Spider Farmer Light Failing

I purchased a Spider Farmer G8600 LED light directly from the company 2 months ago. I noticed that the led strip detached from one of the bars and is separating

I emailed Spider Farmer and they told me to get some adhesive and see if i could fix it. I would have to pull the strip completely off, and I don't want to do this to a brand new expensive ass light. Should Spider Farmer figure out a resolution?20240529_134152.jpg20240529_134148.jpg20240529_134141.jpg20240529_134129.jpg
Yes, they definatly should take care of it.

If you'd be confident fixing that, you could ask for a giftcard or w/e.
If not, just let them swap/fix that for you.
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So I work in an inventing shop for 3d modelling and I would take a thin hard plastic card and cover one side in adhesive and slip it in the open slot rubbing it on as you Slide out and press the strip back. Good luck I almost bought one of these

bit if they are replacing it then nm!