all farmers - runs deep in our blood..
thanks Dr Who.....I few of those rum bottles are not Cuban, but all my cigars are Cuban....funny thing is I quit smoking them 5 years ago.....I ought to sell them off one day.

BTW: Cuba nevers stamps any passport, they only stamp a removable paper insert, then take it back when you exit, with a fee of 15 convertible pesos

The dogs at the Denver airport are only sniffing for explosives, at least on outbound flights. They don't pay me any attention and I'm usually baked and carrying. No idea if they sniff for drugs on inbound customs.
thanks Dr Who.....I few of those rum bottles are not Cuban, but all my cigars are Cuban....funny thing is I quit smoking them 5 years ago.....I ought to sell them off one day.

BTW: Cuba nevers stamps any passport, they only stamp a removable paper insert, then take it back when you exit, with a fee of 15 convertible pesos

Very nice humidor! I should visit! Lol
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The dogs at the Denver airport are only sniffing for explosives, at least on outbound flights. They don't pay me any attention and I'm usually baked and carrying. No idea if they sniff for drugs on inbound customs.
Same with London Heathrow airport....I arrived with hash on me, the dogs ignored me, as I'm sure they were only trained to smell explosives
thanks Dr Who.....I few of those rum bottles are not Cuban, but all my cigars are Cuban....funny thing is I quit smoking them 5 years ago.....I ought to sell them off one day.

BTW: Cuba nevers stamps any passport, they only stamp a removable paper insert, then take it back when you exit, with a fee of 15 convertible pesos

Hunh, haven't been in some years..Last time was like 28 or more, years ago.. Did tours of the cigar factories, tobacco plantations, and spoke with tobacaleros.

They used to.....Friend went and came back with a stamp in his US book... Created a fuss at Emigration station. Got a visit by the FBI a week or so later...."Why were you traveling to Cuba? What did you do there? Who did you meet? Travel to Cuba is banned, do not go back. We'll be watching you." Basically..... I got about the same treatment at the time, when I came back from Nicaragua. Same thing, visiting cigar factories and their tobacco plantations...This was research for a magazine story.... Nicaragua is open, and has been for quite awhile now.. Nice place too! Most of the tobacaleros in Nic. are rather good looking girls! At least they were then..:mrgreen: ;-) ;-)

You say they take it back? Costs money? Maybe that's it...You paid for that - Being a nor Americano and all....still, How interesting...

I just get my Puro's in Canada....Less drama....and travel costs...8-)